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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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108 - Chilling in front of the Capitol Building is NOT a good idea. ESPECIALLY if you are with an army of followers. Wanna know why? Jump on several traps and get your squad wiped out, then tell me!

109 - Doesn't matter if you have the heaviest equipment, the best furniture of stimpaks and, of course, doesn't matter if you are capable of taking down the whole Wasteland with your own firepower: s*** WILL HAPPEN.

110 - Got ammo? Got weapons? Got armors? Got a 20-men-army under your command? Ready for submitting the Wasteland? Yeah? Are you sure? That sure? Ok, fine. I think those Deathclaws think differently.

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111. If you're crippled and nearly dead, all you need is an hour of sleep to be healthy again.

112. If you're in a Tranquility Lane Lounger, you can live forever.

113. Kids can keep Super Mutants out of Lamplight Caverns.

114. Apparently, the local Super Mutants don't like to travel away from The Capital Wasteland.

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115. - Shishkebabs ARE made for cooking. And guess what.

116. - The Experimental MIRV is the source and the solution of ALL your problems.

117. - Addictions are more lethal than Radiations.

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121. there are only 2 friendly super mutants in the entire game, the others will kill you

122. you can beat and shoot your dad all you want he'll just go unconscious for a while

123. if a group or faction say you have to ingest or inhale something in order to be one of them, don't do it.

124. bad things happen to you when you are unconscious

125. when you get that small part of your brain back, surprisingly no one wants to help you get it back in.

Edited by soulknightX
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