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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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429: Cardboard boxes are enough to keep food edible for 200 years\

430:moving while someone is talking is an ancient secret thet was lost when the bombs fell

431:experimental mirv launcher+aimed straigt down = i can see my house from here

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432: All the raiders are agitated because nobody has had sex in the last 400 years.

433: A cave full of unkillable children calling you 'mungo' is the one true hell.

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435: you can loot body armor, guns, grenades, bullets and food from an eyeball fifty miles away from its original owner.

436: likewise, you can insert power armor, rocket launchers, and fire hydrants into that same bloody eyeball

437: Save your home vault and all the inhabitants within it however many times you want, you'll still be booted out by your best friend after you make her president of said vault

438: you own a spaceship with a deathray and probably wipe out most of canada, but you spare the satellite controlled by your mortal enemy.

439: Get smacked by a fire hydrant, shot at, set on fire, stabbed, slashed, pummeled and punched at half health and you will survive. Fall twenty feet from full health and the only thing left is a lifeless body.

440. single-handedly destroy a fascist military organization with laser guns and power armor, get ass kicked by a scorpion.

441: you kill the nastiest monsters in the wasteland over and over, but getting sneak attacked my a mole rat or a roaring ghoul sitll scares the living s*** out of you.

442: you can drown while in an air and water-tight tin can.

443: raiders will still try and butcher you when you have very evil karma.

444: despite the lack of rain, all water systems from puddles to the potomac are filled to the brim with (mostly.) drinkable water.

445: even knowing he raised a genocidal maniac, your father is at worst disappointed in you. (until you accidentally shoot him with a BB gun.)

446: the smallest caliber bullet can pierce 8-inch steel armor, but not the thinnest wooden table or window.

447: it is impossible to overdose on any drug.

448: evolved mudcraps kick ass.

449: a raider shooting a rocket launcher at a highway jammed with cars is not a good time to be travelling along a road.

450: you don't die of infections, blood loss, diseases, exposure, or starvation (unless there are mods.) no matter how many times you are shot or bit by rabid dogs, ghouls, giant mole rats, crabs, or DESTROYED by deathclaws.

Edited by Flipout6
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451: Cromwell and Nathan are fanatics

452: Moira is definitely a Nutcase

453: Vance and people (The Family) are actually very nice folks

454: Fast travel is your friend for getting around a game crash every time situation

455: Even if you don't normally have god mode enabled (tgm), do so before fast traveling to locations like GNR Plaza. I learned this the hard way. You never know what might be waiting for you.

456: Modding can be lots of fun, and some mods are extremely useful.

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