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Health Editor for Scc(and Offical companionns)


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Hello there..I need to request a mod that is one for offical and non offical companions ( scc or just any random companion mod ) that edits thier health points.. damage resistance ..and possibly SPECIAL and skill points. Yes I have tried this in the geck but they would break the various other companion mods that I had making them not follow you or have any dialouge. I asked for this because inn game you become pretty godlike with many perks and 800 hp ! while a custom or offical companion ( not including Fawkes , Dogmeat and R-L3) would have only..say 330 or for scc.. 80 . Which would make them not very useful in battle as they would get knocked down over and over..even when essential . If this could be possibly made to work like thrasch It would be nice. If there is a mod like this please link it !

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