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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Progress report.










The lamp at the front is a ot harder than I thought it would be, mainly because of how frickn small the doohickeys that support it are...

I think I'll start the main wheels next, then either the cowcatcher/dolly thingy for the front or the pistons.

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Got ideas for the Sunset football team mostly variations on Cowboys since they are an actual team:


Nice ones, I was going to throw long horns into the mix, but I think they're a real college team, TX or something.


As for the Nuka Cola contest....letters under the cap to spell out the name (just Nuka Cola instead of Coca Cola).....A Nuka Cola protectron! (of course if you don't want to script it up as a companion it could be either wrecked or berserk,


Good deal I like that idea. I was going to make a vending protectron (temp companion) with the new skin (in teh pic above) that would follow you back to teh lucky 38 and could dispense nuka's from it's inventory with that booming "nuka cola" sound track and possibly a bit of advertising. He wouldn't do much more, but any nuka you add to him would automatically be converted to ice cold nuka. He's more of swag than anything else, but I think he'd fit perfectly with your contest.

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Nice ones, I was going to throw long horns into the mix, but I think they're a real college team, TX or something.


Yep they are, *chuckles* "Go Longhorns!" *in best Hank Hill impression*


Good deal I like that idea. I was going to make a vending protectron (temp companion) with the new skin (in teh pic above) that would follow you back to teh lucky 38 and could dispense nuka's from it's inventory with that booming "nuka cola" sound track and possibly a bit of advertising. He wouldn't do much more, but any nuka you add to him would automatically be converted to ice cold nuka. He's more of swag than anything else, but I think he'd fit perfectly with your contest.


Excellent, that works perfectly!

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This really sounds like what I was going for with the Hawaiian empire concept-


How did you solve the size problem? Did you just make the whole island the "vault". I'm going after a hybrid approach, huge mine used as a vault below, a few years (or decade) of building a neighborhood above ground (in a hidden valley). But long story short justifying the size is my main concern, especially when you have cars driving down streets, blocks of houses etc.



speaking of which, what about snowballing that with the Nazi mod, with the two ending up in a third world war? Basically, the UAV/airship/zeppelin "big brother" thing plus the Pearl Harbor/Nazis fleeing to Brazil/SA offer some "parallels" but the big thing is that it gives a nice evil versus greater evil conflict with a real opportunity for big-a$$ battles between empires. A vichy Honolulu (or Nicaragua colony) would be an interesting city to waltz around in.


Let me revisit the thread. I wouldn't have thought they had much in common......but it's been a while and I may not be remembering your mod correctly.

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The isles would themselves be "vaults" or more accurately an Eden, with terraforming and laser defense grids etc. to keep it "pure" and whole through the ages.

THe main problem I had plotwise was what to do with them; having the player "shake things up" in the capitol of an old world pacific empire just didn't make sense, and having a "rebellion" somehow surviving in the heartland also seemed incredulous, barring the support/tolerance of an incumbent faction/clan. I threw the Nazi idea out there mainly because I'd enjoy plotting a rather large war between them. :P


FInally started playing OWB today, courtesy of a new comp install and quick console advance to level 16 + teleport. I'm going after Lonesome Road next.

I did a bit of work on a separate (new cylinder mesh, same model file) wheel, but I'm not up to speed on how to "bridge" holed out sections, also I'm still somewhat concerned about the animation. Hoping for something more concrete tomorrow, I'm happy to actually have something solid for a change rather than just thoughts and ramblings...

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THe main problem I had plotwise was what to do with them; having the player "shake things up" in the capitol of an old world pacific empire just didn't make sense, and having a "rebellion" somehow surviving in the heartland also seemed incredulous, barring the support/tolerance of an incumbent faction/clan. I threw the Nazi idea out there mainly because I'd enjoy plotting a rather large war between them. :P


Gotcha, so maybe some ideas to really trigger the combat. I'm trying to finish off the rest of the requests I promised before I head out tonight (think I have 3 left) so I can start with a clean slate Sun and focus on SSWWW, but when I'm done, I'll check out the thread, and maybe between us, Greenknightfury, kastrom etc someone will come up with a stroke a genius.


