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is there a dragon age mod that..(see page)


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Hi guys, i am playin dragon age origins but cant seem to find the person i need to talk to to further the quest. Is ther a mod that shows you where to go?? I know ther is one for WoW, if anyone can tell me where to find it that would be amazing because i am stuck rigth now :(


Edited by brillo123
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Heyas Brillo welcome to the nexus!

Well... it would really help to know where you are at in the story. And who you need to talk to.

It might help you to use a walkthrough. http://guides.ign.com/guides/14290725/ scroll to about the middle of the page and there's a link for walkthroughs.

Also, some of your quest locations (not all) can be seen on the area map. Just tap the M key on your keyboard to bring up the map. Sometimes the quest locations will be marked by special icons. And you can change the target of the quest, by going into your journal and selecting a quest to "Make Active".


Hope this helps! :)


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