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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Well I could just edit the cylinder to have no dents which is surprisingly easy if it goes to plan, since you can auto extrude it to level,


Good idea, I'm a newbie to blender too, so the finer points often escape me.


and the cases are included in the cylinder so its just a case of clipping through and changing them up. as for the quick load animation I have no idea, realistically this will just be a test to see how it could look (first pic will just be it stretched).


Yeah that may be problematic...


May add some slits in the barrel (what there is of it any way) to make it look extra different to.


It'd be good to add the dragons breath effect (from the GRA flame shotgun) when fired to simulate that ridiculous muzzle blast. Also if it turns out we do have to work on reloading animation and get a little insight into how the process works, it would be good if we could alter the firing animation. Put a kick on the firing animation that goes way up, say a foot and a half (maybe more). That will make it seem much more realistic and fit better with a slower fire rate (well fast comared to an amr, but slower than any other "sane" revolver). If on the other hand we don't want to work with animations we might be able to get some one else to patch those gaps for us.


like iron sights if they don't work and an accurate quick load mesh and it'd be ready for texture.


Yeah iron sights is gonna be interesting with elongating the cylinder and shorting the barrel....


if it works ill get round to loading the AMR in blender with it and scale it all up so it accurate for it ammo (and maybe a bit bigger)


Keep in mind nifskope has a scaling function too, global or on a axis. For a quick test you may want to use it.


Oh and if someone with a decent photo editing software wants to take a crack at how it'll look here's a link the .44 from in game pic, just editing the pic should do the job. Also anyone who genuinely knows what their doing is welcome to try and model this instead of me :)


OK I'll open up gimp after breakfast and see if I can do a quick mockup.


I'm pretty inexperienced so my "input" if you can even call it that will be rather basic, but at least it let's you guys get on with the more practical stuff :)


Actually all three of us (me, kagstrom, trooper) are begginers here as far as practical skills (modeling, photo manipulation etc). In my case, I just got lucky htat the things I'v worked on have come together.


yer I tested the .44 in game yesterday to give it a quick test, everything about it is simple


Good deal, sounds like it will be our base then.


If you could link me to those versions of blender and niftool that'd be great. Also Blender 2.6a is out, just thought you might want to know :)


I'll try and track them down, but I have no idea on the links (DL'd it like a couple of months ago or longer), but with the right ver numbers you should be able to DL from anywhere.

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Okay so out of curiosity I looked up what kind of... thing... this gun would be. The in game 12.7mm round is a PISTOL .50 (also know as a .500) so using the length of that, and the length of the .50 rifle round, if a 12.7mm is a .500 then this would be a .5433

I realy think that should be in it's name just because of how ridiculous a calibre size it is :')


??? you'v lost me, .50BMG has it's own ammo form list. I don't think there would be any advantage in hammering out a new ammo

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??? you'v lost me, .50BMG has it's own ammo form list. I don't think there would be any advantage in hammering out a new ammo

I know and it wouldn't be a new ammo, it's just that the 12.7mm is a 50cal for a pistol, so if you put a 50cal for a rifle in there, it would be considered a .5433cal (although using the games scaling it'd be a .543)

All I'm saying is that once you use a pistols calibre number on a rifle round it becomes absolutely insane looking on paper. so in game there the .44 magnum, so you'd maybe call this the .543 Sunset. Only real reason for the caliber mention is that in your inventory there'd be a huge gap from anything else haha

also you could use something like the sawed off shotgun's firing animation for epic recoil?

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All I'm saying is that once you use a pistols calibre number on a rifle round it becomes absolutely insane looking on paper.


I woudn't sweat it, just throw BMG on there and anyone that knows anything about guns won't mistake it for a .50 cal.


also you could use something like the sawed off shotgun's firing animation for epic recoil?


maybe....havn't used a saw'd off shotgun since fo3, don't recall what it looks like, but it does seem to make sense in regard tot eh kick

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well with Project Nevada the 44 pistol has a huge recoil and i think it uses the sawn off, ill open NV in a minute and find what the best one is. only problem I see is if firing and recoil arnt seperate. if not maybe just go with something simply just for the first build? could always release it as an independent mod first and get some constructive criticism on it?
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OK so good news and bad. First the bad, it looks like crap, even for a quick mock up :( But (the good news) as I was putting it together it reminded me of something. I already have permission to use Nesterman's raptor and this looks just like it. Check out the pics.



here is my mock up (based it on the mysterious strangers, since your probably not going to skimp a very expensive custom made pistol, and Bronco Bill does love going overboard;






Nestermans raptor;




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Ain't to bad looking, better than my attempt which was simply stretching it. Could always just slightly modify the Raptor, or modify the .44, either way could probably use the raptors animation?

Personally I prefer making it from a .44, to give it more the look that whilst unique, its still sticking to the traditional style, plus it'd make it looks less futuristic and more like someone's just dropped a normal gun in a vat of fev and psycho. But that's just my opinion and its your mod :)



if you could get me those reference numbers for blender and nifscript I should be able to do the first VERY rough mock up tonight :)

Edited by HatterMaster
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Could always just slightly modify the Raptor


I'll take a look see, never actually implemented it in a mod or pesonally while playing, really have no idea what animations it uses. Just got to do a quick port job to NV.



if you could get me those reference numbers for blender and nifscript I should be able to do the first VERY rough mock up tonight :)


I have no idea on a specific link, but here is what I think is the nifscripts ver number Release 2.1.6 (13 November 2010) (from the change log). So now you'v got ver numbers for blender, python and nifscripts, which should be the whole enchilada. If you can't find any links (or all the links) let me know and I'll try to peruse some tutorials (they usually have the DL links).

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I'll go a huntin' for them shortly :)

Just had a blast on NV and luckily for us every revolver uses the same animation, in first person iron sight it doesnt look like much kick, but in third person theres loads, heres a pic of the 44 recoil

also worked out scaling using the AMR and a 44, in total un-named revolver will be a little shorter than the 44 in total, so it won't look huge like the hunting revolver, but youve got to remember this has a barrel about 1.5", which is small even more a snub nose

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