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Better Friend of the Night Scripting Help


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I think this is the right topic to post this under....


I'm not exactly new to modding; I create a personal mod for each of my playthroughs over the years which usually subsists of custom armor, weapons, companions, etc. For my current playthrough I'm trying to create a new version of the Friend of the Night perk that gives the player low-light vision whenever the player DOES NOT have protective eye-wear equipped like sunglasses or a power armor helmet. Later I realized I would have to script for the first time (dun dun DUNNNN).


I thought this would be a pretty simple process when I started out but my complete inexperience with scripting has become a big problem. The messy script I came up with first checked if the player had the perk, then if the player did not have equipped any of the items from the form list I made; if both of these conditions were fulfilled then the low-light vision effect from cateye would be applied. Not sure what exactly went wrong but unsurprisingly the script didn't work :psyduck:


Basically I was hoping that a more experienced modder could give a tip or two about how I'd go about making this mod. I like the concept of it a lot and might add it to the Nexus when it's finished. Thanks so much in advance!

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