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Extra headparts not showing

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I am working on the race called the Dagi-Raht, but have encountered some problems and incompatibility.

The ears of the Dagi's are an extra headpart, and are used as a Misc so the Tri files work for expressions and such.

The problem is that i have had multiple reports of the ears not showing, so the question is as follow:


What is causing additional headparts not to load when more mods are installed and how do i prevent this from happening?


Some more info on the ears:

the nif files are set to have the same color as the hair, and set as the "SBP_30_HEAD" bodypart.

What i could do is set it to ears instead and make it a armor addon for the naked Dagi skin armor and put it in the "ears" bodypart. but this would unequip the ears as soon as i would put on a hat of any sort, which i am trying to prevent from happening. Besides i don't know if the Tri would still work after that.


The reason i am asking this is because Google is as much help as.. well.. Google, and i am less experienced than most people here.


Thanks in advance!

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