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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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What ever happened to this mod ?


i was really looking forward to it when i read about it

It doesn't have to be a spectator sport brother. If it's something that interests you jump in. Even if you don't have any modding skills you can help with ideas, plot lines etc and you help guide the mod by giving feedback on what you'd like to see.


I should probably release a part of it, since a lot of assets are done, just been slammed for a while now.

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What ever happened to this mod ?


i was really looking forward to it when i read about it

It doesn't have to be a spectator sport brother. If it's something that interests you jump in. Even if you don't have any modding skills you can help with ideas, plot lines etc and you help guide the mod by giving feedback on what you'd like to see.


I should probably release a part of it, since a lot of assets are done, just been slammed for a while now.

This is true, but you can also try to learn how to make some of the things you want. I've had a lot of crazy ideas for things I've wanted added to the game over the years, and I'll tell you one thing, it never hurts to try. For example, one of the craziest ideas I've ever had, I've recently been able to make a reality, and all it really took was putting in the effort to figure out how to do it.

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This is true, but you can also try to learn how to make some of the things you want.

I don't think anyone was making a contrary argument, but rather I was stating there are always ways to help regardless of your skill set.


For example, one of the craziest ideas I've ever had, I've recently been able to make a reality, and all it really took was putting in the effort to figure out how to do it.

I checked your profile, and if your referring to your TANKS mod it's not that it was hard to do, its that it isn't allowed. You've been a member on nexus for almost 3 years, you should know that using FO3 assets that aren't in the FONV BSA isn't allowed....and the Chimera definitely isn't included in NV's archives. I'm glad you flew under the radar, but you should know that's the kind of thing that impacts your account (initially a warning, but could result in a ban if it's a repeated offense).

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This is true, but you can also try to learn how to make some of the things you want.

I don't think anyone was making a contrary argument, but rather I was stating there are always ways to help regardless of your skill set.


For example, one of the craziest ideas I've ever had, I've recently been able to make a reality, and all it really took was putting in the effort to figure out how to do it.

I checked your profile, and if your referring to your TANKS mod it's not that it was hard to do, its that it isn't allowed. You've been a member on nexus for almost 3 years, you should know that using FO3 assets that aren't in the FONV BSA isn't allowed....and the Chimera definitely isn't included in NV's archives. I'm glad you flew under the radar, but you should know that's the kind of thing that impacts your account (initially a warning, but could result in a ban if it's a repeated offense).
Wow dude, I was just trying to point out that learning to mod is not as difficult as it is intimidating to a beginner.


And regardless of what I was referring to, my tank mod requires TTW and isn't breaking any rules. I totally appreciate you trashing my work on it though. Very classy, bro

Edited by uhmattbravo
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Wow dude, I was just trying to point out that learning to mod is not as difficult to learn as it is intimidating to a beginner.

And no one was making a contrary argument, simply a statement that one can help regardless of their skill level. Some people won't have the time or inclination to learn the skills associated with modding but that doesn't preclude them from making valuable contributions.


And regardless of what I was referring to, my tank mod requires TTW and isn't breaking any rules.

I guarantee you it is. Just about everyone that is familiar with nexus policy and has been a member for any length of time knows you can't use FO3 only assets in a FONV mod.....it's a copyright infringement pure and simple. There are a multitude of threads about it, the requests section is full of them.



And teh fact that you think requiring TTW means you can bundle FO3 only assets in FONV mods is simply showing a complete and utter lack of understanding of the subject. TTW's aim was to allow references to FO3 assets that the player would provide and thus not run afoul of copyright, since assets were not included. So you've fubuar'd that too, by bundling the Chimera meshes in your mod.

Think about it for a second, don't you think if it was allowed it would have been done long, long ago, probably shortly after the NV geck was released.


Plus has it occurred to you why TTW is no longer hosted on Nexus.

