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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Oddly the post on Nexus for the file has disappeared...hopefully it's down to be replaced with part one.


I'll be putting out a....I guess you could call it a part 0/prequel. It's a revamp of the sunset headqaurters wiht the new western stuff. It sets up the park history, gets the ball rolling etc. But it will be at the end of the month.

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm pretty happy with how the Sunset headquarters are coming along. Besides the western themed protectrons I'v invested a lot of time in giving the whole location a western flavor that will fit well with the Sunset amusement park. But there is an angle I need to get in the story here at the start, in the mojave, that will tie in later in the park.


It concerns a Nuka Cola factory and it's still functioning mainframe. I want the sunset amusements park's mainframe/brain or a mainframe in the main sunset headquarters to be waging a corporate battle with the nuka plant. I think a war between brands that people don't even know are still being produced is a perfect example of the fallout meme. Like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, it really highlights the folly of battling for market dominance of a post apocalyptic wasteland by two soft drink manufacturers, following programming two centuries old.


I could use suggestions on corporate espionage, nuka cola themes and ideas for the plant, and general conflict (corporate as well as physical) between Nuka and Sunset, especially themes that stress the ridiculous of the war over market share.


Right now I'm thinking of resurrecting the idea of Phil, the Nuka-Cola dude, as a waste lander that stocks nuka cola vending machines (and possibly his counterpart another dude or dudette that stocks sunset machines, and is in constant conflict with Phil). And I may also include some aspects from FO3's nuka factory (like the Nukalurks created by quantum).


But I'v got a few new ideas as well;


I'm going to set up some football uniforms in the nuka plants for the "nuka cola rockets" (don't know if they are pro or not), a corporate sponsored team that was gearing up for the season when the bombs hit. It won't be massive DT but it'll be pretty good for it's low weight, and probably carry a perk like heave ho for throwing (or something else football related). Sunset will have their version (maybe the Sunset sheriff, hopefully we'll find a better name) that has uniforms, except theirs look more like the 1950's style ones.


Also a competing contest that was begun by Nuka, when sales picked up over rumors of Sunset's star bottlecaps.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Hey guys, I'm here for the first time and I'm not sure how far you are with the whole backstory, but I've skimmed through the pages and I think I get the general gist of it. I've compiled it as best as I could and have spinned it a little with some ideas of my own:


When I saw some of the building pics, I remembered a trip I took when I was a kid to one of those towns that are designed to look like they did in the 1600's with actors acting out the daily routine of what someone from that time frame would do. My suggestion, is that this was a premiere spot for schools to send kids and like Little Lamplight, the kids got stuck there when the war broke out. Unlike LL, the adults were there and with the help of the actors (or robots if you prefer), they were able to survive after the fallout ended. The location of the amusement park made it sheltered from radiation fallout and no bombs exploded nearby. Let's say there were 5,000 people here to start with say another 100 or so park workers. Time moved forward, and slowly the numbers began to dwindle. The inbreeding caused the tribal elders to worry and began sending out scouts to see if anyone else survived and could help (i.e. chosen ones). In addition, while the robots of the amusement park were able to repair themselves and the grounds, their controller robot was slowly degrading because no one could perform maintenance due to their lack of knowledge and it needed to be shut down to perform the necessary repairs so it couldn't do it itself. The scouts eventually reported that there was indeed life out in the wasteland but one was captured by a gang who followed him back to the park. This made the controller robot that much more anxious since it couldn't risk shutting down the park defenses. This is where the courier comes in. A scout comes to find the courier whose exploits have even reached the ears of the park inhabitants. The courier is asked to help save the park.


Now, to place in the two competing factories. My best suggestion is that to repair the sunset park will require going to the Nuka factory and getting replacement parts from there. Upon getting inside, you are greeted by a cult of robots who worship the almighty Nuka Cola and are led by their own robot overlord. These robots are more independent, but are still programmed to follow the Nuka rules programmed into them, including doing everything they could to crush Sunset. The factory was designed to be an amusement park as well as a manufacturing plant. You will also have the chance to switch allegiance to this group. So this is the setup. Now on to the quests:


After being approached by the scout, you journey to the park to find it mostly habitable, but showing some definite wear and tear as the robot-in-charge (let's say RIC for now) is slowly degrading. For example, while there are some robots doing maintenance work, another one keeps walking into a wall and another just walks around in circles. You first task upon speaking with RIC is to shore up the defenses and deal with the gang.

You are also given some sidequests to teach and give tech/weapons to the tribals. This will tie-in into the end-game. I would also suggest a side-quest to bolster the tribal numbers, i.e. introducing another tribe elsewhere that can be convinced to join the sunset tribals.

After dealing with the gang, you have to repair the RIC. Going to the Nuka factory (somewhere in the Mojave perhaps?) you are able to safely take the replacement parts and fix RIC (I imagine some quests here as well like maybe steal the secret formula for some drink from Sunset Headquartersin exchange).