FInally started playing OWB today,


I think your really going to enjoy it, it sort of feels like a campy 50's sci fi flick.....


I did a bit of work on a separate (new cylinder mesh, same model file) wheel, but I'm not up to speed on how to "bridge" holed out sections, also I'm still somewhat concerned about the animation. Hoping for something more concrete tomorrow, I'm happy to actually have something solid for a change rather than just thoughts and ramblings...


Well to bake it (animations) into the nif your going to have to use keyframe files (just like the KF's you see on character/creature animations). If wings doesn't have that, it doesn't mean all is lost. You can load them up in blender (3ds max as well) and do them there.


As far as ""bridge" holed out sections" I'm afraid that's greek to me

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TrooperScooperMKII - for your Hawaii mod - perhaps you should have all the current people on the island be basically tribals, sort of regressed to the way they used to be before they were conquered and annexed. They have no idea how any of the tech works anymore, perhaps on purpose. The laser defense grids kept out all the nuclear weapons so no radiation or it's byproducts like ghouls and supermutants. Perhaps there should also be a perimeter defense of floating man-made islands to make sure that no missile or ship could get past the defensive perimeter (also acts like a border and depending on your skill, you can have one of the areas be a Chinese ship graveyard). Let's say history is repeating itself, as someone from the European area managed to get their hands on a mini-sub and wants to conquer the area for his (or her) own ends. With a small team of mercenaries, he's managed to carve out a nice niche on one of the islands, but the natives are hard to conquer and he can't get control of the internal defenses, perhaps networked to a hidden vault. This person can still be a Nazi, perhaps like this guy. I suppose you can make a bit of an Honest Hearts ending; deciding whether or not to keep the tribals innocent or train them in war and risk them fighting among themselves; or help the Nazi conquer the island and create a stable post-war empire (even though it will be built on basically slave labor).
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well Trooper, if I remember the storyline for that one right (have read through it before) you had several different factions going, and having the player choose a faction to support over the others isn't that unusual a plotpoint....and if each faction had some hidden agenda/dark secret it makes the player shaking things up for one or another (or even several of them throughout their time there) even more compelling.


As for the whole rebellion in the heartland lasting all that time, it could easily be being supported by someone (perhaps even a family) high up in power and wealth among the leaders of the Empire that wants to be on top and is hoping to use the rebellion to oust the current rulers. And there are plenty of long lived rebellions in colonies across the globe to show that they can last even longer than the 200 someodd years that that one would have.

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well Trooper, if I remember the storyline for that one right (have read through it before) you had several different factions going, and having the player choose a faction to support over the others isn't that unusual a plotpoint....and if each faction had some hidden agenda/dark secret it makes the player shaking things up for one or another (or even several of them throughout their time there) even more compelling.


As for the whole rebellion in the heartland lasting all that time, it could easily be being supported by someone (perhaps even a family) high up in power and wealth among the leaders of the Empire that wants to be on top and is hoping to use the rebellion to oust the current rulers. And there are plenty of long lived rebellions in colonies across the globe to show that they can last even longer than the 200 someodd years that that one would have.

Yeah, a particular boss family was the solution I settled on RE: the homefront. The concept's been revised a million times now, I've settled on a Nicaraguan client state.

(shameless self promotion :teehee: )

Anyway, back to the train. Aside from finishing the main wheel model, I reworked the know thingies on top of the boiler- the front one looked more like a fedora than a tube :wacko: and they were supposed to stick out more anyway...

also added window depressions to the cab and touched up the smokestack; I'm going to do a bit more with the cab and boiler (bells and whistles, literally) and hopefully start the lamp post, the front bogie wheel/cowcatcher ensemble, or the tender. I'm trying to put off the main wheel/piston due to lingering concerns with animation.














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