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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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What about making the tribals a cult a la Children of the Atom? The question is why no one has claimed the park as their own... I think that the location is critical. The NCR would probably have annexed it if it was to the west or northwest (Reno/Carson City are NCR territory) & Caesar's legion would have absorbed the tribes if they were to the southeast (Arizona desert is Ceasar land) so the north/northeast would be the likely location. Are there any major theme parks in that area? Think about where RL amusement parks are; the only ones I know of are about a ten/twenty minute drive away from major population centers, so I'm guessing that the park would be close to a population/transportation hub but still "out there" somewhat.
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What about making the tribals a cult a la Children of the Atom? The question is why no one has claimed the park as their own... I think that the location is critical. The NCR would probably have annexed it if it was to the west or northwest (Reno/Carson City are NCR territory) & Caesar's legion would have absorbed the tribes if they were to the southeast (Arizona desert is Ceasar land) so the north/northeast would be the likely location. Are there any major theme parks in that area? Think about where RL amusement parks are; the only ones I know of are about a ten/twenty minute drive away from major population centers, so I'm guessing that the park would be close to a population/transportation hub but still "out there" somewhat.


Yeah isolation would be key, in re: to outside powers, but also for the behavior of the tribals. If they'r separated long enough from society you can get some strange behaviors, look at cargo cults in the real world. But I'm not so sure they would be a cult per se, since the park really does house a being of (in comparison to them) enormous power that is central to their life. Plus they would have other strikes against them (inbred, very little in the way of resources etc) that puts them at the mercy of the mainframe. So a religious atmosphere in re: to the computer? Definitely, but based on facts (ie the power balance).


The inbred part may be important the story as well. Since it's time for the mainframe to replace part of it's organic processor and the player has a unique one sitting on his shoulders that has knowledge of the outside world and is assumed to be healthy, ingenious and creative. As well as a wealth of experiences & sensation that the mainframe craves.



You make some excellent points about outside powers (caeser, ncr) But the resulting seismic events (from the nukes or otherwise) should be enough to physically seperate the park in the past and most likely I'll just throw it in a otherwise inaccessible mountain area with a map marker. I thought about a reactor accident or just another seismic event revealing some water cooling service tunnels into the park (I assume they use h20 to cool they'r reactors like we do, and lots of it) as an entrance. And I'm not too sure if it will be 100% closed up tight or if a person or two from each generation was able to escape. I do think though the tunnels are a good plot device since they can be heavily irradiated and a tribal probably couldn't survive the journey through (since they don't have radaway/X), but a player could.


Maybe part of the endgame is to end the tribals isolation?


Also have to figure out if the original owner was in the park when the nukes fell. If he was did he reign supreme over the customers that were trapped, for year? Or did he die right away? Did the mainframe kill him, or is he part of the mainframe right now?


Thank you for the feedback TrooperScooperMKII. I'm finishing up a am rifle texture and a rideable creatures mod, but hope to get to Sunsets WWWW soon and your questions/comments help me to work though some of the back story.



I think another interesting facet of the whole storyline is the venture capatilist that funded the park. We know that the fallout world had individuals with huge fortunes. Being the owner of sunset sarsaparilla and having a (not unfounded...apparently) paranoid/xenophobic fear of the chinese and war like most of the population, makes for interesting story lines. I think a personal vault-tec under the park bunker isn't out of the question, along with a survivalist point of view that means he probably stocked it pretty full of guns/ammo/food etc. And since the owner is a collector there will be a museum of valuable historic (western era) weapons (currently in use by the androids).

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So if bombs fell and caused quakes/seismic activity and sealed off the mountain pass or vally, wouldn't the customers that were outside in the park either be vaporized or turned into ghouls......


Wouldn't it seem more plausible if the tribals where the employees from a small bunker (for the park employees), and when they left the bunker they find the park was sealed shut and then so on with story........

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So if bombs fell and caused quakes/seismic activity and sealed off the mountain pass or vally, wouldn't the customers that were outside in the park either be vaporized or turned into ghouls......


Wouldn't it seem more plausible if the tribals where the employees from a small bunker (for the park employees), and when they left the bunker they find the park was sealed shut and then so on with story........


You make some really good points and it's true the seismic event is a little tricky. I'm kind of going out on a limb here, because I'm hypothesizing the bombs caused some sort of powerfull tremor or full earthquake from a **distance**. I guess that would imply a fault line somewhere, but since I don't know anything about thermonuclear warfare I'm kinda winging it.


I'd like for there to be two grops of people. The park people (former employees, now deceased.....except for one) and the tribals (former customers that survived the fallout).


I'm assuming the mainframe in it's dementia/paranoia killed of the employees in a grab for power (well the mainframe would see it as self-defense). Clues left behind from the employees will probably be essential in de-activating (assuming you decide to kill it) the mainframe. You will be able to piece together their last ditch heroic attempt to kill it.