From the creator (Kuroitsune)before TTW was removed from nexus & the last post in the TTW thread before he had it locked;


"The problem is licensing. We need permission from both Bethesda and Obsidian to allow a mod like this to exist, one that allows assets from Fallout 3 to be used in New Vegas. It is not a Piracy issue. We didn't have permission, so the site must come down. Any mod like this without permission must come down, including RFCW and Deja Vu Vegas."


You simply couldn't be more wrong. How is it you don't know this after being a member for almost 3 years?


I totally appreciate you trashing my work on it though. Very classy, bro

This isn't about you personally, regardless of whether you want to make it personal. It's about playing by the rules so nexus doesn't run afoul of bethesda's copyright and we can all continue to enjoy one of the most user extensible games ever made.

If you want to make it about you and some personal affront that's your call.

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Look. All I said was not to be afraid to try to learn, and you keep going off at how everything about a mod of mine (that I never mentioned) is wrong. You seriously need to calm down.


Clearly, you misread what I meant to say, but that's no excuse to keep picking apart my work that wasn't even a part of the conversation.

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Look. All I said was not to be afraid to try to learn

And no one is arguing the contrary, as I'v already stated. But the purpose of my post was to inform Ypet that s/he *doesn't* need modding skills to help with a mod I'm working on, in a thread about that mod.


, and you keep going off at how everything about a mod of mine (that I never mentioned) is wrong.

This one is really simple, but I'll walk you through it. You said;


For example, one of the craziest ideas I've ever had, I've recently been able to make a reality, and all it really took was putting in the effort to figure out how to do it.

So I checked your profile hoping to find something interesting or novel. The Chimera mod is easy to notice as most vetern modders know it's not available for use in FONV.


Usually the response is something along the lines of "I didn't know, I'll fix it" or the like. Your response was;


I totally appreciate you trashing my work on it though. Very classy, bro

Indicating that by informing you the assets weren't allowed, I was trashing your work. First of all I never made any comment on the quality of your work. If you want to take simply informing you of nexus policies as an personal attack on your work, I'd say that's on you. You may want to take your own advice in re: to calming down.



You seriously need to calm down.

I can guarantee you, as someone who *actually* knows, this thread hasn't affected my composure in any way. If you want to assert that informing you, that one can't use copyright assets in your mod is some how freaking out, then I think that flawed reasoning is all on you.


Clearly, you misread what I meant to say,

Clearly I respond to what you write, not what you *meant* to say.


but that's no excuse to keep picking apart my work that wasn't even a part of the conversation.

Once again, I didn't comment on the quality of your work, simply stated a pretty well known fact regarding nexus policies. If you don't believe me simply search in this forum for copyright.....there are ample threads to educate you.


So can you focus on the topic at hand? Do you understand that you can't use fallout 3 only assets in a FONV mod? Is there a reason why you would be exempt from teh same rules all nexus members follow? Of course not. It's a policy to prevent conflict in the copyright arena of a commercial game so that modders can continue to extend and improve the game without infringing on Bethesda's work. The result of which is that everyone benefits. The corollary is that the less copyright infringements we have, the better for the modding community. So can you take personal responsibility and follow the same policies that every nexus member abides by, or is simply informing you of this policy somehow perceived as a personal attack on you and your work?

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Im sorry i didn't mean to create argument between you guys, i have expressed my interest in this mod before but that was at least a couple years ago and on a different account, recently it occurred to me that i hadn't checked in on the forum in AGES so i found it again and noticed that there was a large time jump between the last post and present time. I would help if i could but am unable to do so, i hope it all comes together well for you

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Im sorry i didn't mean to create argument between you guys

It's not really a debate, it's simply nexus policy. Initially Uhmattbravo may not have known what copyright is, but I wouldn't want to guess why s/he continues to violate nexus and bethesda's policies/legal rights.

Your not at fault in any way shape or form, that's simply Uhmattbravo's personal responsibility and choice.


there was a large time jump between the last post and present time. I would help if i could but am unable to do so, i hope it all comes together well for you

Yeah all I have time for, these days, seem to be small(er) mods :sad:

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