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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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sorry, I should have been more specific.

From what I gathered, the road leading to the park is blocked off by a landslide. This is why it has not been discovered/claimed by anyone. The only entrance to the park is through the runoff tunnel- which is heavily irradiated, discouraging the casual prospector from going all the way through, and preventing the weaker tribals from leaving. My idea was to have the entrance to the runoff tunnel be within a solar array complex, and the exit (inside the park) be in front of/inside of the gas station on the current park map. I also feel that the tunnel should be blocked off from the main reactor, for gameplay reasons- if the PC could traverse the whole tunnel all the way to the park, it would ruin a lot of the story, i.e. making it too easy to get inside.

Again, this was just my idea, based off of my interpretation of Devin's posts.

Thanx for explaining a little better :)

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- devinpatterson so as i understand it when you come to the pool you will get a msg saying something something and you can choose to travel to the park. If you choose to travel you are teleported in to the sewers and there is where the mod start ? and another question who is going to make the sewer? me or TrooperScooperMKII ?


Yes that sounds good. You can have an activator trigger in front of the grate in which case the pop up text will give you a choice to open it, or you can use a door ref wich will show the name of the interior cell when you look at the grate. I'm thinking one of the big sewer tunnels with the grate in front, but thats not set in stone if you want something else.



sorry, I should have been more specific.

From what I gathered, the road leading to the park is blocked off by a landslide. This is why it has not been discovered/claimed by anyone. The only entrance to the park is through the runoff tunnel- which is heavily irradiated, discouraging the casual prospector from going all the way through, and preventing the weaker tribals from leaving. My idea was to have the entrance to the runoff tunnel be within a solar array complex, and the exit (inside the park) be in front of/inside of the gas station on the current park map. I also feel that the tunnel should be blocked off from the main reactor, for gameplay reasons- if the PC could traverse the whole tunnel all the way to the park, it would ruin a lot of the story, i.e. making it too easy to get inside.

Again, this was just my idea, based off of my interpretation of Devin's posts.


How about instead of the solar array connecting to the sewer tunnel you have it connect to a maintenance shaft & tunnel, then the maintenance tunnel would connect to the sewers? The difference may seem subtle, but it has some advantages. It would allow you to place the array in a higher elevated spot for catching rays, while sewers always run downhill being gravity fed. It also seperates it further from the reactor coolant sewage/dump system. If you want the maintenance tunnel to exit in the gas station that seems like a reasonable location and makes sense from a technical point of view.



I was looking at the ranch area in the GECK. Am I right in assuming that the valley entrance is that road blocked off by the cars? In that case, it would make sense to have the solar array near it, preferably adjacent to the edge of the map's corner. Given that, I think that the solar array should be on the Jacobstown side of the corner, i.e. south of the valley entrance, near Ruby Hill Mine (or whatever that mine along the Jacobstown road is called). Actually, given how little traffic there is along that road, it would be quite plausible that no one would have bothered to scrounge the solar arrays- any group capable of getting through the gate & turrets wouldn't waste their time on a small solar array station, and would be unlikely to be on that road to begin with.


Silverpeak mine I think. Yeah that looks like a good spot, far enough up to be isolated. That could even be a 2nd entry into the park (via a service hatch) if we want one. I'm putting up a pic of the pond with the vehicles, where the sewer drained to. Note this wasn't the original drain (no wants raw sewage pouring across a road) it's what happed from the seismic upheavals.



ok, ill try to get stared with the sewer "main" entrance to the park soon.

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Flaarg; the dynamite plunger box is looking good. I havn't figured out how to add a texture block to the nif's yet. It's tough going when I don't know anything about 3D modeling.



I have some of the vault done but it not going to be a mini mini- vault it going to be more like a medium vault if everything is gona fit.


I think we might be confusing terminology. It doesn't really have a full vault more of a sub level for the park. Much like in real life there are subterranean areas under Disney world as well as tunnels connecting them. The are for maintenance and such. Here are some links for reference, inspiration;

http://www.hiddenmickeys.org/WDW/MagicKingdom/Secrets/General/Underground.html. Here's a youtube video, but you have to skip ahead 4 and half minutes before you see any tunnels; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZAmFU63vs. That of course doesn't mean you can't use vault parts/resources, I just wanted to clarify that it's primarily for the park maintenance, employee area etc. not for protection as per a vault.


The actual vault will be under the sub level, house the mainframe, it's own separate reactor, a real survivalist cache from bronco bill (ie serious heavy duty weapons, food, etc to survive a nuclear holocost). It will most likely be a much more modest size, made to only house a few people (don't see bronco bill shelling out $645 billion, the price for vault 13) and protect the most vital components (ie mainframe, mini-reactor).


