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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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126. - When an army of Super Mutant Behemoths meets the Mysterious Stranger... well, you know what will happen to the Mutants.

127. - If something is ticking, and you don't see any trap... it's below you.

128. - "Mess with it, and we're gonna have a problem."

129. - When you come back to the Vault, and Wally Mack says that he is better than you, he probably doesn't ever DARE to imagine that you made your own way through the whole Wasteland, killing almost EVERYTHING in it, with your own skills. And, when he insults you with a baseball bat, he probably needs to know that you got HEAVY equipment. Aimed at his head. And when he says that his father is a hero... well, you MUST tell him that yours saved the whole Wasteland by trying to fix the Purifier. And, uh... kill him silently.

130. - Don't even DARE to save a place twice.

131. - 78% of the Fallout 3 players knows that your mom dies first just because she's black.

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132. Blackmail, extortion, hiring the lone wander to kill a woman, forcing women into prostitution, urinating in your moonshine still, slapping your ghoul hired help around: are not evil actions. (Since you lose Karma when you kill Colin Moriarty.)
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128: The G3 series of assault rifle sounds like a dinnerbell.

129: Powered armor that is several inches thick does not make you invulnerable to shotgun blasts/ explosives like you'd expect it to, instead acting like a foil seal, for freshness, apparently.

Edited by mdhay
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140: It's possible to nobly sacrifice your life without actually dying. This is, of course, the best kind of noble sacrifice.

141: Even with a simple concept like "free, clean water for everyone" people will find a way to mess it up.

142: Not only do the Pit Raiders allow their slaves to walk around in armor and carrying guns, but if you do a good job as a slave, they will actually pay you... in more guns and armor. This makes them the best slave masters ever.

143: The Pit Slaves are a bunch of spineless liars who'll try to trick you into doing their dirty work for them, and then act condescending when you refuse.

144: The Mechanist's Forge makes for a nicer player home then the actual player homes.

145: Eating pre-cut human flesh gives you rads but no karma loss. Eating human flesh straight off a corpse gives you karma loss but, oddly, never any rads.

146: If they have the caps, no merchant can refuse to buy what you are selling, even if it means you walking away with whatever you wanted to buy and all their caps -including the ones you spent earlier- leaving them with whatever junk you didn't feel like keeping.

Edited by Relativelybest
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148: Being level 30 with maxed out stats is awesome.

149: At a high enough level, with the right perks, radiation is at worst just a minor inconveniance.

150: This also applies to landmines.

151: Also: All kinds of traps.

152: There is only one thing more epic then defeating a Super Mutant Overlord in a fistfight with no weapons, and that is defeating the Evergreen Mills Super Mutant Behemoth in a fistfight with no weapons.

153: Did I mention that being level 30 with maxed out stats is awesome?

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154. - Everything is inevitably contaminated by radiations, except for alcohol.

155. - Doesn't matter the Apocalypse, there's always time for going to bed with Nova.

156. - Uncle Leo is Strutting.

157. - Once, there was Megaton. Then, a big lightning. And a suite in Tenpenny Tower.

158. - Even if you blow Megaton, Moira Brown (that b**ch!) will still be alive.

159. - Dukov's Place is always surrounded by Enclave, usually an officer, two or three random troopers, and... a Deathclaw. But instead of being slaughtered, everyone will live happily, ignoring what is "hiding" behind the corner.

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