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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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I'll comment on the Oz portion in your other thread on that subject. I like where you're going with this, but I think that the eyebots need a full tribal headdress and to really nail the whole not-politically correct native american look, perhaps have them in a red color. Since they are military surplus, it would make perfect sense for a combat sub-routine to be activated in defense of the park, but I think you're going to need a sequence of them entering a building that looks like a barn but is actually a repair depot/armory and have them exit in their original military look with actual weapons. By the way, I got this image of a show by like 10 robots every day (maybe several times a day i.e. 9:00am-12:00pm-3:00am-6:00pm) where they have an old-fashioned shoot out (not lethal) like they have in westerns.


About the Teddy companion, nah. There's a mod on this site called Gojira or something like that that spawns a gecko scaled up in size to Godzilla standards that made me think of this. Why not have this Mongo-esque robot walk around the perimeter as a guard/attraction. You'd have to admit, a 15+ foot tall robot would scare off most predators for easier prey. It could even have a throne in the middle of the park. If you'd like, you can tie this in to the defenses by having had Mongo break down several years ago and requires extensive repairs. He would start out looking like a cyborg with tattered covering and as you rebuild components, new yellow skin would fill in the missing pieces. This idea is actually quite similar to the Guardian from the Shivering Islands x-pac.

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The big bot guard sounds nifty, maybe a Paul Bunyan axe bot?

As for the corporate warfare- how do the ai's evaluate the market? The servers or whatever are down from day one. They could have a "doomsday" anti-espionage system, i.e. if they were suffer a bomb-induced communications blackout or computer virus or the like, they'd do... something drastic.


Of course, looking at this from another angle- perhaps the AIs have some limited understanding of the "severity of the situation" but see it as a business opportunity- a windfall and once-in-a-lifetime chance to take control of the market- the competition literally eliminated... there could be a few interesting tidbits of dialogue concerning House's survival or death.

THe rationale being that in their "all out" mode, "unless it's explicitly forbidden it's legal and sane" so while they might not resort to say murder partially because there aren't any targets (left) and partially because it's "too much risk for too little reward" (maybe Bill "woke" the beast somehow, by being a suitable target? This could be the lead in to the park, the player possibly being "hired" rather bluntly (i.e.) employees must obey! You are now in the loop, you must participate in the conspiracy or die for the company) to kill bill or protect him, by siding with one or the other)

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I'll comment on the Oz portion in your other thread on that subject. I like where you're going with this, but I think that the eyebots need a full tribal headdress and to really nail the whole not-politically correct native american look,


No worries, I'm definitely shooting for the "golden age of Hollywood" Indians as reflected in John Wayne's movies.



By the way, I got this image of a show by like 10 robots every day (maybe several times a day i.e. 9:00am-12:00pm-3:00am-6:00pm) where they have an old-fashioned shoot out (not lethal) like they have in westerns.


Oh yeah, we definitely have our little staged shootouts. The Sherrif and black bart go at it. There will also be an "Indian raid" and some other shows. Of course that was when we were planning on using androids (which I'v taken a whole new view on). Now they'll have to be adapted to the new human with protectron skeleton, so I hope they're a functional model I can pull off. Otherwise I'll have to use actual protectrons and they won't look as good.


The other advantage of this is that players can reprogram or otherwise convince the sherrif to become a follow (if you have good karma) or black bart (if you have evil karma).


Why not have this Mongo-esque robot walk around the perimeter as a guard/attraction.


Well we have to stick to the western theme because that's the central concept of the amusement park (although me and trooper did float the idea of a much more general amusement park like Disneyland in the future). So I'd be inclined to use Texas Teddy since he's the park mascot (along with Sunset Sam).


He would start out looking like a cyborg with tattered covering and as you rebuild components, new yellow skin would fill in the missing pieces. This idea is actually quite similar to the Guardian from the Shivering Islands x-pac.


We have a bear something like that, modeled after Shardik from the dark tower (except he's not a real cyborg like Shardik, purely mechanical and made by general atomics). He was made long ago for the big game hunting expeditions at the park, but time hasn't been kind to him and he's suffering some serious problems with his cpu.

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The big bot guard sounds nifty, maybe a Paul Bunyan axe bot?


