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[REVERSE MOD REQUEST] Introducing the death knight to TES V: Skyrim


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Hello everyone! Here I am starting to work on my "first" skyrim mod, where I'll be atleast trying to introduce DK:s into skyrim. :laugh:

I've already started with some basic stuff such as passives, and have some spells planned too. What I WANT FROM YOU GUYS is

for you to give me ideas and thoughts of how this could be made a reality. Right now I plan on making a few spells for the (playstyle)

and some passives that makes them fun to use in-game.




Mark of the fallen king: You curse an enemy, making your attacks heal you and deals additional damage. Lasts for 7 seconds.
Warcry of the fallen horde: Increases nearby allies damage, total stamina and health for 40 seconds. (Probably a power with daily cooldown)
Ideas already made a reality:
The Risen Knight (Passive powers);
  • Frozen blood: You take 35% reduced damage from frost attacks.
  • Death comes for all: You can always walk on water.
  • Undying Resolve: 30 points to armor. 20% Magic resistance.
Blood for steel: Lowers your health and increases your armor by 50 and total stamina for 20 seconds. (Lesser Power)
Call of the Grave: Summons an undead servant that will follow you until it dies. (Power?)
Death Coil: Fires a ball of death and decay, dealing damage and dealing damage over time. Lasts 6 seconds. (Spell)
Edited by ownsyouhard
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