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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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ok this is what i though. Before the war SSWWW wanted to have a vault for all customers in case of a nuclear attack, So they contacted vault-tec and vault-tec built a vault for the park.

The vault would be a small- medium size vault with no vault door much more like the Vault 21 entrance.


So in 2077 SSWWW got word that us was under a atomic bomb attack, the air raid alarm was sent through the Vally and everyone in the town got down in the Vault the rest did not make it because the computer brain closed the steel door to protect the vault, later when the bombs got to the park and the computer brain was damages it never opened the doors.

Now there could be a quest where you find this out and try to help the people escape if they are alive.


Tell me what you people think if the idea :) we can absolutely adopt it more.


Edit: i don't think that the computer brain would be in the same part of the park as the vault because of the radiation...


I think that is a interesting plot line but it would require us to reshuffle a lot of the story we've already laid down.


And there are a few points that would conflict with our story as I understand it;

The park isn't a milatary target as TrooperScooperMKII points out and isn't a significant population center. I can't imagine a bomb of any size would be wasted on it. And if it did (have a bomb dropped on it), it would make it very difficult to have a running amusement park in v2.

It would significantly change the nature of the tribals since they wouldn't be in the valley any longer, nor would they be living in the park was we had envisioned in v2.

The owner (lest call him Bronco Bill as a temp name) is a self-made man, strong capalist streak etc. I don't think he is going to invest the billions in cash for a vault for his customers. For him and a few employes sure, but he's not a charity.

I would like the mainframe inside the park as it is our main villain and will be the source of our primary conflicts for the player.


But that doesn't mean we can't do something similar as a side plot. We just need to alter the reasons for the captives being there. The quest for opening the door will already be there, it's the main quest to get into the vault below the parks sub/maintenance levels to deal with the mainframe. The part of your quest in re: to freeing the people could also apply to people the mainframe has imprisoned recently or to descendants of employees who have been hiding or battling the main frame on the lower levels. Although that one is a little harder to explain since you would think over all the time the mainframe (with his bots) has had it would have killed any resistance. But perhaps the rebel-employees descendent's are incredibly resourceful and have found a cavern system or mine complex that connects to the park sub levels and serves as their rebel base.


So I think quests similar to what you want can be made without re-writing the plot line we're already well down the road on.

Edited by devinpatterson
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You know, there should probably be billboards or something near the park, i.e. announcing the park's grand opening. I don't think it would have been well established, though it would have opened before the War, but it wouldn't have been in full swing yet; it would be a new attraction, so to speak. Also, I think that it should be part of a Gov't conspiracy to test bio stuff on teh population... not FEV or a weapon, but a drug/medicine of some kind, perhaps Psycho?
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@Devin- any update on the train? You seem to be good at retexturing it, and I asked Allan if he would be up for tweaking the model should we be allowed to use it. Not sure how much we could/should do to alter it, but the most extreme that we could do is to narrow the boiler front (see images of the 4-4-0) and at the very least we need to make it more artsy- the period's engines were elaborately decorated, wood and metal paneling, full paint jobs, the works. Really stands in stark contrast to the early 20th century gunmetal grey "paint" scheme...

@Flaarg- do you think you would be capable of tweaking the RC to make a log flume? I could try to dig up ref images/models if you need them.


Not yet, but it's relatively early (about 16 hours have passed since I emailed him), so I'm still somewhat optimistic. I think a black iron look with gold or silver scroll work would make a nice base and would be do-able, but I'm open to any color/texture scheme.



@Flaarg- do you think you would be capable of tweaking the RC to make a log flume? I could try to dig up ref images/models if you need them.


I'll pull the roller coster and try and export it to an autocad file and work on it, i'll let you know if i can


If that' a hassle there is a nice section in the back that you could place against a cliff wall. That segment even has a wooden platform for customers. I'll attach a pic (sorry about the poor quality the forum isn't allowing me to upload anything over 250k, and I had to bump up the lighting to see the cavern mouths). But back that up to a cliff, add some water and you'r good to go.


EDIT: Pic removed to reclaim some of my upload quota :(

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Alright, so what else do we need/have? How much do you have done so far, and what do you plan to do first?


put up a 2nd protectron model;


almost had the 3rd security protectron done when gimp crashed, don't know why I didn't have any saves :(


I can have the security bot, security protectron and androids done before the end of the weekend. I had to scuttle the world space, but that's ok it's a much better version we are working on now. I have a little bit under half a dozen unique weapons for the museum (most re-textures, 1 a new model). I think I could have some big horners re-textured to Buffalo by the weekend as well. Kung-fu belly dancer can do some voice work for us. I'll try to tackle goldwave in a day or two and that *should* give us access to all the robot voices we need. I think that's all the original content (until permissions come through), that I recall off hand.


