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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Did it from scratch since i know nothing of the GECK but it marked at playable, its also got no collision or physics, I've probably missed out something painfully obvious here


will upload a pic of the new body unwrapped when i can. just a note some parts are uneven, thats because 1: having to eyeball some parts and 2: having to scale and more 2 polygons at a time in some cases haha so yer this isnt anytihng perfect but you shouldnt notice in game unless you're looking for faults


I wouldn't sweat it too much. There are always going to be people that find fault with your work. And in this case there might be a little more protests from game lawyers and gun buffs. But this is a really good mod to make your modding debut and I think it will be a popular one as well.

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I wouldn't sweat it too much. There are always going to be people that find fault with your work. And in this case there might be a little more protests from game lawyers and gun buffs. But this is a really good mod to make your modding debut and I think it will be a popular one as well.


Thanks man, tbh I still consider this a hack job so if its not used in this mod it'll probably lay in my hard drive for a while haha


Okay so swapped out its world model for a 44's and it worked fine, few issue with it though. When reloading the new bullets magicly appear in the cylinder mid animation and iron sight aiming the gun stays really low. I did just use the 44's stuff though so it probably something that can be fixed with some models and someone who knows what their doing in the geck. Otherwise it looks okay, I mean it doesnt look like a traditional gun but slap a nice texture on there and it should look okay :)


and to the gun nuts, it's a 50BMG revolver.. come oooon haha

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Just swapped out the cases for some overly large 50BMG caseings, now to see if they actualy work

EDIT: it didn't and I think I'm at the end of my capability's :/


No worries, looks like you'v got 90% of it done. If you want to email me it or ul to mediafire I can take a look at it, maybe tweak it a little get the bmg cases going [email protected]

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Okay I'll email you the nif, slightly different version from the one in game since the sights stuck up to much so I changed the front sight a little, haven't tested it yet though, oh and I got rid of the night lights on the sight, always hated those damn things. There still the issues of no loader, which I can make if I can get a base, the cases and the fact that the gun to low when you aim, were you'll shoot is a good few inches above. That last one can probably be fixed in the GECK though.

If you can get anywhere with it it's fine, I'll probably still be working on it anyway since I think I'll do a resize of the casings if you can't implement the 50BMG, plus it never hurt to have a plan B


EDIT: okay problem list time! :D

the sight for some reason insists on looking down onto the gun, making iron sights look craptastic

even extending the cases doesnt seem to register in game, so I'm still getting tiny cases

I havnt fixed the cases

the aim in miles above what you should be aiming at and the cross hair doesnt go away


In all honesty I think I'd need someone who knows the ins and outs of modding to finish it, odds are most of what I've done is a bit wrong but it should at least provide a damn good base for a hand cannon mod :)


Also tempted to make a topic on it since I've wanted this gun since i first got new vegas haha

Edited by HatterMaster
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Having trouble with the lift area... the bay pieces just don't want to match up..

I'll probably end up just scrapping the "industrial" section and starting over with pure "utility" areas.... that or move the utility pieces down to the lower levels...


I was messing around with the think tank (made it into a full octogon) and it gave me some (tedious/painful) experience placing tiles. I might be able to help with the lift area. Send me the esp if you want me to look at it.

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If you can get anywhere with it it's fine, I'll probably still be working on it anyway since I think I'll do a resize of the casings if you can't implement the 50BMG, plus it never hurt to have a plan B


Probably a good idea, I'm trying to get chp 1 out, so don't have much time to work on the revolver.


But I did do a take out one of the channels on the cylinder, just to see how to do it. If I actually had any idea what I was doing it probably wouldn't be hard, but since I'm a noob I merged the vertices by eye. Only did one of them (short on time), edit is the pistol on the right, and the one on bottom;






I'v also got an idea for scaling the texture for the stretched parts, that way they will look normal in game. There isn't enough room to fit in a cylinder that's 4x longer, but I thought maybe I could scale it, compress it along one axis in gimp then when it's strecthed by the UV map it will look normal.


Haven't checked it in game, or checked any of the problems from your list yet.


In all honesty I think I'd need someone who knows the ins and outs of modding to finish it, odds are most of what I've done is a bit wrong but it should at least provide a damn good base for a hand cannon mod :)


Also tempted to make a topic on it since I've wanted this gun since i first got new vegas haha


That would probably be a good idea all things considered, I know virtually nothing about animations and iron sights. In a new thread we might be able to get someone with some experience to clean up the loose ends. If you want I can also put another thread up in the mod authors section. They usually have more expertise in there then the public forums.

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