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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Okay, yet ANOTHER update on the creatively named revolver.

two new pics, the second of which I'll wait to upload cause I feel it's getting a bit spammy now. One is it scaled to be a bit bigger bodied, the other is to scale for bullets and to give you an idea the AMR's barrel is as thick as a stock cylinder, so this thing goes above and beyond the realm of the hand cannon. Since the .44 animation is all automated, I think you could get away with just moving the animation path in line with were the hammer has been relocated.


All really depends on how to scale you want it with other in game items. If you're not fussed just the elongated one would be the easiest, if you want it to scale, the the pic I'm waiting to upload is best but more work. One thing though, this makes the revolver from hell boy look kinda small



just worked it out and in RL you can fit 3 BMG in a .44 cylinder with room to spare, but in NV the AMR is much to thick, the bullets would bounce around the barrel. so it's to scale in game or to scale real life, they look very different from each other



Reason for AMR oversized barrel is it's really thick, so my proportions are off for the one I haven't uploaded, but only in the thickness of the barrel. If you want a barrel as thick as the AMR you need a huge gun and as a result could fit more bullets, but if you don't mind having a very thin barrel then just an elongated 44 with a bigger barrel should work for looks. Proportions are never going to be perfect coming from me though, since I'm eye balling this from the in game models, then trying to recreate it in blender, so I'm making quite a few misjudgements. Hardest part of this is all barrels in NV are very thick, so if you want it to look to scale everything else ends up going up with it, not to bad though since you end up with a rather comically large gun.


P.S. I'm on GMT by the way, so if I'm on the forum at the same time odds are I'm tired hence the extra haphazard approach to things haha

Edited by HatterMaster
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I've finished the main body mesh for the unnamed revolver. still need to modify the cases but probably going to be a bit lazy with them to save time and effort. Few points to mention; due to it being a modified mesh there are a few oddly placed polly, mainly just diagonal going over a flat surface, nothing important and it should be coverable with a texture, don't think it'll distort it, secondly the cylinder flick out thing is right down the bottom, because to have it center I'd need to make the gun taller which means new animations or have a tiny looking barrel, so as a compromise its very low down, you can see it in the pic
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Finally settled on a layout...

Roughly speaking, it's going to be a four level structure- two "big industrial rooms" linked by a utility/office? area.


Sounds like a plan



secondly the cylinder flick out thing is right down the bottom, because to have it center I'd need to make the gun taller which means new animations or have a tiny looking barrel, so as a compromise its very low down, you can see it in the pic


No worries, I don't think anyone but gun nuts/fans are going to notice that. I think your right better than re-jigging the whole frame.


Looks really good, are you going to remove the last of the grooves on the cylinder?


BTW Apocalyptic Girl has made a lot of modified weapons mods. I bet she could help us if we run across any animation problems or geck/game related bugs with your portable howitzer there.

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Honestly I tried and it was a pain in the arse, I can shorten them still you can barely notice them though, Also texturing this thing might be hard since basicly the entire front of the gun has been resized and shifted, thanks almost exclusively to a stray mesh I couldn't delete. One other thing is I'm not sure if I should just reshape and size the current cases in the mesh or swap them out for the proper 50BMG ones, just since I'm a total novice I've been avoiding using anything but the 44 resources

Good Idea, if anything goes wrong, which it no doubt will, I'll contact her. If it completely fails it might be better to get her to do it and just use my as a reference, I'd take no offence in someone taking over

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Honestly I tried and it was a pain in the arse, I can shorten them still you can barely notice them though,


Gotcha. At least they are at the end where the bullet is instead of the whole width of the cartridge. So in a way that makes sense (from a design standpoint) that thinning the wall there isn't really as big a deal as most of the pressure in the chamber will be in the shell.


Also texturing this thing might be hard since basicly the entire front of the gun has been resized and shifted, thanks almost exclusively to a stray mesh I couldn't delete.


I wouldn't worry too much on the texturing. I'm betting we can even use the nifskope UV editor, it's as painless as texturing gets. But of course, I haven't looked at the UV map, it might look like a fractal for all I know. Also another little trick we can use is the 1st person textures on the 3rd person models. It gives us a little more detail and the texures are usually 1024x1024 or larger, which gives us a little more room to work. And of course the performance hit is infinitesimal.


One other thing is I'm not sure if I should just reshape and size the current cases in the mesh or swap them out for the proper 50BMG ones, just since I'm a total novice I've been avoiding using anything but the 44 resources

Good Idea, if anything goes wrong, which it no doubt will, I'll contact her. If it completely fails it might be better to get her to do it and just use my as a reference, I'd take no offence in someone taking over


I'd go with the actual 50BMG's. The fact that you'v been able to preserve the 44mag nif (just editing, not replacing anything) means the animations should be the best case scenario. Adding new nifs to the speed loader shouldn't complicate that at all. In fact having the speed loader reduces a lot of major problems. Could you imagine if we had to use a loading gate, or a breech load (like that raptor pistol pic a few posts back). There would have been massive clipping between the cartridges and the fingers/hand. On the other hand I'm betting the speed loader animation will be smooth sailing.

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I more meant the casings in the cylinder. the reload animation were you dump them uses built in mesh's, so I could use a 50BMG case in there, or fiddle with the current ones? also I'm trying to get it in game for a quick "at least it doesn't set the game on fire" test and I can get the model in there, just it apparently doesn't exist, i.e. I can't pick it up
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I more meant the casings in the cylinder. the reload animation were you dump them uses built in mesh's, so I could use a 50BMG case in there, or fiddle with the current ones? also I'm trying to get it in game for a quick "at least it doesn't set the game on fire" test and I can get the model in there, just it apparently doesn't exist, i.e. I can't pick it up


I'm sure you already did this, but just in case, when you made your new weapon entry did you mark it "playable". I'm assuming you did since you probably copied the 44mag entry and just changed the models on the art and sound tab (it's the fastest way).

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Did it from scratch since i know nothing of the GECK but it marked at playable, its also got no collision or physics, I've probably missed out something painfully obvious here


will upload a pic of the new body unwrapped when i can. just a note some parts are uneven, thats because 1: having to eyeball some parts and 2: having to scale and more 2 polygons at a time in some cases haha so yer this isnt anytihng perfect but you shouldnt notice in game unless you're looking for faults

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Did it from scratch since i know nothing of the GECK but it marked at playable, its also got no collision or physics, I've probably missed out something painfully obvious here


will upload a pic of the new body unwrapped when i can. just a note some parts are uneven, thats because 1: having to eyeball some parts and 2: having to scale and more 2 polygons at a time in some cases haha so yer this isnt anytihng perfect but you shouldnt notice in game unless you're looking for faults


OK I think I have an idea what's going on.


go to World Objects->Static->Weapons. right click on an empty space->new. Type in 1stPerson50BMGPistol for ID, fill in your model path. note your id.


dbl click WeapNV44Revolver change it's refid and name to something else, ammunition to .50bmg, clip rounds to 3, (the other stuff, damage, spread etc you can worry about later)

select the art and sound tab. Fill in the model, the world model and then the first person model (that you just created). The rest you can get later.


See if that works for you. If it's a pain send it over and I can hammer it out for you in about 5 minutes, but those steps above should be pretty accurate/correct

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