And we have all the vanilla resources mentioned in the previous post.



The need list is pretty huge :ohmy: so I'm just going to go over the big stuff that I think we should complete first;

1. We should probably lock down the plot/story for both v1 & v2. v1 should be pretty detailed/complete before we start. v2 can be more general in outline and will vary from the v1 storyline but we should still have a general agreement and understanding of the big parts of v2's story.


These are the main characters as I had envisioned them;

*We know we have a malevolent mainframe with a dodgy brain. It's trying to replace its failing organic cpu with a highly intelligent brain.

*We also have Bronco Bill the park owner. Is he dead or alive. If he's dead did the mainframe kill him or did the employees. If he's alive his brain must be in the mainframe, is he at the computers mercy or did he replace his brain with the organic cpu and now he IS the computer.

*We have the tribals child messiah. He/she is a genetic throwback and even though s/he comes from inbred stock with a very tiny gene pool s/he is highly intelligent and has figured out the computer has been harvesting people. And has entered the park to try and stop it.

*I'd like a AI that can float from protectron to protestron the way vick could exist in different secuirtrons. Lets name him Stretch. Stretches real purpose is to advance the story along & provide clues. In game he tries to help you find the tribal chosen one, but for his own reasons.

*Some tribal npc's (tribal chosen one's mother, father, etc) that set up the story & get the ball rolling for your quest to find the tribals chosen one.


This is what I had orginally in mind for the main storyline;


In Oct 2077 Bronco Bill's SSWWW park has almost completed the vault tec mini-vault below the parks sub levels. He is discussing the vault-tec & general atomics all new organic cpu mainframe with Dr. Grienherdt when the bombs begin to fall. Air raid sirens sound. The park is full since it is a Sat. Surprisingly enough most people exit the park before the bombs hit and there are no serious pileups. However some customers are still in the valley, hiking, camping and backed up behind other cars when the impact is felt. The effects are far worse than most imagined. The earth's faults shift violently. A huge landslide covers many of cars in the mouth of the valley many and dashing any hope of exit.


After gathering the wounded and driving back to the park the survivors learn that they cannot enter due to a malfunction of the stockades main gate. This is a lie, Bronco Bill believes there are far too many people for a prolonged stay and is fearful of loosing control of the situation so is stalling for time. When he learns of the magnitude of the situation and that no help will be forthcoming he decides to keep the the customers in the valley. They are given food, clothes, camping tents ect and provided a basic level of medical care.


Tensions soon rise as the more seriously wounded begin to die. There is an attempt by a father with a wounded daughter to enter the park by force, gunfire ensues the man and several other armed customers are killed. One security bot is disabled. Bronco Bill moves several androids to the stockade scaffoldings and places hardened security bots at the gate. Later some of the park employees decide they cannot watch the wounded perish. A small group with the support of many of the employees (but not all) attempt to pass through the security bots and open the gate. Bronco Bill is alerted to the attempted aid by other employees and believes the time has come to make an example and regain control of the situation. He orders the employees opening gate to be subdued and incarcerated. Chaos ensues, gunshots are heard, bots arm non-lethal weapons, combat begins. Outside the gate opens enough for two people abreast to enter. Many of the customers had hunting rifles in their trunks and pistols for personal defense and begin to enter the fort. Combat is widespread now and some of the bots are disabled from high caliber hunting round. The bots begin to shelve their non-lethal weapons as a new security protocol is executed. The mainframe begins to run a security program originally intended for park defense in case of Chinese assault. It is unknown if the mainframe misunderstood the situation or activated the security protocol by choice as the general atomic organic cpu is capable of a much greater range of thought and flexibility than Robco UOS cpu's. Missile explosions rock the valley. Whole sale slaughter begins as the high explosives and 5mm fire cut into the crowd. Many are killed or gravely wounded. Some survivors begin to flee back through the gate and into the valley. Bronco Bill is on the stockade and is shot twice by a high caliber hunting rifle mortally wounded. The bots wipe up the last of the resistance and begin laying down suppressive fire in front of the fort killing most of the previously wounded camped there and any combatants who are unable to escape.