The tribals would be a relatively small group (the population would have been reduced to a number sustainable by the valleys resources (and most would have died in the in the first couple of weeks anyway). Probably severally inbred (except for they'r savior child, who is a genetic throwback and highly intelligent. Also the reason the mainframe wants him/her) and mutated, they are dependent on the park in some form or another (food etc). They will be the people your trying to save if you take that plot line. At the end of the mod is a moral dilemma. The courier and the tribes hero/heroin will have to decide if the tribals could even survive contact with the outside world, or would it be best to continue to let them live in isolation as they slowly die off.


There probably would have been a internal struggle between employees re: weather or not to let the customers back in after the nukes. Some would believe there wouldn't be any way hundreds of people could all live there, other employees wouldn't be able to just stand by and let the customers die outside the gates as the first radioactive fallout began to drift slowly down on the evening snow (or of starvation, not sure yet if the valley would be irradiated. If it was it would have had to be relatively light) .


The park owner would have course be instrumental in the struggle. And I assume at this point the mainframe hasn't gone batshit crazy yet. I'v pegged him as the ultimate alpha dog. A self-made type that believes you have to take the things you want in business and life, with very little room for charity/compassion.


I want to make a fair sized valley with long line of rusted hulks of cars leading out to where the exit would have been before the earthquake/landslide (?) etc. The image of this rusty line of cars snaking through the valley just as the sun is rising over the mountain line would be an iconic representation of the fallout world. So I don't want the bombs to hit too close, but I do need some plot device that closes off the valley. Weather it is physical (seismic even) or being surrounded by radioactive areas (the valley spared because of some unique wind patterns), or ????


Thank you very much for the feedback, it helped me to crystalize the plot in my mind as I was typing out this response.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Your welcome with the feed back always glad to give input.


Just a thought about where you could put SSWWWW (look for the red)


To gain access to your new vally there is this cool mod that gets rid of invisible barriers (i.e. borders) that might be helpful with SSWWWW



Like i said just a thought

Edited by Flaarg
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I just thought of something. Why not have Sunset Sarsaparilla be some sort of "distribution device" for the military, i.e. having it doped with an experimental FEV strain, or an immunization against "Seditious THought" by killing off some independent thought processes? Then the park could be a part of that, to attract more "subjects" for the program.
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Hi again, I have been trying to start the project for a wile now but no luck, the problem is that after i have made a new world map i wan't to generate the ground ( or LOD as it is called ) but when i do that G.E.C.K stop responding :(
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Hi Flaarg; I recently got permission to port over Illyism (the first mount should be done in a before the end of next week) so I had access to yao guai mount which is much, much faster then running (but not as fast as the motorcycle, love that mod) and can go up really steep inclines (like 55 or 60 degrees).


So I spent over an hour running around the uncharted sections of new vegas. I wasn't able to find a perfect spot although the location you suggested and an area northwest of Jacobstown came the closest. It's tough to find a valley with a flat floor, very sheer sides and only 1 entrance in. But even the ones that were close looked like way too much work to edit.


I did learn a few things though. There doesn't appear to be any limit to the distance you can travel. I went WELL off the map to the east, quite a ways. To the east threre is a pretty huge plain and it is more or less surrounded by mountain ranges. There are two groups of mountains that I visited that would be perfectly suited for a fantasy/medieval fortress or citadel. They'r pretty freak'n huge.

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Hi again, I have been trying to start the project for a wile now but no luck, the problem is that after i have made a new world map i wan't to generate the ground ( or LOD as it is called ) but when i do that G.E.C.K stop responding :(


Hi Kagstrom2100, I'v been looking at tutorials for world creation and they say the geck is really, really, buggy for it. But LOD is actually level of detail and that's one thing we don't have to worry about much inside a steep canyon (ie you can't see past the canyon walls).


So last night after spending over an hour galloping around the uncharted world spaces I just started a new world space myself. I dropped all the assets from primm in there (because I wanted the roller coaster, street and parking lot). But I havn't put anything else in yet. It is, so far, working out pretty well.


If your creating your own worldspace for a different project take a look at this page;



If you working on the Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World I can start a page on nexus and put the esp there for you. I havn't put up the cliff walls from the valley yet though.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I just thought of something. Why not have Sunset Sarsaparilla be some sort of "distribution device" for the military, i.e. having it doped with an experimental FEV strain, or an immunization against "Seditious THought" by killing off some independent thought processes? Then the park could be a part of that, to attract more "subjects" for the program.


Hi TrooperScooperMKII; Could you expand on that concept?


Initially I dismissed your idea because I pictured the owner of sunset being much like Andrew Ryan from bioshock, but on a much, much smaller scale. But his personality would be similar and this park is sort of his own little world with it's vault tec built underground and what have you. But your concept has possibilities. I'm especially interested in what you mean by "distribution device" for the military.

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