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In response to post #27527754. #27527929, #27528174, #27528204, #27528784, #27529469, #27530964, #27533204, #27534344, #27534504, #27536734, #27537559, #27539314, #27539889, #27539969 are all replies on the same post.

jim_uk wrote: That gender ratio is a shock, also the genders add up to 101%.
BlindJudge wrote: Hey Jim,

The actual female percentage is 8.593%, so has been rounded up.

Quite interesting though hey :)
jim_uk wrote: I would have thought 25%+ I won't suggest that women tend to make more noise than men making it feel like there are more of them, that would be wrong. :D
SydneyB wrote: Yes, very interesting, Judge :) I didn't thought there were so few of us around ...

And congratulations on the results :)
DuskDweller wrote: Keep in mind that's a statistics, the percentage is relative to the number of people taking the survey, there could be 50% of female Nexus users but they don't give a damn about taking surveys...
Or on the other hand there could be 0.1% of female Nexus users, but they all took the survey. so there seems to be more of them.
GePalladium wrote: Jim is right... women are in the Nexus. Few, but here and "noisy". Would be interesting to have the statistic "mod autor per sexe". Just curious. I bet the percentage for women will increase. That could explain the "noise" x) *pardon my french*
Edit: even if what DuskDweller said about statistics is completly true.
Cos76 wrote: Yea i could not believe either,it was surprising for me as well,but honestly as long as the community stays at it is i am very happy about it :)As well gratz on the results :)
RayV12 wrote: @BlindJudge, You have one job.. Bring us more gamer chics :)

I was expecting to see more like

Males 60 %
Ponies 10 %
LLamas 2 % (I only know two on here) ;)
Elves 20 %
Females 8 %

Math... I need a nap

preeum wrote: Maybe some female modders got tired of browsing through all the excessive t&a mods; there seemed to be more female modders but I think a lot left in the past year. For a woman to come onto this site and see nothing but high def asses and tits, she can easily just leave and look for mods elsewhere. I've recommended friends before and they've commented how the site 'looks like a skyrim pornsite' when I sent them to the front page. It would be nice to see an upgrade.
llamaRCA wrote: I've been hanging around the Beth communities since 2008. In my experience there are very few female modders or players in the Fallout community. There are more girls active in TES.
Saggaris wrote: Now that is an observation for the Nexus to look at... Preeum!
shalani wrote: Female mod author over 55 here. I am probably the only one meeting that criteria, lol!
mell0wwaters wrote: kudos to shalani
indycurt wrote: Preeum: I so agree with you and how sometimes this site looks like a gaming porn site. I've reported several, and keep being rudely told "if I don't like it then move on." So, maybe Judge, you can do something about all the "soft porn" on here. It is one of the main reasons I left Steam. I came here because I thought there was a lot more class here, but sadly, after the last couple of experiences with reporting some really obscene mods, I've determined that those in charge don't seem to think it is much of an issue.
jim_uk wrote: Disable adult content and you won't see them.

I thought for sure there were more females on here. It explains to me the amount of nudity and sexual mods on here though.....especially when you take into consideration the average age of the user! Young boys!
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In response to post #27527754. #27527929, #27528174, #27528204, #27528784, #27529469, #27530964, #27533204, #27534344, #27534504, #27536734, #27537559, #27539314, #27539889, #27539969, #27541654 are all replies on the same post.

jim_uk wrote: That gender ratio is a shock, also the genders add up to 101%.
BlindJudge wrote: Hey Jim,

The actual female percentage is 8.593%, so has been rounded up.

Quite interesting though hey :)
jim_uk wrote: I would have thought 25%+ I won't suggest that women tend to make more noise than men making it feel like there are more of them, that would be wrong. :D
SydneyB wrote: Yes, very interesting, Judge :) I didn't thought there were so few of us around ...