It's a dark time for the survivors full of terror and confusion as some take refuge in the mines, others flee into the brush. At some point the (soon to be) tribals begin to regroup and build some shelters as far away from the fort as possible. The mainframe doesn't send out bots to engage the tribals at the other end of the valley. Time passes most of the unwounded survive. There are very few of them left and along with all of the camping supplies they are able to scrounge/recover they also hunt. Game is scarce but they make due. The bravest men go back and recover what they can from the camp in front of the fort. Some children are born, some adults die. The tribals struggle to survive and adapt. Years pass.


OK so that's the setup. From here we decide if;


*Bronco bill died, and the mainframe took over, or if Bill forced Dr. Grienherdt to transplant his brain into the mainframe after being mortally wounded.

*We decide if the park employees are all killed or if some survive to join the tribals or are in the park itself (on the run or working for it).

Does the park take people to replace parts of the mainframes organic cpu? If so does it trick them into the park (maybe the park opens up once or twice a year giving the tribals gifts of food, fun etc, and once a decade or so abducts a tribal) or does it just kidnap them in the night. If it doesn't steal people why has the tribals chosen one gone into the park. Is she exceptional and the mainframe has decided it wants or fears s/he and has abducter him/her? Or is the chosen one's mother dying and s/he knows the park has the medical supplies to save his/her mother.

*after those points are decided it's a pretty straight forward search and rescue mission. The killing the mainframe (or not, the player will have choices).


After we decide the storyline we can finalize what features the park & valley will have.

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Good news Ginger9 has allowed us to use his gunslinger outfit. This is a good base/default for the androids. Check out the pics;



On the practical side of things I'm looking into ways to allow us all to begin actual work in the geck. I'm exploring a few different ideas.

1. a ESM plus ESP. We make a ESM with the world space (Sunset Valley) then everyone can work on their own esp's with the esp's pointing toward the master ESM.

2. A deep record merger using FNV. to combine 1 or more esp's into one.

3. Manually. everyone does their own ESP's and I copy them into a main esp or esm, then I upload it to the project page periodically and everyone else downloads it with the new changes and we go in cycles.


I'm going to go ask suggestions right now in the modtalk forum.


Since we are going to try and keep everything modular I believe we can start on the park sub level, and sewer now. So if anyone is just roaring to go, go get em. Just make sure it's an esp for now.


The park sub level would look mostly just like the typical vault. There should be the stuff you would see for instance in the sub levels of disneyland or disney world. Tunnels for maintenance, employee break rooms, possibly employee quarters (iff on that one), definitely employee offices, A main office/command center (much like a overseers office), bathroom(s), machine shop, robot storage, an armory, and anything else that would be needed for the employees, security and maintaining the park. The only things I'm not sure we should include are the reactor and the mainframe. The reactor will probably be in a more secure area, the mainframe will be in the bunker proper. Re: the armory I have some special non-lethal weapons to include in the armory (tasers, lasers that use the blue impacts set for tesla, but do fatigue damage), plus you should have typical employee items (10mm pistols, riot gear), and bot ammunition (5mm, missles, & energy cells).


The sewer level is pretty much free rein. Just make sure it has an area of high radiation because of runoff from the reactor and make it deadly enough that normal wastelanders are unlikely to get into the park and tribals are unlikely to survive escaping the park via the sewers. If you can keep it somewhat mundane (rad roaches, giant rats etc) with high radiation being the main barriers. But if you feel the need to you cut loose and put some higher level creatures in it won't be a big deal.

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Gun Slinger outfit will work excellent for androids walking up and down the broadway


Mainframe idea: Mainframe becomes erradic from condensation and radiation build up in the lower mainframe housing which contains the now slowly decomposing brain (from the excessive condensation and radiation), the lower mainframe housing should be in the sewers, having the interactable mainframe (a big monitor with the owners face) in the upper housing unit on the lower level of the vault. Thus allowing 2 endings to the mainframe.

1: Planting C4/Time Bomb/(hacking/reprograming) to destroy or reprogram the mainframe

2: Fix damaged circuit board and escort the choosen (to the mind absorption chamber)


Maybe the owner could look like Ted Turner (He's f**King creepy), or Walt Disney (i.e. romours of his head/body being cryonically Preserved)

More the likely Ted Turners the way to go for the owner, just look at him and imagen him wearing a 10 gallon hat.

Edited by Flaarg
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