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How to place a prop in game.

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So I've made several buildings and walls etc. in 3ds max that I want to add to my game. I exported them using the Eshme DAOTools. I just for the life of me can't figure out how to put them in game =(


Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by danatoth666
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ummm SERIOUSLY not my cup of tea in this area. Above and beyond my ability to comprehend the tutes for this, so I'm afraid that I know very, very little. Other than you have to create a "dummy area" of the .are (I THINK!) file of the level that you're wanting to put it in.

The toolset wiki from bioware would probly be your best bet in finding tutes on what you need to do and how to do it.



Sorry that I can't really be of any real help :(

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Heyas! Sorry to double post on your thread, but I think that I found a method to do it via script.

http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Useful_Scripts Look for the link that reads Insert content into an existing area

That might be the one that you're lookin for.


Also, please be aware that patch 1.04 screwed up some of the way that some of the scripts work. So it "might" be necessary to uncheck/deactivate the mod when starting up a new character, play the new toon til a savegame point, then exit the game and recheck/reactivate the mod.

That seems to work for making that bug not fire off on the scripts that get bugged by the patch. Like I said, I dunno if this script would be affected by it, but adding that information in, just to be safe ;)


good luck! :thumbsup:

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