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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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When I suggested the gas station, I meant that the PC should first emerge there from the sewers/maintenance tunnel/whatever upon entering. So, all roads lead to the gas station. the gas station is near the campground and far away from the actual park; it would be "tribal territory" which would be a great way to introduce the whole questline. After all, the PC isn't going to waltz into the mainframe's office right after entering the park.

So, what I see is this:


Option 1: Slow and Steady

1 the PC breaks into the Solar array, disposing of the security, and enters the maintenance shaft

2 the maintenance shaft, also guarded by turrets or whatever, leads to an intact part of the sewers

3 this sewer section leads to the area beneath the pool, but from a different perspective, i.e. gives access to a ledge or locked door that allows player to bypass the flooded, radioactive, mirelurk infested sewer section below (or perhaps it allows the PC to activate a Protectron/turret grid to dispose of the mirelurks, it could be anything really)

4 the PC follows the sewers to the gas station

5 emerges outside it, and is confronted by tribals who initiate the quest


Option 2: spelunking

1 PC enters sewers via broken section

2 though PC starts out farther along in the sewers, the quick and dirty route is much more hazardous

3 as above, follow the tunnel to the gas station, meet up with tribals

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ok, sorry for the misunderstanding ill make a new with a main way and build my way from there,


No need to make a new level Kagstrom2100, your doing well and that's a good level, I'm just suggesting you use the term basement or sublevel so that we don't have confusion among the levels. Keep up the good work

Edited by devinpatterson
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log flume car v1 should be ready by monday, dynamite plunger is done (i think, might try and add wires rigged to a dynamite bundle probly for v2), static bow and arrows might take some time (i know it sounds simple, but a nicely curved and accurately shaped bow is difficult), also going to take the pickaxe from the game and make a 1 handed "prospector pick" based off it.


Also working on a 3 shovel models (in off time) the "Special Forces shovel" (model completed), "Short handled shovel", "Entrenching tool/shovel"


You sir, are a modeling machine, good job. I know we havn't figured out how to add a texture block to hook the dss's on to, but assuming we do. Would it be possible in theory, to model some old west buildings? Or would thet be a nightmare?


Nightmare yes, impossible no, time consuming is the best way to discribe it, lots of independent obecjects (i.e. pillers, horse rails, chimneys, ect), but I sir am a trooper, and will start to compile a folder of the afore mentioned independent obecjects and try to get a production line going.

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I've found a promising stretch of land just downhill of Silver Peak. It's just up the mountain road from the puddle thing, ris realtively flat, and right next to the road. Still, I'll need to edit the height map. I'm a fast learner and I've used height map editing tools before (Battelfront 2, Sims 3, and a handful of in-game editors for sim games) but I'd welcome any pointers.
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ok, sorry for the misunderstanding ill make a new with a main way and build my way from there,


No need to make a new level Kagstrom2100, your doing well and that's a good level, I'm just suggesting you use the term basement or sublevel so that we don't have confusion among the levels. Keep up the good work


ok, so ill connect this to a main ( the main line goes to other smaller rooms and hallway like my mini-vault ) or it that a good idea?

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Not sure how much it will help, but here are a few reference images:





general store


this is a site I found, should give you a general overview:

SOme Pointers

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When I suggested the gas station, I meant that the PC should first emerge there from the sewers/maintenance tunnel/whatever upon entering. So, all roads lead to the gas station. the gas station is near the campground and far away from the actual park; it would be "tribal territory" which would be a great way to introduce the whole questline. After all, the PC isn't going to waltz into the mainframe's office right after entering the park.


Or an simplified version could be to have the sewer exit (park side) just emerge in the west end of the valley. That would be very similar in effect to what your suggesting, the player pops up in tribal land far away from the park. I'll attach a litlte pic, this is the orientation the world map uses, more or less. The T is tribal (gas station is near the tribals), P park, black line is sewer line, the little black circle a sewer grate. the stuff to the far right are the pond, road (gray) and game boarder (red). So I guess it should actually be called more of a drainage/runoff since it's not delivering raw sewage, but instead runn off water from valley floor & the reactor.


Id just put the solar array closer to the park where it needs the power. And if you want it (solar array) to be an access point for a stealth entry make a maintaince tunnel somewhere in the array that connects to the basement/sub-level. Unless you have some plans that tie in with the gas station I wouldn't worry about hooking it up to the sewer system or maintance tunnel. We can even do away with the rest of the sewer line after the exit if you want to, see the 2nd pic.




