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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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So, what are the exact things needed in the arcade? What types of games, etc.

COuple ideas

a train ride (probably broken, maybe a quest to fix it?)

log flumes? they started as daredevils riding down flumes used for transporting lumber down mountainsides

a mine type ride/attraction (haunted house type thing, or something else?)

rodeo ride? maybe a derby racetrack or something

panning for gold

stagecoach ride

campgrounds (indian villages?)

saloons- food, music, dancing, and the occasional brawl


Great news re: AllanOcelot. There are some custom models I'd really like to do. Some are easy and would be pretty quick. One example is a protectron with the head laser (ie the little white dome) replaced with Rex's brain dome. I'd like to use this to animate a death scene. After the courier dies his body will be laid out on a table with a medical mr handy stepping in front of the camera to block the view while a audio file of a saw plays. Then we cut to another scene where the protectron with the brain dome is standing and slowing feeling his robotic face/head etc. This will be the death scene that plays if the players character has only medium high to low intelligence. The high intelligence death scene will start the same but end up showing a human brain in a tank through a glass porthole, with bubbles floating up through the liquid.


But that doesn't answer your question on a list of unique models. We have plenty of unique weapon models (for the androids, museum and gift shop-which will sell authentic western reproductions) on nexus that most authors will let us use so we are good there. Let me organize my thoughts a little more on what is really essential and get back to you.



Well I think the mine ride & log fume are the most do-able (of the rides). Since we have the mine carts, railroad track & caverns in the vanilla resources. A log fume ride (broken or working) could be made from parts of the primm coaster pretty easy with the ends just submerged in water. And possibly use a coaster with a log mesh (enlarged) over it covering everything except the seats. I like the idea of a haunted mine ride, perhaps with a prospector theme. Grizzled old prospector undead jump up to scare you along the ride. They have their pick axes and glowing eyes etc. Bags of gold nuggets spilled at their feet. Corpses of dead prospectors pinned to the wall with a pickaxe etc.


I think we can use the Khan models for Tepees for the Indian village (campground). Might need a little retexture but that should be easy. Panning for gold should be easy to make (allthough it would be pyrites or some other fake gold), but if it's in the valley & the tribals live there, there probably wouldn't be much that the tribals havn't already gathered and used for jewelry. If it's in the park, and the tribals live in the valley there would be plenty.


I think the train ride is do-able, but a little trickier. If we are talking about a small/miniature train that you sit on top of and ride around we can use most of the full sized boxcars and tracks and just shrink them down (I think you can do this with static nif's since you can do it with creature nif's, but not positive), but we would need a "iron horse" type train engine not a modern one like in the NV resources. The mini train could travel just in the park or through the whole valley . If we are talking about a full sized train that would have to run in the valley along with a train station in the park, but that would be cool too. Maybe both? The engine would be something that we could really use AllanOcelot's skill with.


But I think the rodeo ride & stagecouch would be hard to implement. They would both need new models.



Yeah the saloon is definitely planned, as well as a little hotel, casino etc. Which brings up a good point. Do we want the sunset tribals to live in the park itself journeying back and forth between the park & valley as they wish? Or do we want them to live outside the park in the valley only allowed into the amusement park rarely. It will determine weather the tribals are using ragged, torn sunset clothes and barely making ends meet, or weather they are fairly well taken care of by the park and have nicer stuff as well as an easier life. If they live in the park the weapons in the museum will have to have some heavy guards (maybe a sunset version of a security bot) and the giftshops won't sell weapons (western reproductions), since they mainframe wouldn't want the tribals armed. Although either way the tribals will have some (very old) weapons, since customers would have had handguns (and maybe a few hunting rifles in trunks of their cars) in their cars, what with citizens of the fallout world always worried about Chinese invasion and all. We would also have to put more effort into the hotel since it is actively used/lived in.


I had in mind a miserable existence, where they are rarely let into the park and the mainframe does the minimum possible just to keep them alive and somewhat healthy so he has fresh stock. My thought on this is the owner (and we really need a name for this guy. I couldn't find the name in the sunset page of the vault wiki. But knowing his personality it should be something western like. Slim, stretch, big hauss, broncho bill etc) isn't truly dead (I know kinda a sci-fi cliche). Mortally wounded long ago when some of the employees rebelled & tried to let the customers into the park he had his brain replace the general atomics organic processor in the mainframe. So in short he really hates the tribals with a passion and has no problem using them as resources.


