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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Damnn.... you guys are fast.

The internet tghing isn't really a problem, per se- I'm waiting on a few components for a new(er) custom desktop build, and between backing up old files and RL/school in general I'm less focused than usual.

The interiors sound good for now, I'll (re)start by cloning the HELIOS one plant level as I'd already muddled around with a lot of exterior files.

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Just wanted to add a few things;

Re: the beta, it won't be much fun in the first releases, quests and dialog will be broken (unimplemented), mostly it will be checking for texture problems, floating models that kind of thing.


Puce Moose gave us permission to use Destructible Ordnance. Essentially what this does is allow mines/gernades/missles/c4 to be shot and explode. If you throw a gernade into a pile of mini-nukes, it will go sky high. I'd like to use this as a gameplay mechanic to access areas/paths by blowing an obstacle to kingdom come. It will also be useful for the player for setting high explosive caches as traps (set the ordinance in a strategic spot, get a little distance and when your target nears the area fire off a round to light the whole place up).


fawcuenexforums has generously agreed to help out with voice work and I'd like to send her some lines for the daughter Sierra (named in recognition of Sierra Petrovita the nuka cola girl). So I'll post another msg shortly that has some of her chacteristics and misc ideas for the mod.

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Looks really sharp :thumbsup:


Still a lot of thing I'd need to change. the cylinder needs remodelling to look right, as well as the internal bullet casings. I'm also really confused as to how to sort the barrel, I think i might have to made the framework thicker to accommodate a thick barrel, but then there going to be the problem of the frame not fitting the handle :/

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Re: Sierra, right now I have her as a sunset fangirl, a wasteland hippie and a little bit of a daddy's girl (charmed life because everyone tries to do things for her), but not a pushover (she's had some close calls in the wastland and her business).


For filler dialog lines, I thought she'd be babbling on about the virtues of sunset products and swag (in a continuous annoying way), talk about her sunset collectibles collection, ask the player if he/she likes Tragic the Garnering, and discussing how hard it is to get good beauty supplies in the wasteland. I also have a line or two about the players aura.


And of course they'll be lines about how mad she is at being kept in a shopping cart cage by the raider boss, how she'd like to shove plasma a grenade up his <CENSORED>, and how thankful she is the player got there in time etc.


few quick mod ideas for chapter 1;

In either the sewers to the park, or a drainage tunnel to the vipers I'd like to have an infestation of bugs (can be rad roaches or a varient of mantises). One of hte trucks outside will have a box full of bug bombs (a shipment meant for superduper mart). You can drop these in the tunnel, activate them and it will kill the bugs. If you have the rebreather or want to make a rebreather (there will be a pressure cooker in the diner) you can enter the tunnel unopposed.


Some minor quests from Sierra when she is rescued. One quest is; She makes a Sierra surprise, a sort of secret cocktail. One of the ingredients is a high opium cough syrup and the other is a peppermint mouthwash. It's pretty popular at the diner, but she's running low on ingredients and the only places she knows to find them has hostiles there (superdupermart type location or stand alone pharmacy). 2nd quest is getting sunset swag from sunset headquarters. Both these should be optional "filler" quests.


I'm also pondering expanding the junk/car fort a little. The story would go something like this; The fort was originally a caravan trader who got a little too big for his britches and hired some vipers as muscle. He figured he could "lean on" some caravans passing through and collect tolls. But the trader pushed things too far dealing with unsavory types and the vipers took over (which didn't end well for the trader and his people). So the fort is more of a micro town/largish caravan station. The practical effect would be the junk/car fort would be a little bigger and have a more lived in appearance (small makeshift homes with bunkbeds, workbench, trading supplies, etc).



I'm going to dig up some of the sunset clothes/attire that I created a while back for the tribals (leather jacket with sunset logo, maybe a sunset cowboy hat etc), assuming the vipers stole some of Sierra's stuff.

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Okay, just worked some stuff out of un-named revolver (really need to get a name for this)

if you scale up the barrel and part of the body you can have a barrel thats to scale for the bullets without completely overhauling the gun (might have to leave a bit out the gun but nothing important) this also changes it from a weird snub nose into a bonafide freaking hand cannon.

Right now I really can't be bothered, my heads ponding and its 22:50. But if someone whos good with models wants to pick up where I left off (easy to get to were I did) then your welcome to, since it'd be quicker than waiting for me to do it tomorrow :)

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Okay so due to me waking up a stupid o'clock I quickly loaded blender up. This isn't how the barrel should look, not by a long shot, since this was just moving it down and scaling up, were as doing it properly would require you to edit parts of the body as well, which I'll do once I'm at least somewhat awake. Also the barrel might need to be even bigger, which would mean making the body taller and the cylinder bigger, only real problem there is iron sights, but hopefully someone with skill could pick up where I'll have to leave off.

Either way here's what the size of the barrel should be, I think it definitely makes it look less snub nose and more hand cannon, but I'm sure there are a few things you could do to make it that extra little bit insane. At the moment it reminds me of a flare gun a little, which is scary considering they fire flares, this fires bullets. Hopefully it'll look just as mental on your hip :)

Edited by HatterMaster
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This looks incredible cant wait to see the finished product:D maybe you could add some hard secretive thing to get;D


Thanks Raveskye. But you can help to improve it. We do have a lot of secret items. They are primarily weapons, but we also have some companions and other stuff like a bobble head, equipment, ingestibles etc. But any ideas you have post them and we'll see about including them.


I'm trying to think of a useful function for a Raven companion. A raven seems very Mojave-ish in character to me and it seems like an excellent stylistic addition to have on your shoulder for the Mojave wastelander.

The Raven could be used as a way to distract your enemies while you pump bullets into them?

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