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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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I'm almost finished with the sewers, just can't figure out how to get the radioactivity in there :(


Hi Kagstrom2100, it's a radiation marker. RadiationMarker and after you drop it you can set the radius & radiation (mostly you see between 1-3, but I'm sure there are much higher. It's under world objects->static. But easier to just use the filter on all.


Oh if you could put a locker with some rad suits near both entrances that would be great. The locker should probably have a pretty tough lock. Hard or very hard. Probably make them advanced rad suits (like 40% or more).

Edited by devinpatterson
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So i need to know how many buildings to model, so i can get started on monday (log flume car model is done).


*started a 2 story "L" shaped building.


Yeah we need to all decide what buildings to include for the 1st beta. For now I guess we should leave out the arcade (it' would be the most fun to do, but also the most complicated) for now. Lets see we need the saloon, general store, jail, what else is easy and will add to the atmosphere?

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I'm almost finished with the sewers, just can't figure out how to get the radioactivity in there :(


Hi Kagstrom2100, it's a radiation marker. RadiationMarker and after you drop it you can set the radius & radiation (mostly you see between 1-3, but I'm sure there are much higher. It's under world objects->static. But easier to just use the filter on all.


Oh if you could put a locker with some rad suits near both entrances that would be great. The locker should probably have a pretty tough lock. Hard or very hard. Probably make them advanced rad suits (like 40% or more).


Found it, Thanx :) but was do you won't the radiation lvl's to be? and i have put 1 storage at etch entrances with 3 advanced rad suits. BTW how is it working out with the private forum for us?

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So i need to know how many buildings to model, so i can get started on monday (log flume car model is done).


*started a 2 story "L" shaped building.


Yeah we need to all decide what buildings to include for the 1st beta. For now I guess we should leave out the arcade (it' would be the most fun to do, but also the most complicated) for now. Lets see we need the saloon, general store, jail, what else is easy and will add to the atmosphere?


Maybe a smaller church for the town/village

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Found it, Thanx :) but was do you won't the radiation lvl's to be? and i have put 1 storage at etch entrances with 3 advanced rad suits. BTW how is it working out with the private forum for us?


You know I'm not completely sure yet, I was thinking we might need to play test it a little and see. I was thinking of adding some info to the documents in sunset head quarters (the ones that trigger the quest). It could be a damage report on the reactor runoff and some contractor bids to fix it. But in the details would be a info on where the emergency code is for the rad suit lockers and also including some rad away. Then I can try to balance the radiation with how many rad away's to put in the locker.





I was also thinking of making a scripted event when exiting the grating. It would have the player fall unconscious from the radiation and awake surrounded by the tribals. Having barely survived the radiation. That is part of why I want to balance it so that the player is sick, but not dead when exiting the grate. Then part of the quest would be finding an alternate exit from the park without having to brave the grate again. That could be a good plot hook for the solar array. Once into the basement/sub-level a maintainance tunnel could lead to the solar array and potentially exit the valley on the wasteland side. Once found the solar array could be the new entrance/exit for the player. We would still have wasteland side of the SA hidden (collapsed rock slide or something) to explain why it was never found.




What do you guys think?

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I carved out a really nice valley in the mountinside right next to the irradiated pond. It's big about 3 cells long and relatively flat. It turned out much better than I expected. But when I took a look in game I had these weird walls at what look like the boarders of the cells. I suspect it has something to do with the LOD (level of detail), but I'm going to see what people say in the mod talk forum. I'd really, really like to have it in the wasteland worldspace, without having to resort to our own worldspace, but on the other hand I don't want to have to build new LOD if it's going to tack on a 100mb or something crazy.


It's particularly frustrating because I feel like if we can get the valley started we could have a teaser beta out in a few days :wallbash:


Here are some links to the effect;




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Put up a pic of a concept for the androids. I'm using a circuit board for their exposed internals. Not sure if that would be best or bare metal.




Unfortunately I havn't found a way to put anything on their face (doesn't use a texture I can access), which is a shame because having one side of the skull blown away and some machinery and red eye showing would be awesome.

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Found it, Thanx :) but was do you won't the radiation lvl's to be? and i have put 1 storage at etch entrances with 3 advanced rad suits. BTW how is it working out with the private forum for us?


You know I'm not completely sure yet, I was thinking we might need to play test it a little and see. I was thinking of adding some info to the documents in sunset head quarters (the ones that trigger the quest). It could be a damage report on the reactor runoff and some contractor bids to fix it. But in the details would be a info on where the emergency code is for the rad suit lockers and also including some rad away. Then I can try to balance the radiation with how many rad away's to put in the locker.





I was also thinking of making a scripted event when exiting the grating. It would have the player fall unconscious from the radiation and awake surrounded by the tribals. Having barely survived the radiation. That is part of why I want to balance it so that the player is sick, but not dead when exiting the grate. Then part of the quest would be finding an alternate exit from the park without having to brave the grate again. That could be a good plot hook for the solar array. Once into the basement/sub-level a maintainance tunnel could lead to the solar array and potentially exit the valley on the wasteland side. Once found the solar array could be the new entrance/exit for the player. We would still have wasteland side of the SA hidden (collapsed rock slide or something) to explain why it was never found.




What do you guys think?


ok, got some another problem. The radiation markers is made so that the closer you get to them the more radiation you get :( . And do you mean that you can put the radiation makers out?

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ok, got some another problem. The radiation markers is made so that the closer you get to them the more radiation you get :( . And do you mean that you can put the radiation makers out?


Sure I can do that, no worries. Lets just set it at 1 and we can adjust it later.


So I found this little utility called fnvplugin that allows you to merge mods. I tried it with a little mod and it worked well. It doesn't require you to jump through any of the hoops fnvedit does and is pretty quick. So if you'd like to send over the levels I'll merge into the main esp. Thank you sir

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