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Corrupted Game, how do I fix?


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Ok went back and re-did all above, with a completely new folder (saved old one in backup)


Completely deleted the entire skyrim folder so it would recreate a new one, now Logs show up as a folder, but nothing is going into the folder -_-


Took a few tries to make one, but here ya go...I hope


<script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=CPnzq2BC"></script>

Edited by Fatumetfatis
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Whelp....if someone finds a fix....yippee, otherwise when I get home from taking the family camping I'll delete everything and start from scratch.


Probably use one of those pre-made saves that skip some of the basic quests..


R.I.P Fatis, greatest Wood Elf Archer in history.

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So what happened with that log? Did it crash when loading or when you go to a certain place?


Crashing when loading can be workaround by loading a previous save and if it loads, then you load the current save.


Well as always, use scalpel mod that I showed you.

It can fix it.

Edited by igotnousername
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Whelp....if someone finds a fix....yippee, otherwise when I get home from taking the family camping I'll delete everything and start from scratch.


Probably use one of those pre-made saves that skip some of the basic quests..


R.I.P Fatis, greatest Wood Elf Archer in history.

Where are the "pre-made saves"??

I'd like a save that already has the Thieve's guild quest part way done. At least so i have the extra vendors in the Ragged Flaggon, without having to do all the little jobs in each city.


Is there a way to start a game and "select" what quests should be already completed??

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Whelp....if someone finds a fix....yippee, otherwise when I get home from taking the family camping I'll delete everything and start from scratch.


Probably use one of those pre-made saves that skip some of the basic quests..


R.I.P Fatis, greatest Wood Elf Archer in history.

Where are the "pre-made saves"??

I'd like a save that already has the Thieve's guild quest part way done. At least so i have the extra vendors in the Ragged Flaggon, without having to do all the little jobs in each city.


Is there a way to start a game and "select" what quests should be already completed??


go to mods > categories > saved games

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