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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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OK I'm up and awake.


kagstrom2100 & TrooperScooperMKII; The location is that radioactive pool near Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch. I'll attach some pics (gotta delete a few first the board doesn't let you keep many pics up :(


Hmmm the forum won't let me attach a screenshot of the pool. I guess I'll have to try again later. kagstrom2100 & TrooperScooperMKII let me know when you'v seen the pic and I'll delete it and put up the pool.


kagstrom2100; But to answer your question one end of the sewers attaches to the park sub-level (looks mostly like a typical vault) and the other end attaches to the radioactive pool in the northwest of the Mojave.


TrooperScooperMKII; I'll reply to the pm here in a bit,


TrooperScooperMKII; the solid yellow protectrons ones are security like in this pic http://http//newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=10724, the ones with the cowboy hats and boots are vendors, non-lethal crowd control, ticket takers etc. ie anything not armed. Those aren't the androids, the androids will look like humans but will be missing patches of skin where you can see metal & electronics underneath. The red protectron won't be used (unless we need one to stand out), I just made it in case.


TrooperScooperMKII; I think I'd prefer multiple PM threads to email, as far as keeping everyone updated on the plotline. Although we can also use spoiler tags if you want.


TrooperScooperMKII; as far as the locataion for the solar array I'd reccomend against it since we have a reactor for the park and a smaller reactor for the bunker. The array would end up taking up space in the valley and would definitely clash with the western theme. But how about this as an alternate, since you seem to really like the idea. Lets put them up on the cliffs where you can't see them from down inside the valley. It will be back up energy if the main reactor goes down. We can make a service tunnel/shaft hatch somewhere in the valley lead to the array and you can have sentry bots defending it (since it's a high priority target).


TrooperScooperMKII; re: as far as the park entrance in the geck you just use the door in the sewer as a activator and tick the teleport box. So it will go sewer grate in radio active pool->sewers->hatch to sublevel->sublevel->hatch to park proper, or staircase/elevator.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I don't need mountains for the solar panels, they could go anywhere, really. Is that where the entrance to the valley is? I think that the solar panels would be near the road leading to the valley, but not within sight, i.e. off in the distance. Also, it would make sense for the sewer to pass under the gas station (actually, that could be where the Player emerges from the sewers- wouldn't be fair for him/her to go all the way to the park underground) and have a side branch leading to the campground. Basically anywhere that the guests would be in droves (mine, park proper, gas station, camp ground) would have sewers for plumbing & general maintenance.

EDIT: actually, why don't I make the whole exterior part of the park, including the entrance to the valley? It would be in the same vicinity as the solar array, and I don't think that it would be worth the hassle to combine the two piecemeal.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Yeah, that looks about right, but then, the only (dynamite) plungers I've seen are in cartoons, so...

I think we can hold off on the animatronic stuff (cowboys, indians, dancers, etc.) as they are "fluff" stuff, i.e. low on priority. Once I'm done with the exterior of the park, then I'll start working on the mine's interior. Kagstrom, what do you ahve so far? I think that the undergound/sewer stuff should be in two parts- the stuff under the actual park, including the reactor, armory et al al & the runoff tunnel that the PC uses to enter the park. The latter should be fairly linear, filled with radiation, and link b/w the solar arrays and the gas station, whereas the former is part of the park itself, and will be an integral part of the final questline stages.

As to the mine, the tunnel pieces I d/l from the link I gave would be perfect, but I'm not sure about the mine carts- if anything, they would be static scenery. Still, there's plenty of time to think about it.

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I don't need mountains for the solar panels, they could go anywhere, really. Is that where the entrance to the valley is? I think that the solar panels would be near the road leading to the valley, but not within sight, i.e. off in the distance. Also, it would make sense for the sewer to pass under the gas station (actually, that could be where the Player emerges from the sewers- wouldn't be fair for him/her to go all the way to the park underground) and have a side branch leading to the campground. Basically anywhere that the guests would be in droves (mine, park proper, gas station, camp ground) would have sewers for plumbing & general maintenance.

EDIT: actually, why don't I make the whole exterior part of the park, including the entrance to the valley? It would be in the same vicinity as the solar array, and I don't think that it would be worth the hassle to combine the two piecemeal.


Why have sewers in an exterior world? wouldn't it be much better to have it in exterior?


- devinpatterson so as i understand it when you come to the pool you will get a msg saying something something and you can choose to travel to the park. If you choose to travel you are teleported in to the sewers and there is where the mod start ? and another question who is going to make the sewer? me or TrooperScooperMKII ?

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Kagstrom, what do you ahve so far? I think that the undergound/sewer stuff should be in two parts- the stuff under the actual park, including the reactor, armory et al al & the runoff tunnel that the PC uses to enter the park.


I have some of the vault done but it not going to be a mini mini- vault it going to be more like a medium vault if everything is gona fit.

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sorry, I should have been more specific.

