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Plasma Rifle Mag. Accelerator Aiming Fix


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First of all, thanks so much for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me. Secondly, I just want to warn you that I don't really have any modding experience.


Anyways, here goes. I don't use true ironsights; I prefer using a reticule. My problem is that the plasma rifle, when equipped with the mag. accelerator modification, is so bulky that it blocks your aim unless you turn on true ironsights. I was wondering if there was any way to create a mod that lowers the rifle's on-screen placement in first person mode? I imagine that it would be an easy fix, but I don't know the mechanics behind it, so it could be impossible for all I know. Anyways... thanks again for your time, and if one of you wonderful people actually fixes this, I will be forever ingratiated to you.


Here is a screenshot illustrating my problem. See how the targeting reticule is below the rifle's ironsight, so that my aim is blocked by my own gun. Click on the image for a better view.



Edited by CJOLL4
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I prefer using a reticule. My problem is that the plasma rifle, when equipped with the mag. accelerator modification, is so bulky that it blocks your aim unless you turn on true ironsights. I was wondering if there was any way to create a mod that lowers the rifle's on-screen placement in first person mode? I imagine that it would be an easy fix, but I don't know the mechanics behind it, so it could be impossible for all I know.

You can change the center of the model which will introduce all kinds of problems (reload animations not quite lining up, a little more clipping in the grip and others), or you can focus on the weapon mod itself. How would you feel about changing the mag accelerator mod's mesh. It's an easy fix, won't mess anything up with the weapon itself and it may not take a lot of editing to clear enough space to see your reticule again. I can't say for sure on that last part though, since I don't use the plasma rifle....it may take a significant amount of scaling.

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Would it be easiest to just make the mag. accelerator entirely invisible? Make it so that it doesn't change the plasma rifle's appearance at all? That would be a great solution as far as I'm concerned. If it's as simple as hitting "delete" or replacing it with the default plasma rifle mesh (or whatever the mechanics behind it are), then it sounds quicker and easier than fiddling around with scaling and editing the appearance.

Edited by CJOLL4
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Here you go. Shame the plasma rifle only has one weapon modification, but I'd imagine there are tons of mods that add more.


Untested in game, but it should be fine since it's just setting the weapon mod path to the original model.


It works perfectly! Thank you very, very much! *hugs you enthusiastically* It's really admirable that you spend your valuable time improving other players' gaming experiences. I wish there was a way to pay you for your services.


If you don't mind me asking, just out of curiosity, why don't you upload mods like this to the Nexus so that everyone has access to them?

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Thank you very, very much!

NP brother :thumbsup:


If you don't mind me asking, just out of curiosity, why don't you upload mods like this to the Nexus so that everyone has access to them?

I do, I'm just behind schedule currently. There's quite a few I need to write up descriptions for, post screen shots for etc.

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