But that's not written in stone either. I could see different ways the storyline could still work with the tribals living in the park. The mainframe could hide his disgust of the tribals and allow them to live in the park in relative luxury while now and then a tribal just "disappears". Then it would be even more of a moral dilemma, since outright killing the mainframe means the ill-prepared tribals will have to exit to the wasteland or try to run the park themselves (without any skills at all).


Some great suggestions TrooperScooperMKII and most all of them something we could do with killing ourselves!

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A few ideas from the peanut gallery:


A saloon would be cool


There should be a classic shooting gallery (finely a use's for BB gun's)


A broken farris wheel that just keeps spinning (ironically there could be bodys stuck sitting in the seats of the wheel)


Bumper cars ?


High striker - You try to ring the bell by striking a platform with a mallet


Whac-A-Mole Rat (this would be fun, popping mole rat heads with a mallet)


Run down hunted house (could be western or a mine)


Defintely a classic shooting gallery I used the example with the ducks but it could be any targets actually. I think they would be kind of easy to make since your making a cutout you simply draw the shape and then give it an inch or so of depth in a blender or something (but I'm just guessing, never tried it).


Whack a mole shouldn't be too hard, and would be fun for the player.


I think bumper cars are do-able if we change the cars to mining carts. I know sounds weird, but if the bumper car ring was made to look like a cavern with a mining theme (like the mine ride) we would have the vanilla resources and could just cut away one side of the cavern and replace it with a handrail/safetey rail so the rink is visible from inside the arcade.


Run down haunted house definitely do-able.


The ferris wheel is a little tougher. Point lookout has the resources but we can't bundle that in our mod. But using FOMM to extract it is pretty easy, so we can make a version of the mod, that has those references in the esp and have the player extract the resources him/herself to his/her data folder. Although most people don't want to go through any extra steps even if they are easy. I like the idea of the dead bodies, and at night have the ferris wheel all lit up like a neon beacon.


I think the high striker would need a new model, so it's, unfortunately, probably not worth trying to implement unless someone can make the model. We could though have that model of the machine at doc martins (the one you use to set your stats) and that could have a similar function. Like a grip machine (maybe even win a few chips if you have some crazy high strength like 10).


Good sugestions. Things are really coming together, with a very rich setting.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Hi again, I have been trying to start the project for a wile now but no luck, the problem is that after i have made a new world map i wan't to generate the ground ( or LOD as it is called ) but when i do that G.E.C.K stop responding :(


Hi Kagstrom2100, I'v been looking at tutorials for world creation and they say the geck is really, really, buggy for it. But LOD is actually level of detail and that's one thing we don't have to worry about much inside a steep canyon (ie you can't see past the canyon walls).


So last night after spending over an hour galloping around the uncharted world spaces I just started a new world space myself. I dropped all the assets from primm in there (because I wanted the roller coaster, street and parking lot). But I havn't put anything else in yet. It is, so far, working out pretty well.


If your creating your own worldspace for a different project take a look at this page;



If you working on the Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World I can start a page on nexus and put the esp there for you. I havn't put up the cliff walls from the valley yet though.


If you cud upload what you have done so far i would be wherry grateful, so i could have a frame to work with :)

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A few ideas from the peanut gallery:


A saloon would be cool


There should be a classic shooting gallery (finely a use's for BB gun's)


A broken farris wheel that just keeps spinning (ironically there could be bodys stuck sitting in the seats of the wheel)


Bumper cars ?


High striker - You try to ring the bell by striking a platform with a mallet


Whac-A-Mole Rat (this would be fun, popping mole rat heads with a mallet)


Run down hunted house (could be western or a mine)


Defintely a classic shooting gallery I used the example with the ducks but it could be any targets actually. I think they would be kind of easy to make since your making a cutout you simply draw the shape and then give it an inch or so of depth in a blender or something (but I'm just guessing, never tried it).


