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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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163. "Really Charon. If you don't like the look of this place... go wait outside. I didn't even invited you inside my Megaton home!"

164. Wow, a Bhramin strapped to the stone head of Abe Lincoln still retains enough buoyancy to swim across the Potomac (If you shove him...)

165. Bhramin where not built to use metro ladders... Their turning ability is just slightly better than a three legged pig's

166. the larger the group you are scorting, more enclave vertibirds and deathclaws will appear at the same time... exacly when you are besides a large bus or many cars

167. You will never forgive yourself if you let something happen to Herbert "Daring" Dashwood

168. "YES Charon! There may be danger here! What gave it away? was the raiders, the giant ant or the fact that you are on fire?"

169. Dress charon on a enclave Tesla suit to have your own grumpy evil minion.

170.You don't need to be inteligent, stong, brave or even charismatic to have your own republic. I'm serious, how is Dave even still alive?

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171. - Dave's Republic is... not actually a republic.

172. - The "army" of Dave's Republic is the biggest one in the whole Wasteland. Oh, sorry. Wrong subject.

173. -

Dave: "My army is the best, and my Republic too!"

Lone Wanderer: "..." *Calls in a bunch of heavy troopers using Enclave Commander*

*Troopers land and kill everyone inside the "Republic".*


174. - Don't feed Yao Guai.

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175. Dr. Li is a true super genius. Through many years of exhaustive scientific research, she has discovered the safest place during combat is directly in front of the player character's combat shotgun as the trigger is pulled.


176. Sarah Lyons does not mind you pausing between rounds of combat to eat the bodies of the Enclave.


177. Star Paladin Cross may look like Chris Rock's older sister, but she has a big butt and I can not lie.

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178. Giving a girl something to help her get the man of your dreams, gives you good karma. Helping a guy trying to win the girl that he wants to bone will result in bad karma(unfair double standard btw)

179. you always seem to carry more than you need seriously why you think you you put that weight command in Console

180. some girls in the game say they would LOVE to date you but as soon you ask them out they deny their love for you

181. Paulie Cantelli death must be scripted because he still dies even if you dont help out his addiction

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182. Just because it is locked, doesn't mean there is anything inside.

183. Bobby pins will always break in 3 or 4 tries, unless of course you give them a rest between attempts.

184. Raiders don't find anything suspicious about their buddies heads exploding right next to them.

185. Dogs are properly equipped to live in post-Apocalyptia, and cats are not.

186. Birds never land on the ground.

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187. - Brotherhood of Steel. The only guild that keeps one tradition all the time, in all the centuries: getting slaughtered all the time.

188. - Enclave. The only guild that will constantly have better equipment, better men and everything, but will be defeated by one man.

189. - Outcasts. The only guild that... Well, they're cool, but they're a bunch of assholes.

190. - Behemoths. If you can defeat ALL of them, ain't you supposed to be considered as a sort of God?

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191, -Chinese pistol, 32. caliber pistol are useless at level 1. It's more effitient to hit someone with a spoon, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

192, -If you kill someone, no matter how, can make someone turn into pieces.

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