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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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i found this site called internet archive which is legal and everything its a great site if u wana get anymore songs, tho 57 should be enough


Hi Rubyfire1, thanks again for the songs. I'v only listened to about 9 or 10, but the first one is *very* vegas and don't fence me in is a good one too. So I think we'll come out with some decent tunes.

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With the securitrons, I think it would be better to use Victor's face.


Thanks for the suggestion Skiethrunner, but we actually have Sunset Sam in mind as the face of the secruitrons. He's an older cowboy with a 10 gallon hat and a huge white handlebar mustache. He's also the sunset radio station AI, but like victor he can jump from securitron to securitron and protectron to protectron (possibly other bots).

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OK going to see if I can't get the showcase mod out. Im thinking between a half dozen and a dozen encounters. I'v listed some ideas in post #294 and in addition I have a few more ideas. We'll take a few days to submit what you'd like to see from the ideas and models discussed in this thread and then we'll put the most popular ones into a preview esp.


This is some ideas in additon to post 294;

Texas Teddy mascott production line (kill many a teddy).

A stampede in a box canyon. You have to navigate a box canyon at night if you wake/disturb any of the bramhin they stampede in your direction resulting in a stream of brahmin. It's mostly a small stealth mission, or a slaughter/combat mission depending on your gaming style.

Robco factory in the outskirts NW of the strip. Much like the robco factory in FO3 but with some sunset clues, info and a few sunset bots that were ready to ship when the bombs fell. The plants defense/security systems are still online.

A rideable creatures segment with buttercup pony

A damaged reactor with giant glowing mushrooms inside and glowing tumbleweeds outside. Within the core itself are ghouls in trauma suits. A prisoner of the trama suits, your mission is to save them or release them (disable the suits or kill the ghouls).

Eye in the sky segment. You have to navigate the villa during the dark avoiding the em warfare eyebots hovering in the skye. If you not a stealthy type than this will be a sniping segment or you end up fighting a lot of bots. For stealth characters you must avoid the glow of the laser beams the eyes in the sky sweep around the villa using the natural cover of teh buildings. If your in one of the beams for more than a second or two the eyebot sees you, sounds an alarm for re-inforcements and begins combat with it's laser. Still working out how best to do the beams on this one.


So post more small levels/encounters and we'll get a preview/showcase up and running for people to enjoy.

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Tonight I'm going to start working on a Robco factory northwest of the strip. It will be the very first chapter in the SSWWW story. It will have the protectron II's, some modified protectron I's (that were being prepared to ship to the park), and a lot of background info on SSWWW as well as the info required to enter the park via the sewer. I'd like you guys to send me info on what to include.


I'm thinking something like a very fancy lobby that really reflects Mr Houses business. Basically it's a larger (because it's not a branch but the main facility) version of hte fallout 3 RobCo Facility, but the layout will be similar. So it will have the older models, possibly a tour etc. It will have protectrons (I & II) in 1950's clothes (suit and hat) as friendly customer service agents (once you get past the automated defenses). It will also have elements from the Repconn headquarters like the Mobile facial recognition scanners. There will be sunset vending machines and some sunset promotional items as gifts for Robco exec's help in the park venture.


Could possibly have a ghoulified exec that's brain is basicly gone, but he/she isn't feral yet. Just rambles on about earnings reports spreadsheets etc and complains that the last 200 years has been a real slump in sales. Or perhaps an office protectron fits that bill better.


This is going to be a fair sized mod, but much smaller than the prequel and will let us get out something quick, show off the versatility of the protectrons (and mister handy, among others) plus plant the seeds of the upcoming SSWWW adventure.


Anyway send me ideas, I'd like to start putting it together tonight.


EDIT: I think maybe I'll just have one of the giant freeway segments on top of it, burying it. I'll make a dosier in the lucky 38 penthouse that has a file on the sunset venture. It will also have a keycard or some other info on how to get in. That way we avoid the problem of why it hasn't been looted (the player is the first person in the lucky 38 for centuries) and the massive chunk of freeway collapsing probably convinced Mr. House there was no point in trying to salvage operations.

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Good news, removed gibs from the mark II protectrons, this was by far the biggest problem with them.

Still need to do their attire, but I don't think that will be a big hassle, I'm guessing most of the protectron I stuff I'v already made will work with a little bit of simple scaling.

I havn't been able to get them to only walk, but I'm hoping to figure it out soon. And I have an idea about extending the ball and socket joint to aleviate the bending in the upper forearm.


Here is a pic;




Here is a quick video;




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