Well Paul Bunyan certainly fits the western theme, but maybe he might be better placed at the log ride? Seems like that'd more his thing. Make it appear he's just an animated figure for the sign, but have him actually break his supports and attack. For the park proper I'm leaning toward Texas Teddy as he's one of the official mascots and I think he'd translate better than Sunset Sam when were talking that size. Another option is to have skullbear be the giant mascot. It'd make him stand out even more from the other Texas Teddies, then just having a damaged/shredded body.



As for the corporate warfare- how do the ai's evaluate the market? The servers or whatever are down from day one. They could have a "doomsday" anti-espionage system, i.e. if they were suffer a bomb-induced communications blackout or computer virus or the like, they'd do... something drastic.


I'v always gotten a kick out of the FO theme of these bots just going about they'r business as usual 200 years after a nuclear holocaust. Their is just something so iconic about it. And I should explain this is the standard fallout, mechanical mainframes in the nuka facotry and Sunset headquarters......not our beloved little, brain stealing, cyborg monstrosity, in the Sunset park proper. So I think it's possible to have this clueless business as usual angle for the plot. Have charts that show a sharp and sudden product dropoff. Possibly have the mainframe from both companies solicit you as a nuka or sunset franchise or a delivery employee etc.


Of course, looking at this from another angle- perhaps the AIs have some limited understanding of the "severity of the situation" but see it as a business opportunity- a windfall and once-in-a-lifetime chance to take control of the market- the competition literally eliminated...


I can definitely see that. I was thinking of having a "Phil the Nuka Cola dude" working for the nuka factory and maybe Sierra both working for Sunset. Both of them delivering their respective soft drinks to safer areas of the Mojave. But they have a not so friendly competition. So it could start with something small like sabotaging your competitions delivery person and end with actually destroying the enemy mainframe. Although we'd have to be careful that Sierra isn't killed in the crossfire, since she's in the next chapter.


THe rationale being that in their "all out" mode, "unless it's explicitly forbidden it's legal and sane" so while they might not resort to say murder partially because there aren't any targets (left) and partially because it's "too much risk for too little reward"


And in addition, resources may be scarce so neither mainframe wants to send bots to attack the other since that means less defenders. Or worse the bots could be killed in teh lawless wastes and thus be completely wasted before they could even reach their destinations. If we go with that direction I'll put the Nuka factory quite a ways from the Sunset headquarters to make the plot realistic (of why they havn't anhiliated each other).


This could be the lead in to the park, the player possibly being "hired" rather bluntly (i.e.) employees must obey! You are now in the loop, you must participate


I like the idea, but lets use it for the mainframes in the Mojave since we already have great "lead ins" for the park, and they are intricately tied to the park story line. So the mainframes demand your employee-ship as described above. Although you can probably have some speech options to convince the mainframes that you should be paid for your work (as your a private contractor) or kill some bots and make the point that you'll take the job, but on your own terms (if your a badas*).

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I'm a bit fried, but anyway, I started an iron horse model in Wings:









I have no idea how this thing would be animated, but that's a bit down the line.

Anyway, yeah, business as usual works fine. Given the complete non-attachment (presumably) to the two brands, there's not too much of a problem in "limiting" te player to siding with the SS corp. Perhaps Sierra was "kidnapped" by Phil, or needs an escort or rescue etc.?

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I'm a bit fried, but anyway, I started an iron horse model in Wings:


Looks spot on. BTW does wing have export scripts for nif's? I'm betting it probably doesn't, but that's OK as long as it can be imported into blender or 3ds max. Will it let you save models as obj?


I have no idea how this thing would be animated, but that's a bit down the line.


I have a pet project I'v been working on that I hope to apply not only to trains, but also actual traffic in a mod :biggrin: It's early, but I'm optimistic about it so far. I want to see nuclear powered Chryslus's driving down the street.


Anyway, yeah, business as usual works fine.


For some reason I just really like the irony/juxaposition of a mainframe calculating profit margin and market penetration reports when just outside the factory walls retro throwbacks to the days of Ceaser and mutant geckos rampage about a nuclear wasteland.


Given the complete non-attachment (presumably) to the two brands, there's not too much of a problem in "limiting" te player to siding with the SS corp. Perhaps Sierra was "kidnapped" by Phil, or needs an escort or rescue etc.?


Yeah that's a good idea. Plus it sets up a relationship with Sierra for the next chapter. Plus as a factory they both should be able to provide ample "funds" in the form of shiny, just pressed bottlecaps....then again they may pay in old world dollers too. Funny if Phil was paid in corp checks and had no place to cash them.


