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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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This has managed to turn into something bigger and more indepth than any of the DLCs for NV already. *laughs* It'll all be worth it when it's done though.


Oh thanks, it's a idea rich environment, so it's relatively easy to story line stuff for it.


I'm co-working on another mod, messing around with shaders (for night vision effects) and I was pondering having some creepy flashbacks in black and white. For instance maybe when you first see mainstreet, there is a black and white flashback of all the kids and parents milling about the street having fun, then a intensely bright light (ie the bomb) ends the vision. Maybe make it related to the bullet in the couriers brain. If it moved a little it could produce some hallucinations.


Mostly it would be for generating a creepy atmosphere, but it could also be a story telling technique. I wouldn't use it as bona fide psychic visions per se, more of flashbacks as the courier would imagine them to be. Might make the park mod somewhat dark though....

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Watching with interest :)


this looks like a fantastically large and rich project.

if you need anything, let me know and I'll do my best to help :)


I kinda like the flashbacks idea, but as I recall, the courier had all the bullet bits removed by doc mitchell...

my advice, test it out, see how much work it takes to produce one of these visions, then decide whether you care to make half a dozen others :P



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Watching with interest :)


this looks like a fantastically large and rich project.

if you need anything, let me know and I'll do my best to help :)


I kinda like the flashbacks idea, but as I recall, the courier had all the bullet bits removed by doc mitchell...

my advice, test it out, see how much work it takes to produce one of these visions, then decide whether you care to make half a dozen others :P




I know right...if I could do more than provide ideas or writing i'd be doing it in a second lol even with doing some writing for another mod right now. BTW see you did Mad Science by your sig, I LOVE that mod! Very very cool fun lol the Nukarifle gets lots of use heh heh.

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Watching with interest :)


this looks like a fantastically large and rich project.


Thanks, but it pretty much just wrights itself. Mostly Trooper, Kagstrom and me just bouncing ideas off of one another.


if you need anything, let me know and I'll do my best to help :)


Thank you, I appreciate that (as well as advice/feedback you'v given me in the past). Right at the moment I'm dealing with RL issues, (none serious, just tedious) that have kept me away from the evil, evil geck . But I hope to have time to get out the 1st part soon, so I can begin work on the 2nd chapter. It will have the first mini world, and be inside the park proper. I think that's where the process will really pick up steam, since I'll be able to start using the custom resources and delve into the real storyline.


I kinda like the flashbacks idea, but as I recall, the courier had all the bullet bits removed by doc mitchell...

my advice, test it out, see how much work it takes to produce one of these visions, then decide whether you care to make half a dozen others :P


Oh didn't realize the bullet was removed. My original plan was for the courier to narrowly survive a bombing of a overpass raider town (the player has the option to hold back the raiders while the hostages escape), and assuming the explosion shifted the bullet in the couriers head, but I can easily switch that to just brain damage from the explosion exclusively.


Hey you wouldn't by chance be interested in a all expenses paid vacation to Mars, would you? I think it could be a very cool project.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I'm sorry if this has been answered, but what is the size of the new world space in this mod?


To be honest I havn't put a exact value on the worldspace as of yet, I see it as approximately old world blues in size. Right now I'll be producing min-worlds (ie in the same way the strip is a mini-world of the mojave). This lets me get out some sunset mods sooner than having the whole enchilada done before release. The mini-worlds will then be tied into the worldspace (they were always a child of the worldspace, but the sunset parent just won't be detailed initially. The villa will be the first and I hope to have it out soon.



Also will there be multiple quests like the vanilla dlcs?

In re: to multiple quests, definitely. There is way too much to tie into a singe questline. The overarching quest is still the mainframe, but you could spend a lot of time in sunset park without even starting the main quest. Much like in old world blues, you could burn a lot of time adventuring without even dealing with Mobius.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the long absence, I really got unfocused on everything...

Devin, with the overpass, isn't the snap-to-grid/angle thing working? I use it all the time outdoors. I usually leave it on at about 5 degrees for the angle, but that's because I usually have outdoor objects on a fifteen degree bias from normal, i.e. the main structure is turned fifteen degrees and everything else turns with it. When you're doing things at a vertical incline and a non-right-angle rotation, it helps to position it by the numbers in the properties window- the mouse rotates things along the x and y axise? when the object has been tilted along the z axis, so moving it along the z axis with the mouse & then double clicking and manually editing the x/y axis number helps a bit with the headache. the other thing is to use/copy the numbers- I always prefer to set the height and rotation of objects with the property window's numbers instead of eyballing it.

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Sorry for the long absence, I really got unfocused on everything...


No worries, good to hear from you. If you get a chance check out the mars thread and see if have any ideas


Devin, with the overpass, isn't the snap-to-grid/angle thing working?


Probably, don't really need it though, because overhead placement isn't a problem.


When you're doing things at a vertical incline and a non-right-angle rotation, it helps to position it by the numbers in the properties window-


Yeah that's what I use for fine adjustments


the mouse rotates things along the x and y axise? when the object has been tilted along the z axis, so moving it along the z axis with the mouse & then double clicking and manually editing the x/y axis number helps a bit with the headache. the other thing is to use/copy the numbers-


Yes any axis (x, y and z) as long as your holding the key down when you perform the operation.


I always prefer to set the height and rotation of objects with the property window's numbers instead of eyballing it.


Yep. Although it gets trickier when you'v made a composite model (not the actual technical term) from several seperate nifs (as I'v had to for some of the freeway segments) as the center is teh first piece you start with.

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Good news, I have my main rig back and virus free. I probably won't be doing any major work until after new years, but might tinker with a few things. Also I picked up a wacom for a few bucks. If it works I'll be able to start doing original artwork, specifically new advertisements (posters, billboards) in game, and maybe some artwork to decorate the mods webpage.
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