So, what I see is this:


Option 1: Slow and Steady

1 the PC breaks into the Solar array, disposing of the security, and enters the maintenance shaft

2 the maintenance shaft, also guarded by turrets or whatever, leads to an intact part of the sewers

3 this sewer section leads to the area beneath the pool, but from a different perspective, i.e. gives access to a ledge or locked door that allows player to bypass the flooded, radioactive, mirelurk infested sewer section below (or perhaps it allows the PC to activate a Protectron/turret grid to dispose of the mirelurks, it could be anything really)

4 the PC follows the sewers to the gas station

5 emerges outside it, and is confronted by tribals who initiate the quest


I wouldn't worry too much about about different sewer sections that extend under the pond or what have you. I'd just make the array near the park on a cliff and put a mainance tunnel in there that connects to the basement/sub-level.



We can have some notes the tribals chosen one left behind saying that she's discovered (on the networks floorplans) that the solar array has a maintaince tunnel to the basement/sub-level.





Option 2: spelunking

1 PC enters sewers via broken section

2 though PC starts out farther along in the sewers, the quick and dirty route is much more hazardous

3 as above, follow the tunnel to the gas station, meet up with tribals


You can have two stealth ways into the basement/sub-level if you want (solar array & sewer), but since you already have other options for park entry ie frontal assault and



being taken captive



you probably don't need two stealth options.

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Awesome, hopefully i can get some base objects down to make it easier on myself, btw as of now the walls/floors/roofs made of wood will have to be made with a single solid or individual planks. I will do a simple building as a test.
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Not sure how much it will help, but here are a few reference images:



Yep that's exactly the kind of town sunset sarsaparilla should have. Wish there was something in the vanilla resources instead of having to model it.



Nightmare yes, impossible no, time consuming is the best way to discribe it, lots of independent obecjects (i.e. pillers, horse rails, chimneys, ect), but I sir am a trooper, and will start to compile a folder of the afore mentioned independent obecjects and try to get a production line going.


Well what do you guys think about putting out a v1.0, then later a 1.1 or 1.2? We could get a basic mod out the door without a lot of new models (use what we have right now) and then if the response is positive make a v1.1 with the new storefronts, etc. I just dont want everyone (especially Flaarg) to put a bunch of time in if people don't appreciate the mod. I think if we use what we have now we could be done sometime between the weekend and next week.


I've found a promising stretch of land just downhill of Silver Peak. It's just up the mountain road from the puddle thing, ris realtively flat, and right next to the road. Still, I'll need to edit the height map. I'm a fast learner and I've used height map editing tools before (Battelfront 2, Sims 3, and a handful of in-game editors for sim games) but I'd welcome any pointers.


Here is a little tutorial I was looking at before I started;



ok, so ill connect this to a main ( the main line goes to other smaller rooms and hallway like my mini-vault ) or it that a good idea?


Sure I don't see why not.


OK guys I'm gonna go running, I'll be back in a couple of hours. If everyone can let me know if you want to go with the stuff we have now (along with some re-textures) and get this puppy out as a beta in the next few days or if we want to wait until we have storefronts and other custom resources done. I vote for getting out the beta then starting on the customs stuff (unless the response from players is lame and they do not recognize our uber genius).

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I've just leveled a plot of land right next to Ruby Hill Mine, for the solar array. As to the maintenance tunnel, I sent a PM with a few ideas. Also, even with the spoiler tags, I think we shouldn't post any of the endgame stuff (or similarly crucial and/or climactic info) here, it's one thing to have a plot point revealed, quite another to spoil the ending.

EDIT: yeah, I was thinking that the sewer would terminate with a grate, to keep the player from going any further. As to the gas station, I chose it b/c it is due south of the campground, which I assumed would be the Tribal HQ, and it seemed a natural location for a sewer/runoff system. I guess that I was thinking of a multipurpose tunnel, i.e. runoff, maintenance, sewage, and/or wiring, but maybe that's too elaborate.

I don't really like linear levels too much, at least, not when they are alone. So, melding my original idea, we could have the runoff tunnel and a maintenance tunnel. The runoff would be the radioactive one at the pool, while the maintenance tunnel would be for the solar array. GIven that, the runoff should lead to the main reactor inside the park, but it may or may not be open, so there could be a substation (water treatment plant? storage tank?) along the way, where the PC emerges.

Alternatively the maintenance tunnel would lead to a power relay station, perhaps a little shack/structure next to/replacing the gas station? It would open in a different location, so different results? Perhaps the runoff sewer leads to an area closer to the park, so the PC is confronted with the mainframe upon entering, whereas the maintenance tunnel causes the PC to run into the tribals first.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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