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Need Help With Papyrus

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Hey guys I am trying to learn scripting, I need some serious one on one help. Pretty please.... I have made a new race, that I want to have the cannibalism perk automatically. I have tried a few different things a few different ways, please help me lol

Edited by Lillysdad2009
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I have tried that. The only thing that adds the cannibalism perk that I could find is the ring of namira. I really want it to be an ability as opposed to an equipment. I tried enchanting my race's custom skinnaked but it didn't work. So far I have tried to write a script to make the enchantment ability acquired through a magic effect but that didn't work either. Mainly because I don't know what I'm doing lol. Any help would be really appreciated my friend.

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Since we are on the subject of stuff that I am unable to do.... I have also been trying to find a way to add a custom movement type to my new race to increase their speed. But... that hasn't really been working for me either. I have searched online A LOT and I've found forums about the subject. But none of them are quite as specific as I really need them to be on account of my noobness. :facepalm:

Edited by Lillysdad2009
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Well, I got it working.... Sorta. I never got my scripts to work, but I at least figured out why. Notepad++ AND the CK are not compiling my scripts properly for what ever reason. I never got the DA11Cannibalism perk to be assigned to my new race automatically. I did however manage to make it work by making a new perk, and adding it to the perk tree. So the new perk isn't automatically assigned to my new race. But it is still race specific, so even if another race gets the new perk it won't work unless they are the new race. Edit: Not quite what I was looking for but I can live with it anyway.

Edited by Lillysdad2009
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