I ghave to make Nuka swag as part of the haul/payoff. I'll include all the typical stuff like lunchbox, hats, jacket etc. But let me know if original nuka items come to mind. I have the crate of football uniforms (light armor, decent dt) for their sponsered team the Nuka Rockets. And I'll make (or use Riven's if he gives me permission) a nuka watch based off the one you wear as a kid on tranquility lane. Umm also a decoder ring, that's mucho 50's I think, like Christmas story. Plus it can tie in to the mod by decoding cyptic notes. But more swag ideas is appreciated. Hey did I show you the nuka bot texture;




Kind of unrelated, but I was curious if you thought any of these following ideas had legs;


The first is a Emerald City shopping mall (Wizard of OZ themed) and there is a brief summary at the end of post #618 in this thread and scattered in other threads (ghost warrior # 61).


The second is base on High Desert State Prison and is detailed in this post. But it essentially pitches the idea of very large civilian prison system with some of the worst pre-war criminals of the fallout world ghoulified. And of course the player will be facing them as well as robotic defense, a psychotic and sadistic warden etc.


The last one I havn't put up on the board yet, but it's sort of an exploration of the whole culture of the vaults and pre-war fallout america. Something that combines ice creams socials and executions, apple pie and assault rifles. Showcasing the over the top patriotism of an America gone mad and how that social structure could have survived 200 years in a vault. The idea is multi-faceted and really just in an embryonic stage.


The look/visuals I'm shooting for is 1950's style families having picnics topside, in these picturistic scenes with the stark contrast of guards in the background armed with automatic weapons. Vault dwellers dressed in business suits playing golf on a lush course with protectron caddies etc. The streets having nuclear powered Chryslus moving along a tranquil suburban lane.


But to pull of those storylines and visuals I'v started piecing together some ideas. Basically this a govt vault (senators, movers and shakers in gov) that aren't part of the enclave and their vault experiment is to see if by being in a more normailzed environment of neighborhoods (rather than a typical vault), culture etc is psychologically more fulfilling to it's residents.


*Or* they are a vault-tec personal/employee vault (they were supposed to have set some up to rule the post apocalyptic world from). Which means no hidden experiment. Because of the size involved I thought they could actually be housed out of one of the mines (Nevada has some of the largest in teh world, esp gold mine), since they may have actual little neighborhoods in the cavernous vaults of the mine.


They came up topside built they're neighborhoods, golf courses etc in a hidden valley quite a while back. They're completely xenophobic and don't consider wastelanders Americans in any sense of the word. They don't consider them (wastelanders) as bad as the Reds, but definitely not Americans. Due to their social structure and pressures (and the prescence of the enclave, NCR, legion and other suprisingly large forces) they no longer want to conquer the world and have sort of turned in on themselves as the end all be all. Tied up in isolationism, and social morass they'v become incredibly short-sighted and self absorbed. They see the world outside of themselves, as a diseased ridden, morally bankrupt cesspool.......completely antithetical to all their values and the American way (or at least their skewed version of it that has evolved during their isolation). Titles of power like Senator, General etc have become a hereditary caste system of powerful families with very little check and balance.


However even having all this tech, power, wealth, privilege robotic servants etc, they aren't happy unless they have the "little people" to step on. So they aren't above taking slaves. To them the wastelanders are far from their equals. Some don't even see them as fully human, but more of a irradiated, mutant sub-species. More akin to dumb, uneducated dreks and savages of a lost society, not too different an attitude from some slave owners in early America. Some of hte most powerful even go further. Their hyper elitism/xenophobia/isolationism leads to them actually hunting human game for sport.


And those aspects will probably be the central involvement with the player. Surviving the hunt, doing jobs that they wouldn't dirty their hands with by leaving their comfy little town vault and a slave rebellion are my current story seeds.


I know that's not very organized or coherrent, but I hope it at least gives the atmosphere/visual impression of what I'm trying to convey, even if the plot and back story are still in a nonsensical form.

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The last one I havn't put up on the board yet, but it's sort of an exploration of the whole culture of the vaults and pre-war fallout america. Something that combines ice creams socials and executions, apple pie and assault rifles. Showcasing the over the top patriotism of an America gone mad and how that social structure could have survived 200 years in a vault. The idea is multi-faceted and really just in an embryonic stage.