From what I gathered, the road leading to the park is blocked off by a landslide. This is why it has not been discovered/claimed by anyone. The only entrance to the park is through the runoff tunnel- which is heavily irradiated, discouraging the casual prospector from going all the way through, and preventing the weaker tribals from leaving. My idea was to have the entrance to the runoff tunnel be within a solar array complex, and the exit (inside the park) be in front of/inside of the gas station on the current park map. I also feel that the tunnel should be blocked off from the main reactor, for gameplay reasons- if the PC could traverse the whole tunnel all the way to the park, it would ruin a lot of the story, i.e. making it too easy to get inside.

Again, this was just my idea, based off of my interpretation of Devin's posts.

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So I'v been cruising around in the geck looking for good buildings. So far I havn't found what I had envisioned for a southwestern town. Most of the wood buildings have scavenged sheet metal roofs and look cobbled together, unfortunately. So I'm going to keep looking.


But I put together a little idea in case we can't find anything better. It's based off of jacobstown architecture, so it's more of northwest style (log cabin). It has more of a resort type setting, maybe akin something you'd find at Lake Tahoe. I'll link to two pics. It's not what I'd like to do, but it could still fit in the area (since it's getting into the cold country at that location, at least in the higher elevations


The other thing is we may have to consider is having stone buildings. It's still authentic to the western period (we have some around locally that are historic sites, a hotel), but doesn't capture the wooden hollywood western town I think we all had in mind. Still, it's early and maybe I'll find better stuff.


If anyone see's some good buildings in game take a note of where they are so I can copy them. We are looking (south)western architecture and the buildings should all match in style.


Here are the pics. Weird how the pic code doesn't allow them and gives me a "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board." go figure :wallbash: Anyway;




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I was looking at the ranch area in the GECK. Am I right in assuming that the valley entrance is that road blocked off by the cars? In that case, it would make sense to have the solar array near it, preferably adjacent to the edge of the map's corner. Given that, I think that the solar array should be on the Jacobstown side of the corner, i.e. south of the valley entrance, near Ruby Hill Mine (or whatever that mine along the Jacobstown road is called). Actually, given how little traffic there is along that road, it would be quite plausible that no one would have bothered to scrounge the solar arrays- any group capable of getting through the gate & turrets wouldn't waste their time on a small solar array station, and would be unlikely to be on that road to begin with.
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- devinpatterson so as i understand it when you come to the pool you will get a msg saying something something and you can choose to travel to the park. If you choose to travel you are teleported in to the sewers and there is where the mod start ? and another question who is going to make the sewer? me or TrooperScooperMKII ?


Yes that sounds good. You can have an activator trigger in front of the grate in which case the pop up text will give you a choice to open it, or you can use a door ref wich will show the name of the interior cell when you look at the grate. I'm thinking one of the big sewer tunnels with the grate in front, but thats not set in stone if you want something else.



sorry, I should have been more specific.

From what I gathered, the road leading to the park is blocked off by a landslide. This is why it has not been discovered/claimed by anyone. The only entrance to the park is through the runoff tunnel- which is heavily irradiated, discouraging the casual prospector from going all the way through, and preventing the weaker tribals from leaving. My idea was to have the entrance to the runoff tunnel be within a solar array complex, and the exit (inside the park) be in front of/inside of the gas station on the current park map. I also feel that the tunnel should be blocked off from the main reactor, for gameplay reasons- if the PC could traverse the whole tunnel all the way to the park, it would ruin a lot of the story, i.e. making it too easy to get inside.

Again, this was just my idea, based off of my interpretation of Devin's posts.


How about instead of the solar array connecting to the sewer tunnel you have it connect to a maintenance shaft & tunnel, then the maintenance tunnel would connect to the sewers? The difference may seem subtle, but it has some advantages. It would allow you to place the array in a higher elevated spot for catching rays, while sewers always run downhill being gravity fed. It also seperates it further from the reactor coolant sewage/dump system. If you want the maintenance tunnel to exit in the gas station that seems like a reasonable location and makes sense from a technical point of view.



I was looking at the ranch area in the GECK. Am I right in assuming that the valley entrance is that road blocked off by the cars? In that case, it would make sense to have the solar array near it, preferably adjacent to the edge of the map's corner. Given that, I think that the solar array should be on the Jacobstown side of the corner, i.e. south of the valley entrance, near Ruby Hill Mine (or whatever that mine along the Jacobstown road is called). Actually, given how little traffic there is along that road, it would be quite plausible that no one would have bothered to scrounge the solar arrays- any group capable of getting through the gate & turrets wouldn't waste their time on a small solar array station, and would be unlikely to be on that road to begin with.


Silverpeak mine I think. Yeah that looks like a good spot, far enough up to be isolated. That could even be a 2nd entry into the park (via a service hatch) if we want one. I'm putting up a pic of the pond with the vehicles, where the sewer drained to. Note this wasn't the original drain (no wants raw sewage pouring across a road) it's what happed from the seismic upheavals.

Edited by devinpatterson
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