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Problem With Editing The Sniper Rifle


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I am making my 1st model and am using the Fallout 3 sniper rifle as a 'base'. I have the meshes complete but when I save and exit then load again, the Clip and Bolt Action Lever go back to their original places, but the scope doesn't.... Also the clip and bolt have some sort of dashed line to them.... Is there a way to save them to the positions that I want them to be at?
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I really dont know a whole lot about weapons but anyway.

Maybe it has something to do with the center of the object.


Try placing the center of the object onto the controlled parent node. You can do this by importing the sniper rifle nif into blender along with your other stuff.

Select the empty for an animated node and hit shift s to snap the cursor to it and then selecting your child object move its center to the cursor.


Its worth a try anyway.

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The way I understand it is that the nodes an dotted lines are animation refrence which I reckon is hard coded, but get rid of the node an that part of the mesh will center on the zero, so you probalby have import or export extra nodes or animation not selected, It be hard to keep up with all those settings...


Save, exit, and load again why? Open the Sniper rifle mesh. Press A to unselect all. Select the little nodes everywhere you see the x y z arms that span out of them, you can grab those to, press H to hide them, hide the collision too. Now you should just have the geometry. Right click the part you wana edit first. Press Tab to go into edit mode. Press / on the numpad to center on this item an cull everything else. Do you editing an press / on the numpad if you need a perspective of the other parts. Switch thru texured an solid mode as well as orthographic view (transparency so you can see thru the mesh) as you are editing an moving the camera around.


Okay got some work done hit Tab to exit edit mode. Press Alt H to unhide everything, Press A to select all, export, Nif, have your export settings for a static or weapon item which you'll have to look them up. I keep pictures on me computer to help me with this. It's exported now but that's just a back up really, keep working on the other parts until it's finished then export that one. Exit blender move the final to the desktop, then get a freshly unpacked vanilla sniper rifle mesh an place it on the right side of the final mesh on the desktop. Then you'll be moving the Nitri shape/strips only nothing else from the final mesh to the vanilla mesh, update aray on bi nom an tangents on what you pasted, spells batch update all tangent spaces with the root selected, save it, test it.


You need the Wiki yo Nexus Wiki an nifscope paste method Create a toothpick The new place to go for articles but articles is still around too lot's of stuff there The ole Articles Also you find a few tutorials in the pinned topic here in the blend forum Read This First Then you know if yer gona ask a mesh question here I like it when there are pictures it makes it more fun for everybody.

Edited by GrindedStone
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