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[POSSIBLE SPOILER] Anertus Flores found dead in Waterfront, a case of


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I've also got Anertus Flores's body lying around (more than 50 days so far in my current game!!). I've been carrying the ring and letter around since about day two and still haven't found anything else relating to this. I even broke into the shack listed as his not far from the body only to find some other npc in there who didn't seem too happy to see me break in. Not sure what else to do with this or perhaps as has been said it 'adds local colour'.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Local color????


Uh, it is still confusing.


The term "local color" is an idiom that means "the traditional features of a place which give it its own character"


In reality, Anertus is quite likely there as preparation for a quest that has not yet been created. Until that occurs, I see him as being local color for the waterfront area.

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  • 6 years later...

This thread is dead so I'm probably kicking a dead dog, but I found this guy interesting. I had a female character called Aisha and I've just finished playing with her before I bought a new pc. Seeing this body and the note and everything with a new character I'm playing felt as if she's still somewhere around :'D

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