But in re: to the sub level if you'll forgive me qouting a previous post;

The park sub level would look mostly just like the typical vault. There should be the stuff you would see for instance in the sub levels of disneyland or disney world. Tunnels for maintenance, employee break rooms, possibly employee quarters (iff on that one), definitely employee offices, A main office/command center (much like a overseers office), bathroom(s), machine shop, robot storage, an armory, and anything else that would be needed for the employees, security and maintaining the park. Re: the armory I have some special non-lethal weapons to include in the armory (tasers, lasers that use the blue impacts set for tesla, but do fatigue damage), plus you should have typical employee items (10mm pistols, riot gear), and bot ammunition (5mm, missles, & energy cells).

Edited by devinpatterson
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Kagstrom, by the sewer main entrance, do you mean the gas station tunnel thing, or the sublevels of the park? For future reference, let's call the entrance tunnel/sewer the "sewers" and the reactor/park sublevels the "basement" to keep things clear.

EDIT: just to be clear, I'm going to work on the exterior AND interior of the solar arrays. I also would like to work with the service shaft thing that devin suggested as an intermediary b/w the arrays and the sewers. Kagstrom, are you going to work on the sewer system or the basement levels first?

EDIT 2: Just occured to me, Devin, when you said that the maintenance tunnel would connect to the sewers, do you want the sewers to also connect to the gas station? My thought was to have the maintenance tunnel lead to a different part of the sewer system, i.e. an earlier stage, but the pool level should have its own disadvantages- it should be flooded and have heavy radiation, maybe even some mirelurks/other creatures. The maintenance tunnel would give access to an intact part of the sewers, giving a slower but safer (once you get past the security) route into the park. Again, I think the reactor tunnel should terminate (for the player- it could appear to continue on to the reactor but blocked off by a grate so the PC can't get in the park that way)

at the gas station.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Kagstrom, by the sewer main entrance, do you mean the gas station tunnel thing, or the sublevels of the park? For future reference, let's call the entrance tunnel/sewer the "sewers" and the reactor/park sublevels the "basement" to keep things clear.

EDIT: just to be clear, I'm going to work on the exterior AND interior of the solar arrays. I also would like to work with the service shaft thing that devin suggested as an intermediary b/w the arrays and the sewers. Kagstrom, are you going to work on the sewer system or the basement levels first?


ok, i'm gona work on the Sewers and the mini-vault starting with the mini-vault

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log flume car v1 should be ready by monday, dynamite plunger is done (i think, might try and add wires rigged to a dynamite bundle probly for v2), static bow and arrows might take some time (i know it sounds simple, but a nicely curved and accurately shaped bow is difficult), also going to take the pickaxe from the game and make a 1 handed "prospector pick" based off it.


Also working on a 3 shovel models (in off time) the "Special Forces shovel" (model completed), "Short handled shovel", "Entrenching tool/shovel"

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I got think i got the basic mini-vault done do you wan't me to upload the project file?


here is a pic of it : http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/7102/vaultp.jpg


1: Chef office


2: Personal room


3: Weapon room


4: Main entrance


5: Restrooms


6: Security office


7:Cafeteria ( can't really see )


Now you are allowed to chance any of the room you don't feel is right ;)

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Kagstrom, by the sewer main entrance, do you mean the gas station tunnel thing, or the sublevels of the park? For future reference, let's call the entrance tunnel/sewer the "sewers" and the reactor/park sublevels the "basement" to keep things clear.

Sure I'll tag mine as basement/sublevel to help avoid confusion. And the sewer system should reference from the grate outside, through the sewer system up to but not including the maintaince tunnels. yeah I think that will help make things a little clearer.


EDIT 2: Just occured to me, Devin, when you said that the maintenance tunnel would connect to the sewers, do you want the sewers to also connect to the gas station? My thought was to have the maintenance tunnel lead to a different part of the sewer system, i.e. an earlier stage, but the pool level should have its own disadvantages- it should be flooded and have heavy radiation, maybe even some mirelurks/other creatures. The maintenance tunnel would give access to an intact part of the sewers, giving a slower but safer (once you get past the security) route into the park. Again, I think the reactor tunnel should terminate (for the player- it could appear to continue on to the reactor but blocked off by a grate so the PC can't get in the park that way)

at the gas station.


I agree with you and think the other way is better, ie. maintenance tunnels connect the solar array with the gas station. I don't really see any pressing need to connect the gas station or solar array to the sewers per say, but maybe you have something in mind for them that requires them to be connected?


