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LOD Ocean not working

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Ok, so firstly please do not point me to the Alexander Tutorial on LOD, I have followed it and that tutorials, while awesome is missing the number one key aspect which is how to extend water to the horizon.


I have followed the tutorial successfully in the past for other world spaces I have worked on which are contained within land, but never been able to get islands or coast line world spaces to generate properly. When I load up my worldspace in OScape I see the island with a few blue squares of water around it but then nothing but blackness. The worlspace is 2048 X 2048 but I'm unsure how to tell the worldspace to extend water into more cells. Anyone have a clue?

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Go to the region editor in game, pick your wordspace, create a dummy region, name it blahblahLOD, then pick off a square area, I think a 2048 is what a -64,-64 to 64,64 grid? Cause I'm pretty sure DW is a 1024 and I'm 32x32, so you would have to pick the corners at 128's and then oscape will gen LOD inside that square for you which will DEFINITELY be out to the horizon :tongue:


I did it with DW extending to a 64 for a test and looks pretty good, right now if you go to the northern most part of DW you can see off the edge of the world, hmm but thats fitting! :tongue:



Velicky leaves out a LOT of pertinent information in that tutorial, it is a excellent starting point but a lot of people get f'd on a ton of little things that were not included in there. One day I may get around to a fast comprehensive fill in to supplement that video, but I'm lazy

Edited by DDProductions83
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I must be dense because this doesn't seem to be working :)


So I went into the region editor in the CK and bring up my worldspace and right click to create a new region in it and you are saying just click to draw a box around the entire area so it is a 128 cell grid? Well I did that, hit apply, saved the plugin and nothing is different in Oscape, did I miss a step?

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