And congratulations on the results :)
DuskDweller wrote: Keep in mind that's a statistics, the percentage is relative to the number of people taking the survey, there could be 50% of female Nexus users but they don't give a damn about taking surveys...
Or on the other hand there could be 0.1% of female Nexus users, but they all took the survey. so there seems to be more of them.
GePalladium wrote: Jim is right... women are in the Nexus. Few, but here and "noisy". Would be interesting to have the statistic "mod autor per sexe". Just curious. I bet the percentage for women will increase. That could explain the "noise" x) *pardon my french*
Edit: even if what DuskDweller said about statistics is completly true.
Cos76 wrote: Yea i could not believe either,it was surprising for me as well,but honestly as long as the community stays at it is i am very happy about it :)As well gratz on the results :)
RayV12 wrote: @BlindJudge, You have one job.. Bring us more gamer chics :)

I was expecting to see more like

Males 60 %
Ponies 10 %
LLamas 2 % (I only know two on here) ;)
Elves 20 %
Females 8 %

Math... I need a nap

preeum wrote: Maybe some female modders got tired of browsing through all the excessive t&a mods; there seemed to be more female modders but I think a lot left in the past year. For a woman to come onto this site and see nothing but high def asses and tits, she can easily just leave and look for mods elsewhere. I've recommended friends before and they've commented how the site 'looks like a skyrim pornsite' when I sent them to the front page. It would be nice to see an upgrade.
llamaRCA wrote: I've been hanging around the Beth communities since 2008. In my experience there are very few female modders or players in the Fallout community. There are more girls active in TES.
Saggaris wrote: Now that is an observation for the Nexus to look at... Preeum!
shalani wrote: Female mod author over 55 here. I am probably the only one meeting that criteria, lol!
mell0wwaters wrote: kudos to shalani
indycurt wrote: Preeum: I so agree with you and how sometimes this site looks like a gaming porn site. I've reported several, and keep being rudely told "if I don't like it then move on." So, maybe Judge, you can do something about all the "soft porn" on here. It is one of the main reasons I left Steam. I came here because I thought there was a lot more class here, but sadly, after the last couple of experiences with reporting some really obscene mods, I've determined that those in charge don't seem to think it is much of an issue.
jim_uk wrote: Disable adult content and you won't see them.
redprincess79 wrote: I thought for sure there were more females on here. It explains to me the amount of nudity and sexual mods on here though.....especially when you take into consideration the average age of the user! Young boys!

Agreed. Almost all of the gamers I know are female, and they ALL play Skyrim, but they hate the Nexus because of the sexual mods that objectify the female body constantly.
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The female percentage would be a lot higher if the first thing you see when you go to the site isn't half naked anime girls with hilariously giant boobs. I know you can just block authors but it gets tedious doing it every day one by one just to see mods that are actually interesting. As a female it's annoying because of the amount of times I need to do this and I have adult content disabled. Also there are some authors that make those types of mods but also make mods that I like so if I block them I don't get to see them. I think you should make a waifu category that we can block. It would also help the people who are into that sort of thing because it would make it even easier for them to find. Edited by sluvsj
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.

I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either. Edited by Heaventhere
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In response to post #27528939. #27529259, #27530094, #27530239, #27530274 are all replies on the same post.

Gamwich wrote: Only 8.593%?...... that means I've already "met" most of the women on Nexus. That's a bit depressing.

I guess that explains the proliferation of skimpy armor mods then. ;)
Ondrea wrote: I was shocked to see that as well. I really thought that percentage was much higher. And even fewer still in my age group. Yep that's why so few armors for me lol.
Gamwich wrote: More tastefully sexy armors?..... someone should get on that. ;)
numeriku wrote: Indeed x(
RavingRiley wrote: Hey, women like sexy armor too!