I think we could get away with a sewer system connected to the park (because you would want runoff water to have some exit without pooling in the valley & creating stagnant/fetid water.) with a big grate and that would be the minimum. Then have maintenance tunnels that can connect the basement/sublevel to the gas station, solar array etc in what ever order you guys would like. If you want to keep it simple, and this would be my preference, you can have the solar array have a shaft that connects back to the bottom of the valley with a hatch and not have the gas station hooked up to any tunnel system. But I'll go along with whatever is the consensus.



ok, i'm gona work on the Sewers and the mini-vault starting with the mini-vault


It might be a better idea to work on the sewers and hold off for a while on the mini-vault. The mini-vault will be the grand finale, where the s*it hits the fan so to speak. We don't know how big it is for instance and some of the plotlines are still being figured out for it;



we may have the tribals chosen one a prisoner down there, we may have some special security systems, some crazy survivalist junk, a protectron wiht a brain, etc.



But your more than welcome to work on the basement/sublevel. That's much like a vault with the guidlines I'd posted above. Oh and we'll need a detention area for unruly customers in the basement/sublevel. Not to be mistaken with the jail in the park propper.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Since were actually designing levels there is a few plot points that will determine how some parts of the levels look. I'm going to put them under a spoiler tag since knowing them for a player would reveal too much.



Are there any surviving employee descendent's in the park?



I'm gonna upload a pic of the spoiler tag too, because I couldn't find it in my toolbar for the editor :(





log flume car v1 should be ready by monday, dynamite plunger is done (i think, might try and add wires rigged to a dynamite bundle probly for v2), static bow and arrows might take some time (i know it sounds simple, but a nicely curved and accurately shaped bow is difficult), also going to take the pickaxe from the game and make a 1 handed "prospector pick" based off it.


Also working on a 3 shovel models (in off time) the "Special Forces shovel" (model completed), "Short handled shovel", "Entrenching tool/shovel"


You sir, are a modeling machine, good job. I know we havn't figured out how to add a texture block to hook the dss's on to, but assuming we do. Would it be possible in theory, to model some old west buildings? Or would thet be a nightmare?



I got think i got the basic mini-vault done do you wan't me to upload the project file?


Looks good, we can make the detention/holding cell in the security center. Just a suggestion though to avoid confusion you may want to use the term basement or sub-level so as not to confuse the level your working on with the end quest (mini-vault).


EDIT: Pic removed in a fruitless attemp to reagin some upload qouta.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Kagstrom, by the sewer main entrance, do you mean the gas station tunnel thing, or the sublevels of the park? For future reference, let's call the entrance tunnel/sewer the "sewers" and the reactor/park sublevels the "basement" to keep things clear.

Sure I'll tag mine as basement/sublevel to help avoid confusion. And the sewer system should reference from the grate outside, through the sewer system up to but not including the maintaince tunnels. yeah I think that will help make things a little clearer.


EDIT 2: Just occured to me, Devin, when you said that the maintenance tunnel would connect to the sewers, do you want the sewers to also connect to the gas station? My thought was to have the maintenance tunnel lead to a different part of the sewer system, i.e. an earlier stage, but the pool level should have its own disadvantages- it should be flooded and have heavy radiation, maybe even some mirelurks/other creatures. The maintenance tunnel would give access to an intact part of the sewers, giving a slower but safer (once you get past the security) route into the park. Again, I think the reactor tunnel should terminate (for the player- it could appear to continue on to the reactor but blocked off by a grate so the PC can't get in the park that way)

at the gas station.


I agree with you and think the other way is better, ie. maintenance tunnels connect the solar array with the gas station. I don't really see any pressing need to connect the gas station or solar array to the sewers per say, but maybe you have something in mind for them that requires them to be connected?


I think we could get away with a sewer system connected to the park (because you would want runoff water to have some exit without pooling in the valley & creating stagnant/fetid water.) with a big grate and that would be the minimum. Then have maintenance tunnels that can connect the basement/sublevel to the gas station, solar array etc in what ever order you guys would like. If you want to keep it simple, and this would be my preference, you can have the solar array have a shaft that connects back to the bottom of the valley with a hatch and not have the gas station hooked up to any tunnel system. But I'll go along with whatever is the consensus.



ok, i'm gona work on the Sewers and the mini-vault starting with the mini-vault


It might be a better idea to work on the sewers and hold off for a while on the mini-vault. The mini-vault will be the grand finale, where the s*it hits the fan so to speak. We don't know how big it is for instance and some of the plotlines are still being figured out for it;



we may have the tribals chosen one a prisoner down there, we may have some special security systems, some crazy survivalist junk, a protectron wiht a brain, etc.



But your more than welcome to work on the basement/sublevel. That's much like a vault with the guidlines I'd posted above. Oh and we'll need a detention area for unruly customers in the basement/sublevel. Not to be mistaken with the jail in the park propper.



ok, sorry for the misunderstanding ill make a new with a main way and build my way from there,

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