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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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I haven't had a chance to read every reply because I'm kind of in a rush right now so I'm not sure if it's been touched on yet, but what are you going to do about character voices?


Are you going to have many NPCs and new dialogue?


I CANNOT script to save my life, but I was just wondering if you have any female NPCs in mind, and if you do, when it comes time to voice them I'd be willing to do some voice acting for you :P


This may be an odd comment but I'm just trying to help out because from what I've read so far, this seems pretty freaking awesome!




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but what are you going to do about character voices?


Are you going to have many NPCs and new dialogue?





We do, in fact I'd say she is probably the most pivotal character in teh whole mod. Probably on par with the mainframe in importance. She is the tribals chosen one, and is essential to all of the mods except part 1.


I really appreciate your offer Mary, as we desperately need voice actors and actresses. At the moment for female voices we only have two actresses, fawcuenexforums and AG. Due to time constraints AG will probably be only able to voice K8E (the cowgirl eyebot her is a pic of her without her custom hat & pistol). So needless to say your help would be greatly appreciated :thumbsup:


P.S. not essential by any means, but can you do a western or southern accent?

Edited by devinpatterson
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P.S. not essential by any means, but can you do a western or southern accent?



Hahaha well I live in the south (South Carolina), so I'd say I can do one ;D I don't personally think my own accent is that prominent, but people from up north and such seem to think so, and I can always play it up.


Add me on steam if you have it and we can talk on voice chat and you can decide how/if you want me to do her voice.


My steam name is sharktoothache

Edited by maryberry01
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Maryberry01, it turns out, is quite a whirlwind of creative force and the way she can put together plot lines and dialog is truly impressive (and a little scary).


It looks like we've got a solid idea for another mod that is heavily character driven. Anyone that is particularly suited to dialog and character driven story lines is welcome to PM and join our (small) team.


In addition she had some suggestions for the park. Most of it is still in the process, but one example she suggested, that I wanted to share, was a laser (hologram) tag room. This one would be holograms in the guise of old western gunfighters, outlaws and a western setting (town sets like a saloon for instance) that pops into existence in a empty room. It's different from the VR's in that you won't be immersed in another world, nor loose any equipment etc. I kind of think of it as similar to the hologram room on star trek TNG, but limited to the space in teh room.


My thoughts on it are a empty room with a glowing neon like grid on the floor, ceiling, walls etc. When the buzzer sounds a movie set like a graveyard, saloon or lumber mill will appear around hte player. All set pieces and opponents will be holographic. My vision of holographic will mean transparent and emitting/glowing light. I don't really like the digital scan lines of the dead money holograms, but that's subject to change if other people really want them.


Similar to the dead money holograms they are unaffected by physical weapons (melee, balistic firearms etc) but are damaged by laser weapons (this may have to be expanded to energy weapons, since I don't think the geck can differentiate only laser weapons as a category). So this could essentially be a trap for players that use firearms only. For those characters the only way to escape may have to be destroying the emitters on the wall.

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Maryberry01, it turns out, is quite a whirlwind of creative force and the way she can put together plot lines and dialog is truly impressive (and a little scary).


Aww thank you c': I find this whole thing really awesome and yeah, I've come up with some story ideas or whatever, but I don't think I'll ever be able to mod using the GECK like many of the people on here :o unless, of course, it comes to making TERRIFYING ghouls! hahaha...


Similar to the dead money holograms they are unaffected by physical weapons (melee, balistic firearms etc) but are damaged by laser weapons (this may have to be expanded to energy weapons, since I don't think the geck can differentiate only laser weapons as a category). So this could essentially be a trap for players that use firearms only. For those characters the only way to escape may have to be destroying the emitters on the wall.


That's pretty cool, I didn't think of the trap idea. I like it.


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I read the whole topic and I must say that it is very interesting project! And i was wandering if you have any voicing that you need done because my brain is not made for scripting and all that GECK stuff .


Yes, definitely! We desperately need voice actors. Right now we only have a handful, Skiethrunner appears to have dropped off the radar. maryberry01 will help us, but she is surprisingly vicious for such a tiny thing. AG has told me she is committed to voicing K8-E, but due to time constraints, probably won't be able to do any other voice work. And I was supposed to get dialog lines out to fawcuenexforums over a month ago, so I hope she's still with us.


This weekend I'll try to write at least a rough draft of dialog for part 1. Two main parts stand out in my mind though, Jones (Sierria's father) and the raider "king"/leader.

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No offence but this has been talked about by you guys for wayyyy to long. By the time u realese it , its not gonna get half the kudos and attention it deserves. Get this out already before even less ppl play this crashy game.... lol

Srry for the hate, but its true and you know it

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