I second that :)
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around). I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
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In response to post #27527754. #27527929, #27528174, #27528204, #27528784, #27529469, #27530964, #27533204, #27534344, #27534504, #27536734, #27537559, #27539314, #27539889, #27539969, #27541654, #27541734 are all replies on the same post.

jim_uk wrote: That gender ratio is a shock, also the genders add up to 101%.
BlindJudge wrote: Hey Jim,

The actual female percentage is 8.593%, so has been rounded up.

Quite interesting though hey :)
jim_uk wrote: I would have thought 25%+ I won't suggest that women tend to make more noise than men making it feel like there are more of them, that would be wrong. :D
SydneyB wrote: Yes, very interesting, Judge :) I didn't thought there were so few of us around ...

And congratulations on the results :)
DuskDweller wrote: Keep in mind that's a statistics, the percentage is relative to the number of people taking the survey, there could be 50% of female Nexus users but they don't give a damn about taking surveys...
Or on the other hand there could be 0.1% of female Nexus users, but they all took the survey. so there seems to be more of them.
GePalladium wrote: Jim is right... women are in the Nexus. Few, but here and "noisy". Would be interesting to have the statistic "mod autor per sexe". Just curious. I bet the percentage for women will increase. That could explain the "noise" x) *pardon my french*
Edit: even if what DuskDweller said about statistics is completly true.
Cos76 wrote: Yea i could not believe either,it was surprising for me as well,but honestly as long as the community stays at it is i am very happy about it :)As well gratz on the results :)
RayV12 wrote: @BlindJudge, You have one job.. Bring us more gamer chics :)

I was expecting to see more like

Males 60 %
Ponies 10 %
LLamas 2 % (I only know two on here) ;)
Elves 20 %
Females 8 %

Math... I need a nap

preeum wrote: Maybe some female modders got tired of browsing through all the excessive t&a mods; there seemed to be more female modders but I think a lot left in the past year. For a woman to come onto this site and see nothing but high def asses and tits, she can easily just leave and look for mods elsewhere. I've recommended friends before and they've commented how the site 'looks like a skyrim pornsite' when I sent them to the front page. It would be nice to see an upgrade.
llamaRCA wrote: I've been hanging around the Beth communities since 2008. In my experience there are very few female modders or players in the Fallout community. There are more girls active in TES.
Saggaris wrote: Now that is an observation for the Nexus to look at... Preeum!
shalani wrote: Female mod author over 55 here. I am probably the only one meeting that criteria, lol!
mell0wwaters wrote: kudos to shalani
indycurt wrote: Preeum: I so agree with you and how sometimes this site looks like a gaming porn site. I've reported several, and keep being rudely told "if I don't like it then move on." So, maybe Judge, you can do something about all the "soft porn" on here. It is one of the main reasons I left Steam. I came here because I thought there was a lot more class here, but sadly, after the last couple of experiences with reporting some really obscene mods, I've determined that those in charge don't seem to think it is much of an issue.
jim_uk wrote: Disable adult content and you won't see them.
redprincess79 wrote: I thought for sure there were more females on here. It explains to me the amount of nudity and sexual mods on here though.....especially when you take into consideration the average age of the user! Young boys!
redprincess79 wrote: Agreed. Almost all of the gamers I know are female, and they ALL play Skyrim, but they hate the Nexus because of the sexual mods that objectify the female body constantly.


Disabling adult content also stops me from seeing legitimate mods like horror mods for example. So since you are wanting to improve this site, why not have a whole separate section for these sexual oriented "mods"? So those who are interested in that "type" of stuff can go to their own little dark corner, instead of making the majority of us alter our searching. I see there have been several others on this chain that aren't particularly happy about this "genre" of "mods" either. In my opinion, I think you are being way too dismissive on this particular subject. Edited by indycurt
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So I was watching TED on Netflix and a Game Designer named Jane McGonigal quoted a statistic that 40% of games are female. I hope that's true and I have to believe that most of the women who use the Nexus didn't see the survey as a good use of their time.


Some of the best and most beautiful mods I've found were made by women. I wish more of them would put up donate buttons.

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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around). I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.

I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
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