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CTD at Vernon Square can't leave Statesman Hotel


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nah won't load, your running Fose too huh?

yrp, from what I read its manditory for most mods


run this game directly from the fallout3.exe and see what takes place ,other than wmk spamming the heck out of you, you should be able to save this game with out fose Enabled, a hard save once into the game in this fashion will allow me to use your saved game file. you send that up steam so I can download and test a fose less archive.


I am trying to isolate the code here..yeah I know all about this and that, but this is important enough to you, you'll do it.

there are FWE patches and mmm patches I am not familiar with seen here, where did they come from?


I am down loading whats missing too.

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I got all this crap a while ago and I don't have the best attention span so I couldn't tell you where I got half of it! I do know there all from nexus if that helps.




hope this is right, I loaded it from the regular fallout desktop icon. Also thank you for your time and effort guys!

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got it,trying it now:

EDIT: no good with or with out mods, it will not load.

But not all is lost yet, I'll change some things here and force load it.....then we see what the cat drags in..

Edited by Purr4me
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ok, got in and then left the building with all DLC's and mods turned off, no problem. so, ill load them up 4 at a time, rinse and repeat and see if i can find the bug for you.


I never give up...

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found the problem, and your not gonna like it, just as you step outside that door...all the currently loaded mods are spamming their goods.


What is stopping the spam is only a single esm...yeah..nice...and I'm the bad person to break the news.


Take a good Educated guess as to which esm is at fault? IF you guess right, you'll see a kudos show up.


If not, well PM me and I'll tell ya.


no Fose or with Fose ,don't matter...only thing that matters is I know what's wrong. And I can't say it.

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