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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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No offence but this has been talked about by you guys for wayyyy to long. By the time u realese it , its not gonna get half the kudos and attention it deserves. Get this out already before even less ppl play this crashy game.... lol

Srry for the hate, but its true and you know it

It's obvious they don't care about kudos. There's more reasons to make mods than to get recognition.

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I could voice act too. I've had countless of projects in my life (Mostly machinima) where I tell people to voice act, however never got the chance to actually do it myself. I'd love to help. Maybe somekind of a robot character that would be mixed to sound like it's coming from a speaker.


Edit: In addition I could do a radio signal featuring Wild west songs, the station could be called Sweet Sunset or something.

Edited by MiriQL
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I could voice act too. I've had countless of projects in my life (Mostly machinima) where I tell people to voice act, however never got the chance to actually do it myself. I'd love to help. Maybe somekind of a robot character that would be mixed to sound like it's coming from a speaker.


That sounds great MiriQL, and it's badly needed. Do you do male or female voices, and any samples would be great (maybe throw one up on mediafire, or via email or whatever works best for you).


Edit: In addition I could do a radio signal featuring Wild west songs, the station could be called Sweet Sunset or something.


If you can do a older cowboy voice, that would fit right in with the whole Sunset Sam theme. The thread has gotten huge, so instead of sending you links to backtrack to, I'll just summarize the idea here. Sunset Sam is actually quite multi-faceted. He is/represents several different aspects;

1. Park spokesman/advertisement material. Portrayed as a older cowboy, with a giant handlebar mustache and a little bit of grizzled look. He is in various posters, signs etc and some promotional videos.

2. Sunset Sam protectrons, scattered about the park (all tied into the sunset sam AI). He is actively working with against the mainframe from behind the scene, but may have an agenda of his own. He constantly drops subtle hints to aid the player. These can be in the form of subtle phrases or specific songs that relate to the players actions or situation. For example if security bots are on the way Sunset Sam may forcast a sudden storm coming. Or he might play a song like Butcher Pete with phrases similar to "He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin". Later he takes a more active role to become an open ally (depending on player actions).

3. Sunset Sam radio AI, similar to Mr. New Vegas. The Sunset Sam AI can enter any Sunset Sam protectron. He is actually

4. At one time there was a (semi-famous) Sunset Sam actor as well, but he is no longer among the living.....played with the idea of making him the cowboy country singer that had been ghoulified in the saloon on mainstreet, but we'll probably just let him rest in peace.


So long story short, potentially a lot of lines.....


So if anybody thinks they could do a late 40's to 60's voice with a little bit of an accent or western drawl (and have the time), this is a interesting and important part.

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That sounds very interesting, however my voice is not old. I've been told I got a radio voice, but don't actually believe it myself. So I might stick with the robotic voice acting instead, unless of course, mixing my voice a little can make me older! I want to give it a go if you would like provide me some short bunch of words and I'll practice with them.


Also I am born in Europe and have no talented western accent, but I can always try my best.


I do only male voices, because my female voices sounds a bit manly.

Edited by MiriQL
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That sounds very interesting, however my voice is not old.....provide me some short bunch of words and I'll practice with them.


No problem. In part 1, inside RobCo lobby, there is a holo advertisement of hte new protectrons, it has a very announcer type sound to it. These lines will be playing as the holographic protectron performs various actions. It adds character, but it's main purpose is to provide the player with some insight into what the new protectrons can do (which is any human weapon animation).....forewarned is forearmed. Here are some lines in qoutes if you would like to do one or more. The voice is an advertisement, so it can be a little "cheesy" and over the top.


"The protectron mark II can even teach little Timmy how to play baseball"


Mark II swings a baseball bat


"The mark II cooks meals that will bring a tear of joy to any gourmet"


Mark II cooking


"Housework getting out of hand, not to worry the mark II is on the job"


Mark II sweeping.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Well I actually can voice anyone (man or robot) but no female voices sorry man, it is just hard for me. I am from Russia so the western accent is doubtful but I will try if needed. Also I think the protectrons must have a "Eat lead ,partner!!" line :) Edited by Russianwalstelander
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