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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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So, we've nearly got a train and a log flume, and we already have a roller coaster.

We still need:


whack-a-mole (rat)

bumper carts

shooting gallery


indian teepees/campground

mining hats (retexture the construction fire hats, or make from scratch?)

pickaxes (as weapons & static- it always irked me that the PC would bother to wield a shovel yet ignore perfectly good pickaxes)

bow and arrow (static, at least- they could be part of static or animatronic indians for the rides, but we probably won't have them as weapons)

tomahawk- the link I provided should give us that

indian headresses/clothing- if only for the scenic stuff, maybe as souvenirs?

dynamite plunger thingy (assuming it isn't already in game)

water tower (again, if it isn't in game, but it needs to be authentic looking- think wood)

bank counter/cell thing- needs to be protected

saloon pieces- bar, tables, upstairs inn, stage, anything else?

western style piano

post office stuff- mailbags, etc

entertainers- dancers, singers, etc. on stage (animatronic/robot or something else), or is it empty?

general store- modified, scratch built, or vanilla?



casino chips


aluminum bat

new SS variants

new weapons, for general store


anything else? I feel like I'm forgetting something...

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I can model



-dynamite plunger thingy (static or indepent plunger and box?)

-bow and arrow (static)

(cotinue to work on log flume car)


just as a start

Edited by Flaarg
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Great, this is really coming along. Not sure what else I can do right now, aside from wild speculation wrt the story. I'm not sure how we can handle the plot w/o a thread, are any of you interested in this? I already have a few quest concepts that I sent to Devin, I don't want to get into it here, so...

EDIT: I was thinking static for the plunger thing, but now that you mention it, I think we could use a working one. :yes:

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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i can make it a 2 part model, T handle and plunger rod, then plunger box with wire nodes, not sure what to use for scaling it though before i send to devin for texturing


could have this done in like and about 2 hours or so

Edited by Flaarg
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OK finished up the retexture on the security protectrons. So now we have 3 models. I didn't put hats or boots or anything on the security models since they probably don't deal with the public. But they are easy to throw on if we want to. It's based off the army units. I think I'll take out the chrome from the arms and legs though, looks too clean. And problem put a logo on them. Here are some pics;






casino chips


aluminum bat

new SS variants

new weapons, for general store


anything else? I feel like I'm forgetting something...


Sure we could have android entertainers. It might be interesting to have line of gorgeous android burlesque dancers throwing the player around the room.


I'd like to wait on the postcards until the park is done, that way I'll take actual screenshots of the park at sunset and add them to the in game postcards. No problem on most of the re-textures. For example; the chips will just be retextured normal nifs ussing the bottlecap texture, t-shirts I'll just throw a emblem on etc.


I want to put a unique yellow fire ax made out of cosmic metal (from dead money, we don't need the mod for it) called O'l yeller. It too will have the logo.


I can model



-dynamite plunger thingy (static or indepent plunger and box?)

-bow and arrow (static)

(cotinue to work on log flume car)


just as a start


Good deal, but hold on the pickaxes I believe they are already in the game. I have a mod that lets me throw them. I wonder if anyone made any bow and arrow animations. It would be kind of cool to wrap a bundle of dynamite around an arrow and fire it into the forts gate. That'd give the bots something to think about.


In other news I think we will soon have a working system for merging esp's, (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/313956-managing-a-mod-with-multiple-authors/) so I suppose we can begin actual work in the geck.


Should I just open up the project page, because we need some way to exchange files easily? We can just stress in the description that this is currently a alpha project and is not ready for play. Then when we discuss spoilers on this thread we can just use the spoiler tag, since I don't think I want to waste time putting up a private forum (never done it don't know how long it will take.


Or we can just keep working the way we have in this forum and exchange files via email keeping the working files away form the public until they are at least in beta shape.


I'v downloaded several public domain fiddle, banjo etc instrumentals for our private sunset radio station. Would anyone like to work on some sunset sarsaparilla commercials and news?


Do we want the arcade to have a laser tag section with hologram opponents?


OK I suppose I'll start on the sentry bots, then androids. I'd also like to upload a pic of a buffalo brahmin and see what you guys think (descendants of actual buffalo, that were stocked in the southern part of the park, not the cyborg big game hunting bots). If the buffalo brahmin looks good I can make a huge white one as a boss creature (cyborg) in the northern part park hunting grounds.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Just one question. is the sewers going to lead away the radioactive wast form the reactor/brain computer? and where is it going to lead to? Edited by kagstrom2100
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Looks good, devin. I'm guessing that the red and yellow models are security, am I right? As for the other two, are they the "android" models?

@kagstrom- I'm not entirely sure, but my impression is that the sewers are the entrance into the valley, i.e. the landslide cut off the above ground route, & the radiation in the sewers deterred most (if not all) potential scavengers. SO, I would think that it goes all the way from the reactor (not the mainframe) to the edge of the valley.

Why not combine the solar panel idea? the solar array could be an external structure, i.e. outside the valley (or in the mountains above it) but accessible to the outside. THe arrays would be fenced off and defended by turrets and/or robots, as well as being quite remote. The sewers could have an entrance within the array complex, probably through a manhole on the ground rather than a substation.

Actually, given how much thought I've put into this, I think I'll get started on the array & associated sewer entrance, however, I've never modded external structures (terrain) as all of my work wrt level design in GECK has been for bunker type stuff. Even so, I'll give it a shot.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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