Whack a mole shouldn't be too hard, and would be fun for the player.


I think bumper cars are do-able if we change the cars to mining carts. I know sounds weird, but if the bumper car ring was made to look like a cavern with a mining theme (like the mine ride) we would have the vanilla resources and could just cut away one side of the cavern and replace it with a handrail/safetey rail so the rink is visible from inside the arcade.


Run down haunted house definitely do-able.


The ferris wheel is a little tougher. Point lookout has the resources but we can't bundle that in our mod. But using FOMM to extract it is pretty easy, so we can make a version of the mod, that has those references in the esp and have the player extract the resources him/herself to his/her data folder. Although most people don't want to go through any extra steps even if they are easy. I like the idea of the dead bodies, and at night have the ferris wheel all lit up like a neon beacon.


I think the high striker would need a new model, so it's, unfortunately, probably not worth trying to implement unless someone can make the model. We could though have that model of the machine at doc martins (the one you use to set your stats) and that could have a similar function. Like a grip machine (maybe even win a few chips if you have some crazy high strength like 10).


Good sugestions. Things are really coming together, with a very rich setting.


Yes it's really :) i think that there wound be a small vault be Vault tec ( not the big door kind ) a small one where a small scale of survivors have been trapped by the crazy computer brain. Tell me if you like the idea if you do i can get right on it :) and we also need some voices at least 1 for the computer brain

Edited by kagstrom2100
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If you cud upload what you have done so far i would be wherry grateful, so i could have a frame to work with :)


Will do, but I think it will be tomorrow night since I'm going to be swamped tonight. So far I just have some basic stuff; the primm assets (rollercoaster, etc) a few retextures (protectrons some clothes etc), a few things from the sunset factory (the 50 star booth, the giant bottle from out front) and a open world. I havn't started the valley yet since we don't know how big the park is going to be. But I'll throw it up tomorrow night for everyone and start a SSWWW project page.

Edited by devinpatterson
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If you cud upload what you have done so far i would be wherry grateful, so i could have a frame to work with :)


Will do, but I think it will be tomorrow night since I'm going to be swamped tonight. So far I just have some basic stuff; the primm assets (rollercoaster, etc) a few retextures (protectrons some clothes etc), a few things from the sunset factory (the 50 star booth, the giant bottle from out front) and a open world. I havn't started the valley yet since we don't know how big the park is going to be. But I'll throw it up tomorrow night for everyone and start a SSWWW project page.



ok, do so :)

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I would suggest drawing out a rough map of the park before putting any serious effort into the GECK. At this stage, the entire park is still a vague conception, and it will be a lot easier to modify a line drawing than a GECK level.

EDIT: It would be good to have a definitiive list of the rides/attractions as well. So far, here's what I see:


Narrow Gauge Western RR (multiple stations or just one? I thnk there should be at least three, i.e. one in the town, one up by the mines, one by the log flume)

Log Flume (out in the "wild" i.e. the nearby mountains adjacent to the park, could have a logging village nearby)

Haunted Mine (again, up in the mountains)

Gold Panning (near a river, probably downhill of the mine)

Whack-a-Mole (Rat)- could go anywhere, probably in the town, as a "pest control" thing

Indian Campground (should be somewhere level and relatively remote, maybe in the forests up in the mountains or on a bluff overlooking the park?)

Shooting Gallery- could be integrated into one of the town's buildings

Casino (could be part of the saloon)

Saloon (complete with bar and dance/entertainer stage- think cabaret)

post office- should probably be near a RR station, or even a part of it (could be where the post cards are sold, maybe even a mojave express drop box)

general store (main gift shop)

Bank (another gift shop? a good place for the PC to swap tokens/chips for goodies or vice versa)

jail/sheriff's office (jailbreak? bounty hunting quest?)

inn/tavern (again, could be part of the saloon, i.e. have the rooms on the upper floor)


anything else?

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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I like having a subtle mainframe, and the implicit moral quandary. You could have the quest started by a tribal looking for a relative/friend that disappeared.