The look/visuals I'm shooting for is 1950's style families having picnics topside, in these picturistic scenes with the stark contrast of guards in the background armed with automatic weapons. Vault dwellers dressed in business suits playing golf on a lush course with protectron caddies etc. The streets having nuclear powered Chryslus moving along a tranquil suburban lane.


But to pull of those storylines and visuals I'v started piecing together some ideas. Basically this a govt vault (senators, movers and shakers in gov) that aren't part of the enclave and their vault experiment is to see if by being in a more normailzed environment of neighborhoods (rather than a typical vault), culture etc is psychologically more fulfilling to it's residents.


*Or* they are a vault-tec personal/employee vault (they were supposed to have set some up to rule the post apocalyptic world from). Which means no hidden experiment. Because of the size involved I thought they could actually be housed out of one of the mines (Nevada has some of the largest in teh world, esp gold mine), since they may have actual little neighborhoods in the cavernous vaults of the mine.


They came up topside built they're neighborhoods, golf courses etc in a hidden valley quite a while back. They're completely xenophobic and don't consider wastelanders Americans in any sense of the word. They don't consider them (wastelanders) as bad as the Reds, but definitely not Americans. Due to their social structure and pressures (and the prescence of the enclave, NCR, legion and other suprisingly large forces) they no longer want to conquer the world and have sort of turned in on themselves as the end all be all. Tied up in isolationism, and social morass they'v become incredibly short-sighted and self absorbed. They see the world outside of themselves, as a diseased ridden, morally bankrupt cesspool.......completely antithetical to all their values and the American way (or at least their skewed version of it that has evolved during their isolation). Titles of power like Senator, General etc have become a hereditary caste system of powerful families with very little check and balance.


However even having all this tech, power, wealth, privilege robotic servants etc, they aren't happy unless they have the "little people" to step on. So they aren't above taking slaves. To them the wastelanders are far from their equals. Some don't even see them as fully human, but more of a irradiated, mutant sub-species. More akin to dumb, uneducated dreks and savages of a lost society, not too different an attitude from some slave owners in early America. Some of hte most powerful even go further. Their hyper elitism/xenophobia/isolationism leads to them actually hunting human game for sport.


And those aspects will probably be the central involvement with the player. Surviving the hunt, doing jobs that they wouldn't dirty their hands with by leaving their comfy little town vault and a slave rebellion are my current story seeds.


I know that's not very organized or coherrent, but I hope it at least gives the atmosphere/visual impression of what I'm trying to convey, even if the plot and back story are still in a nonsensical form.

This really sounds like what I was going for with the Hawaiian empire concept- speaking of which, what about snowballing that with the Nazi mod, with the two ending up in a third world war? Basically, the UAV/airship/zeppelin "big brother" thing plus the Pearl Harbor/Nazis fleeing to Brazil/SA offer some "parallels" but the big thing is that it gives a nice evil versus greater evil conflict with a real opportunity for big-a$$ battles between empires. A vichy Honolulu (or Nicaragua colony) would be an interesting city to waltz around in.

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As for the prison: what about political prisoners or ghoulish experiments? Would it aim for a horror-fest of "normal" mutants in a big Arkham Asylum prison, or perhaps something more exotic, like an island or the Amazon or a floating fortress or huge prison-vault.

ETA: just to confirm, WIngs can import and export Object files, not to worry there. As to the traffic mod- is that related to the flying vertibird mod, the one that includes a guided missile?

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Got ideas for the Sunset football team mostly variations on Cowboys since they are an actual team:


1.) Cattle Punchers


2.) Buckaroos


3.) Deputies (with the Sunset badge prominent on the uniforms/merchandise) their mascot could even have been Slim ( I think I remember his name right lol the one that tells you the legend of the soda) since he is a sheriff.

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As for the Nuka Cola contest....I'm thinking something along the lines of something Coke actually did years ago, letters under the cap to spell out the name (just Nuka Cola instead of Coca Cola). Turning them in at the factory would give you a points for prizes (anything from free Nukas to promotional items) perhaps the grand prize (since there were so many complaints over the bad prize for the Sunset one) being really special: A Nuka Cola protectron! (of course if you don't want to script it up as a companion it could be either wrecked or berserk, give you that nice disappointed feeling you get from the Sunset "prize", while still showcasing the vast resources of Nuka)
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