Upon fixing RIC, you realize that it was a trap as RIC is disabled by the sabotaged parts and the Nuka robots begin to arrive. It will take time for RIC to freeze out the new components and replacements are required. The Nuka robot RIC (let's call him RAC) was afraid to attack before since RIC was just as powerful and had more robots. Since Sunset is their version of the devil, they have come to conquer it finally and the tribals are considered employees and thus targets. If you bothered to get the necessary teaching materials and weapons/armor, then they are able to hold off the Nuka's. If not, their numbers go way down.


No matter what you do, RIC is unable to fix itself and a Nuka robot general acting as a proxy for RAC deliverers the death blow. With Sunset conquered, RAC doesn't know what to do next.

One possible ending (evil), the nukas will destroy this place and you get a large reward. The place will become deserted as all the sunset robots are destroyed and the tribals scatter to the winds.

One possible ending (good), is to convince RAC that they just completed a merger and you will be able to merge RIC and RAC together.

One possible ending (neutral), is to convince RAC that RAC just made a hostile takeover and that now Sunset Park is Nuka Park. This doesn't go very well since RAC is barely able to handle the Nuka Factory. How this is shown, I'm not quite sure.

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Hey guys, I'm here for the first time and I'm not sure how far you are with the whole backstory, but I've skimmed through the pages and I think I get the general gist of it.


That's my fault, I should do a update that summarizes the plotline.


When I saw some of the building pics, I remembered a trip I took when I was a kid to one of those towns that are designed to look like they did in the 1600's with actors acting out the daily routine of what someone from that time frame would do.


Yes we we're leaning pretty heavily on "historical districts". Areas where androids were programmed to behave like old west characters in historical re-enactments. I had even fixed it so all gibbing was robot parts....didn't make sense to shoot one and see blood and gore. But in this case, lore pretty much just kicked me in the nuts. I couldn't find any references for pre-war androids, and even in the 200 years that followed only the institute has made androids that could pass as human.


So long story short I'm using a mix of the following;

Protectrons with human attire

Human actors with protectron animations-it deforms the skeleton and thus the mesh to give them a protectron shape (except for the head)

Protectron mesh rigged to a human skeleton (from Gorow333's great work on monster costumes)


It will still let me have characters in costumes but anything more than a casual glance and most players are going to recognize they aren't human. So even though the models changed the ideas for the historical district are still in play.


My suggestion, is that this was a premiere spot for schools to send kids and like Little Lamplight, the kids got stuck there when the war broke out.


Yeah that's a good point re: school trips, I'll have to implement those. We have a "Texas Teddy" nursery/day care that is going to be a real tear jerker.


Here is a early vid of Texas Teddy (park mascot, nannybot in the nursery etc). It doesn't have his gunslinger belt and holster, and his boots and hat havn't been re-textured yet. He/They are just 2nd hand protectrons the park bought from military surplus sales, closeouts etc. Then stuck in a teddy costume and reprogrammed.




Re: the LL angle, this is off topic, but I had one from another mod I really liked. I was just going to use it as filler since it's not tied really to the ghost warrior story line per se.......it could be split into it's own adventure.


Emerald City shopping mall;

A group of kids captured by the legion are being transferred to another camp when the legion guards are overwhelmed by deathclaws (or some fearsome predator). Escaping they wander in the wilderness, eventually coming across the Emerald City shopping center, a wizard of OZ themed mall long since forgotten and partially buried. So after stuffing themselves (until they were sick) at the candy store, vending machines etc they decide to check the place out. Some kids take stuff from the sports store and start a baseball game on the yellow brick promenade, others raid the toy store or the holovid store.


Willy (one of the children) is a vault dweller, and even at this early age has a better understanding of electronics and tech in general than most adult wastelanders will ever have. Also Willy's favorite story is the wizard of OZ, so he's in heaven. He is able to restore some power and even running water, for which he becomes an instant hero.


The children find several (relatively) unscathed protectrons labeled "Emerald City guard" and Willy is able to activate and reprogram a few. He finds and fixes a unique protecton he names the Tinman. He repairs the holo generator for the "mighty and powerful oz" a giant floating green head that used to make mall announcements, advertisements etc. It's at this point that Willy wants everyone to start calling him The Wizard (some already were because of his ability to fix just about anything).


Later a beastman who was cast out from his tribe for cowardice is found near death in the parking lot and nursed back to health. Beastmen are a human tribe, with slight mutation Hypertrichosis, ie the wolfman hair. They are known for the ferociousness in battle. Indebted and touched by the children he pledges his loyalty/life to the children. The wizard names him the Cowardly Lion.


The local tirbals have a taboo against pre-war locations, just like the dead horse tribes of honest hearts. And by using the hologram, PA system, some fireworks found in the mall and other items, Willy is able to scare any particularly adventuresome local tribals that wander near the emerald city mall. It quickly gains the reputation of being haunted, allowing the children to survive relatively unscathed.....for now.


Havn't gotten too much further than that. It'd be good to have a "witch", a nemesis of Willy. One idea is a child who was also vault dweller,skilled, educated etc. They just had a split which has progressively gotten worse until they she became a real problem. Or a much more serious threat, like a witch doctor type shaman of one of the local tribes who has obsessed with the emerald city, and would gladly kill the children for their technology.


