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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Or should we plant some info at sunset headquarters about the amusment park. Perhaps some plant blueprints that show the runoff system. Maybe a contractor's estimate or something.


I like that idea best having some notes on a computer or something at sunset HQ

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I've been speculating about the saloon.

It could be in the same world space as the exterior, this would make a seamless entry/exit and let music/etc to pass outside. It would also allow us to have gunslingers through windows. The patrons could be NPCs, not sure how we would keep them from being looted. We have all the necessary animations; dancing, gambling and typing from the strip, drinking from the Atomic Wrangler. We definitely need a new piano; I saw a grand piano model here, perhaps we could take the keys off that one and splice it onto a new model?

The "window" in the front should be a hologram/forcefield thing, we could have it be solod most of the time & traversable during the gunfights. As to the door, if it's a swivel door, having the world spaces the same would let the PC see in and out through the gaps. ALso, the door could be automatically closed/opened via script, not sure how else it could be made to look like the classic western door.

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Few more thoughts:

why not move the indian camp to the hunting grounds to the north? The train could also be extended to the north as well. It could terminate at another ride (log flume?) or a smaller outpost (probably not the indian one- they were pretty hostile for the most part, but then, we aren't going for historical accuracy) or simply loop around and come back.

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Ran into a snag- the CL fence won't align when I have it at an angle :wallbash:

I'll have to reangle the whole fence, this may take a while, esp. if the terrain needs to be altered to accomodate it...

EDIT: Just tested it @ 150 degrees... no go. F*** it, I'm putting it back like it was. The fence won't be perfectly aligned, but that's better than having it a good forty degrees off of what it should be.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Ran into a snag- the CL fence won't align when I have it at an angle :wallbash:

I'll have to reangle the whole fence, this may take a while, esp. if the terrain needs to be altered to accomodate it...

EDIT: Just tested it @ 150 degrees... no go. F*** it, I'm putting it back like it was. The fence won't be perfectly aligned, but that's better than having it a good forty degrees off of what it should be.


Hi TrooperScooperMKII, double check to make sure you have snap to angle off, then you should be able to rotate it as precisely as you want

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I can't seem to find a ladder for detail work. It needs to be relatively short:


The ladder goes from the roof/balcony area to the upper roof where the sat dish and solar panels are, to give the impression of a maintenance ladder.

EIDT: Devin, I ALWAYS use snap angle/snap to grid when placing anything other than clutter/junk, and sometimes even then I use it; when you tune it down to 5 degrees or even 1 degree, then it is much more fluid. I generally have STG @ 1 at all times, and I usually have STA at 45 degree increments. WHen I was placing the fence I set it to 5 degree increments. At any rate, I tried with the basic 90 degree angles, and the result was similar... I think that the GECK is rendering the barbed wire differently, i.e. the lower quality meshes don't portray it as accurately as it reall is.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Hey guys if you see any tutorials about adding decals to npc's or reskinning npcs (not a total race wide body replacement) send me a link, the textures used on humans is totally different than the system used for any other creature I'v re-textured and I don't understand how to work with it.


Do we wan't any Secuirtrons, robobrains etc. Perhaps a Securitron for your idea TrooperScooperMKII with the



bots with personalities




Few more thoughts:

why not move the indian camp to the hunting grounds to the north? The train could also be extended to the north as well. It could terminate at another ride (log flume?) or a smaller outpost (probably not the indian one- they were pretty hostile for the most part, but then, we aren't going for historical accuracy) or simply loop around and come back.


Ummm I don't mind it the way it is now, but if you have a plotline that ties into the change or feel stongly about it we can shuffle them around


I've been speculating about the saloon.

It could be in the same world space as the exterior, this would make a seamless entry/exit and let music/etc to pass outside. It would also allow us to have gunslingers through windows. The patrons could be NPCs, not sure how we would keep them from being looted. We have all the necessary animations; dancing, gambling and typing from the strip, drinking from the Atomic Wrangler. We definitely need a new piano; I saw a grand piano model here, perhaps we could take the keys off that one and splice it onto a new model?

The "window" in the front should be a hologram/forcefield thing, we could have it be solod most of the time & traversable during the gunfights. As to the door, if it's a swivel door, having the world spaces the same would let the PC see in and out through the gaps. ALso, the door could be automatically closed/opened via script, not sure how else it could be made to look like the classic western door.


I'd wait a little while before implementing this, simply because the exteriors are still in question. By far the western models are prefered, but I can't for the life of me get a texture block (that works) on the nifs I'v converted from Flaarg's model. So to get the beta out we may have to go with the northern log cabing stuff I'd posted earlier :(

Edited by devinpatterson
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WRT the saloon:

Yeah, this was more of a final release idea, but it would be wise to keep the end in mind when making the model, i.e. the saloon should accomodate everything inside. As to the train/indian thing, I feel that it would make more sense from a park perspective and would add to the atmosphere (the train in particular- most western towns are along train routes, not at the end, and what could be more western than an iron horse passing through a wide open plain "where the buffalo roam")

Having the indian village there would make it remote (no scavengers) while still free of the park, so it could be a "safe" spot for the PC regardless of who (s)he sides with.


here's a pic of the texture problem I've been having:


Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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