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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Im sorry i didn't mean to create argument between you guys

It's not really a debate, it's simply nexus policy. Initially Uhmattbravo may not have known what copyright is, but I wouldn't want to guess why s/he continues to violate nexus and bethesda's policies/legal rights.

Your not at fault in any way shape or form, that's simply Uhmattbravo's personal responsibility and choice.


there was a large time jump between the last post and present time. I would help if i could but am unable to do so, i hope it all comes together well for you

Yeah all I have time for, these days, seem to be small(er) mods :sad:



What still needs doing exactly? I'd be willing to help depending on what you need.

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Wow. Was interested in helping until I saw what a total nazi jerk this devin guy was on page 78, god forbid someone make a simple comment about not being afraid to try and learn a new skill, apparently OP has nothing better to do than pick apart the most innocent of comments made by people trying to show or build support. Class act.

Moving on.

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god forbid someone make a simple comment about not being afraid to try and learn a new skill

Nope, guess you must be new here, as I'v helped a ton of peeps tutoring, explaining, teaching etc for newbies developing their skills and other mod authors. In fact, as I pointed out twice, one can help even if they don't have any skill set at all.


Was interested in helping until I saw what a total nazi jerk this devin guy was on page 78

I'd personally like to know if I was using copyright materials or violating nexus policy....and that, was the crux of the matter. If that means loosing out on your non existent skill set, I think I'm going to be just fine.


Class act.

The irony of calling someone classless after you refer to them as a nazi, is too ridiculous/funny.

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