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Faster Looting Deleted?


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Anyone know what happened to Faster Looting? It seems to have been deleted. Is anyone continuing the work or making a new mod along those lines?


I still have my old mod file but it's from three patches ago. I haven't touched DA:I in a while and wanted to make sure everything was functional before the new DLC hit.

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My guess would be (and I could be wrong here) that the mod author took the mod down for the time being due to the mod not working/having issues with patch 8. Since the most recent version of DAI modding tools was taken down due to some problems and has yet to be fixed, the mod author would not be able to fix any issues that occur with their mod with patch 8. If that's the case, then the mod author probably took the mod down for the time being to avoid people downloading it and then commenting that it doesn't work for them.



This is just a theory, though. There are a number of reasons the mod could have been taken down/set to hidden.

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