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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Whilst this is completely unrelated to this mod, which I can't wait to be released btw, this made me think of an upgraded Mr. House, with a wheel for legs and other do-dads to keep him alive by either replacing or concealing him, because 200and something years of staring at that ceiling is to much for anyone, he must really want to go for a walk by now

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anytime line on when this might be released?


Well it's too extensive to put out as one complete mod, so were just gonna break it into chapters.


This is what were looking at for the first chapter (it's pretty modest). It involves the following locations;

*Robco headquarters and manufacturing facility, including a R&D floor (that will be very interesting). I have to make a specialized heavy weapons protecton so the players know what they are up against, and I have to make a hologram display of the MKII performing various functions. I'm just guess but I'd say it could be finished by next weekend,

*Sunset HQ Mostly this will just be some extra background info/notes and a couple of deactivated park protectrons, so it's hardly worth mentioning. Won't take any time at all.

*Overpass viper raider camp. Will depend on either finding segments from lonesome road or failing that making collision meshes in blender. No estimate on how long that will take.

*COP-30. companion. Community Operations Protectron. 1st two models almost done (dirty and clean/repaired). Other models can wait (he will have the option in the future to be upgraded to MKII later at the park). Not too sure how long scripting for the companion functions will take.

*Sunset diner, gas station and the gift shop. Located just out side the collapsed park entrance. Should be easy to have these done in a few hours.

*Basic quest and dialog. Not too sure I'v only done one mod with a quest and dialog.

*Side quests and dialog, this involves turning the daughter into a sunset sarsaparilla fangirl, much in the same way Sierra was a Nuka cola fan girl in FO3. Only have a basic sketch, not sure how long it will take or if it will even be implemented.

*Sewers connecting the diner to the park. Optional may be in chp 1 or next chp 2. Shouldn't take long, layout is already done.


So now you know as much as we do. On the low end I'd estimate a week if everything goes well. But this mod is sick with feature creep, blink for a second and it doubles in size. So I'd hate to give any hard date.

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Whilst this is completely unrelated to this mod, which I can't wait to be released btw, this made me think of an upgraded Mr. House, with a wheel for legs and other do-dads to keep him alive by either replacing or concealing him, because 200and something years of staring at that ceiling is to much for anyone, he must really want to go for a walk by now


Yeah or perhaps yank the brain out and put in a securitron. But it'd be cool to have house and victor return for a little payback.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Yes, it's rather short-sighted of house not to have rudimentary framework/etc. for him to move around. At the least he should have scooter thing for his pod... or controllble turrets/arms for his chmber in the Lucky 38.

Devin, If I just make the factory level, how does it work re the other esps? Should I make a new one or just convert the current stock esp to a master and then work from there?

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House seems to attached to his body to destroy it, but it gives me an idea for a robot.


A Securitron with a clear glass screen and a human head behind it, it could be House's first concept for his prolonged life, but after a few prototypes he decided he'd prefer to keep his body and according to him "They did not sit well with the board at all and when I offered them the same privilege, they claimed me to be mad! They clearly have no vision!..... But alas, one cant run an empire if people think you an abomination." After more testing House discovered that without an incredibly advanced computer to maintain his mind, he would eventually turn into a dribbling idiot. Following this conclusion he decided to use a stasis chamber, allowing him to preserve his body and mind and allowing him to be connected to a computer at all times.

A few of these "Executrons", as they were called in official files, still exist, as they were sold in private (to the point of being underground to avoid any moral questioning) auction to the wealthy people of the world as life extending miracles. One such purchase was made by the Sunset Sarsaparilla board of marketing, stationed at SSWWWW. By the time the courier finds them, they have all turned completely moronic (and some aggressive as well), since RobCo failed to mention that whilst preserving your tissue, your mind wasn't included, a fact Mr. House personally struck from the records.


Just sprang into my head, don't know if its possible or if it would fit, but it'd like an indication that Mr. House was a shady crack pot even before the great war.



EDIT: TrooperScooperMKII, I explained why not without even seeing you post... I may go get myself a cookie haha

Edited by HatterMaster
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Futurama-talking heads in Robot bodies?


definitely Futurama reference is possible in there haha

Dunno if it could/would be implemented into the mod but I'd love to see real heads instead of the screen on securitrons, and maybe even have one that hasn't become feral, just stupid, so conversation would be limited to "uurrghh...ahmaama... bwoooo *he/she begins drooling*" would be great to find it as the head of the board, surrounded by pre-war money haha :P


I'd make something of concept art from splicing NV pictures, but no photo software

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Futurama-talking heads in Robot bodies?


definitely Futurama reference is possible in there haha

Dunno if it could/would be implemented into the mod but I'd love to see real heads instead of the screen on securitrons, and maybe even have one that hasn't become feral, just stupid, so conversation would be limited to "uurrghh...ahmaama... bwoooo *he/she begins drooling*" would be great to find it as the head of the board, surrounded by pre-war money haha :P


I'd make something of concept art from splicing NV pictures, but no photo software


Yeah, making hte screen transparent and having a head or brain inside is easy. Possibly even removing the screen and making a porthole type window

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Yeah, making hte screen transparent and having a head or brain inside is easy. Possibly even removing the screen and making a porthole type window


I was just thinking removing the screen and making a glass panel in its place, with a human head inside. I figured it'd be the easiest way since you don't need any colour shaders or anything, theres plenty of glass you could use and the border (from the screen) is already there. Basicly just a square hole instead of a screen with something to cover it :)

Only thing I didn't take into account, which iv just realised, is if the potential hole would be able to fit a head in it


I've got a few idea's that i think could fit into the mod, just never bothered posting since you all have talent to work on it were as im a brain in a jar haha

Edited by HatterMaster
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Yeah, making hte screen transparent and having a head or brain inside is easy. Possibly even removing the screen and making a porthole type window


I was just thinking removing the screen and making a glass panel in its place, with a human head inside. I figured it'd be the easiest way since you don't need any colour shaders or anything, theres plenty of glass you could use and the border (from the screen) is already there. Basicly just a square hole instead of a screen with something to cover it :)

Only thing I didn't take into account, which iv just realised, is if the potential hole would be able to fit a head in it


For me the easiest would be just changing the screen to transparent.


I've got a few idea's that i think could fit into the mod, just never bothered posting since you all have talent to work on it were as im a brain in a jar haha


Feel free to post if it's something you'd like to see

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