Well it does have some advantages;

You'd have a longer mod, it wouldn't be just run and gun, that would come near the end. You can have a richer storyline (clues from dialog could fill in the history of the park, and there would be more mini-quests) and at least one extra plotline will be gathering proof/information on the abduction. We wouldn't have to put as much work into the valley (since the tribals wouldn't live out there, just wander out occasionally). It would also make creating the citizens/customers easier since they will just use sunset gift shop items for attire (so a limited variety of items, mostly souvenir items and sunset emblazoned western wear). The park would be richer, more detailed since the saloon & casino would actually have a night life with real humans. We could have a secondary minor villain that would be the right hand man of the mainframe and act much like a vault overseer.


The disadvantages;

A longer mod means more work. We are going to have to have a lot more dialog which would imply voice work, with many more voices for the citizens instead of just a few robot/computer/android voices. And the comments I mentioned about the extra work in the hotel and in re: to weapons, apply as well as the extra work for people in the casino, saloon etc. But I don't think any of these disadvantages are show stoppers.


We would also need to change the plot line to address small issues like population control (perhaps the food the mainframe provides contains birth control) and big issues like when the owner died. So instead of a customer break in and conflict resulting in the owner dieing (and the brain transplant) right after the bombs fell, he could live until old age got him and then had his brain transplanted into the mainframe.


What I'd like to suggest is a compromise where we work on the simpler version first (since this is a big mod), call it v1 where the tribals are in the valley & the park is closed up tight and then put out a v2 later with the subtle mainframe and customers living inside the park. The reason I think this could work is because using v1 as a building block for v2 would require very little duplication or wasted work. In v1 we would just put a few tepees up & some rag tag band of tribals that tell you about the abduction of the tribals young messiah (ie just be used to direct you quickly to the park where the adventure would begin). The valley itself doesn't have to have much detail or work. Then just about everything we complete in v1 will be a good base for v2.


Oh speaking of plot lines I guess the vault-tec experiment for sunset vault would be (in partnership with general atomics) a test of a organic cpu controlling all overseer duties.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I like having a subtle mainframe, and the implicit moral quandary. You could have the quest started by a tribal looking for a relative/friend that disappeared.


Well it does have some advantages;

You'd have a longer mod, it wouldn't be just run and gun, that would come near the end. You can have a richer storyline (clues from dialog could fill in the history of the park, and there would be more mini-quests) and at least one extra plotline will be gathering proof/information on the abduction to convince the tribals/customers of what is happening. We wouldn't have to put as much work into the valley (since the tribals wouldn't live out there, just wander out occasionally). It would also make creating the citizens/customers easier since they will just use sunset gift shop items for attire (so a limited variety of items, mostly souvenir items and sunset emblazoned western wear). The park would be richer, more detailed since the saloon & casino would actually have a night life with real humans. We could have a secondary minor villain that would be the right hand man of the mainframe and act much like a vault overseer.


The disadvantages;

A longer mod means more work. We are going to have to have a lot more dialog which would imply voice work, with many more voices for the citizens instead of just a few robot/computer/android voices. And the comments I mentioned about the extra work in the hotel and in re: to weapons, apply as well as the extra work for people in the casino, saloon etc. But I don't think any of these disadvantages are show stoppers.


We would also need to change the plot line to address small issues like population control (perhaps the food the mainframe provides contains birth control) and big issues like when the owner died. So instead of a customer break in and conflict resulting in the owner dieing (and the brain transplant) right after the bombs fell, he could live until old age got him and then had his brain transplanted into the mainframe.


What I'd like to suggest is a compromise where we work on the simpler version first (since this is a big mod), call it v1 where the tribals are in the valley & the park is closed up tight and then put out a v2 later with the subtle mainframe and customers living inside the park. The reason I think this could work is because using v1 as a building block for v2 would require very little duplication or wasted work. In v1 we would just put a few tepees up & some rag tag band of tribals that tell you about the abduction of the tribals young messiah (ie just be used to direct you quickly to the park where the adventure would begin). The valley itself doesn't have to have much detail or work. Then just about everything we complete in v1 will be a good base for v2.


Oh speaking of plot lines I guess the vault-tec experiment for sunset vault would be (in partnership with general atomics) a test of a organic cpu controlling all overseer duties.

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