Anyway, just an idea I was playing with that could make a fun little, low level mod...back to the mod at hand.



Unlike LL, the adults were there and with the help of the actors (or robots if you prefer), they were able to survive after the fallout ended.


This is similar to the main plot that runs through the whole story......so let me type up a little summary as soon as I have a little free time. Gotta run, but I'll address the rest of your post asap

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I don't know about the human-likeness angle, it just seems unnecessary to me. You shouldn't limit yourself to just the protectrons, maybe some Mr. Handy's (or Gutsy's) for variety like in the screen shots I saw, but I would stay away from Robobrains since they're pretty creepy. As for Texas Teddy, awesome job, and I can't help thinking of Mongo from Shrek 2 :) . You should probably think about having some static amusements like a flat, wooden cowboy who raises his hat (so just the arm and hat are animated).


I'm liking the OZ thing, but being a vault dweller doesn't mean that a person is inherently smart (i.e. Butch from F3). Also, being a vault dweller implies being inside of a vault. I take it that the PC is the "Dorothy" in this mod and don't forget, there were two wicked witches and the good witch and you're right, this might not fit in well with this mod.


For that matter, I'm surprised no one has made a mod off the Principal and the escaped kids that became the Sorrows in Honest Hearts. Perhaps you can join that with the OZ thing somehow?

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I don't know about the human-likeness angle, it just seems unnecessary to me. You shouldn't limit yourself to just the protectrons, maybe some Mr. Handy's (or Gutsy's) for variety like in the screen shots I saw,


Oh yeah, definitely. The human like protectrons are just in the historical sections of the amusement park. The rest have all the bots like in these pics.




I'd like to show you more but imageshack is showing blank for about half of my images. I don't know if it's some maintenance issue or if they deleted them.


but I would stay away from Robobrains since they're pretty creepy.


Yeah we can't have any robobrains, sans a couple of special exceptions (one of which is detailed in the pic below, the protectron brainbot. That's Bronco Bill....fill you in on that ASAP), because the mainframe (actually a mix of human brain & computer, ala calculator), (which contains Bronco Bills childs brain) scavenges/preys on grey matter for the experiences and memories locked within. So not much spare brain to go around.




As for Texas Teddy, awesome job, and I can't help thinking of Mongo from Shrek 2 :) . You should probably think about having some static amusements like a flat, wooden cowboy who raises his hat (so just the arm and hat are animated).


Re: Texas Teddy, I think he/it will be fun. Might be one that can be a companion. The thing is, to save money they bought protectrons from military surplus sales, and laid a programming template over their normal routines. It's possible a bug, or the mainframe itself can cause them to activate old combat sub routines.


Mongo, I'll check it out, kinda forgot all the shrek characters except the ogre himself. Static amusements are a good idea, I was just going with neon ones, but yours would be better in the day. I'v been working on a duck target shooting game, maybe that will help with animating a flat cowboy.


I'm liking the OZ thing, but being a vault dweller doesn't mean that a person is inherently smart (i.e. Butch from F3). Also, being a vault dweller implies being inside of a vault.


No, but I figure Willy is the son of an electrical engineer (or the fallout equivalent) and has been tinkering with his dad's stuff as soon as he could hold a soldering iron. And the vaults (at least some of them) are excellent repositories of technical knowledge.


I take it that the PC is the "Dorothy" in this mod and don't forget, there were two wicked witches and the good witch and you're right, this might not fit in well with this mod.


Honestly it was just filler for the ghost warriors mod. In that mod you have to help each native american tribe with a task. Discovering the secret of the emerald city was supposed to be a task to aid one of the more superstitious tribes who feared the new activity in the pre-war taboo. Then the player would find the children and discover their plight. This would lead to a quest for the player (with with good karma, or neutral karma that were rewarded) to offer to recover their parents from one of the legion camps. That would reunite the children and parents and they would leave emerald city, fulfilling the original quest of "laying to rest" the angry spirits of the taboo area, and gaining that tribes allegiance.


But I hadn't really developed the idea too far, because I'v been working on mods other than the ghost warriors lately. Plus it's all crafted by Willy as he sees it, so there may not be some characters. And to complicate things I'v learned the wizard of oz movie only touched on a tiny slice of the oz stories....many, many more characters. But I think the main oz movie characters are probably fine.


As far as dorothy, sure I could see the pc in that role, but it could also go unfilled. The strawman may not have an appearance.....not sure what fallout actor needs a brain. The good witch could be willy's sister....or not.


For that matter, I'm surprised no one has made a mod off the Principal and the escaped kids that became the Sorrows in Honest Hearts. Perhaps you can join that with the OZ thing somehow?


Well it is pretty well detailed already, but it's still an interesting premises. I think the whole lamplight theme or similar themes are interesting because they are simply so unlikely.


It looks like I won't have any free time until the weekend to fill in the info for this thread, owb expanded and ncr/independant vegas.

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