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A Khajiit Honor Sword


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FIRST and FOREMOST: I wanna mention the blade I have in mind is from Star Wars the Old Republic "Cathar Honor Sword"


I know I'm just a nobody on the nexus with little to no real modding experience, I can make anything already in the game have different stats/effects but when it comes to non vanilla content I am and idiot child XD


With that said, I wanted to get into the why first, if that's alright.

I was playing SWtOR and obviously a good looking sword is expensive, got it anyway and the sword was awesome, but it didn't really feel like a sword to me It felt like a lightsaber with a metal blade :sad:

and Since newer media suggests Khajiit are proud warriors who are on the frontlines of any battle (half quoted from ESO alliances page) I figured, it would be logical for such proud warriors, to give their elite honor guards a special weapon as both sign of office, and a powerful weapon with which to guard whatever it is they are guarding (:3)


The picture attatched in this post is a picture of the Honor Sword from ToR I see a lot of people making and releasing mods based on/including weapons/armor FROM other media so I figure worth a go.I Can sorta mod Blender for oblivion, but Skyrim's new(at the time) stuff you gotta do to make a blender mesh skyrim quality I don't understand it anymore XD I think it is an awesome looking weapon (and albeit a bit long for a 1 hander, Khajiit are rly strong lookin so I figure they can handle it) and I just wanted to see it in my favorite RPG of all time (next to Morrowind that is <3 <3 <3)


I hope somebody feels the same, and that this sword finds itself in the cold harsh land that is skyrim, in the claws of a proud Khajiit warrior (namely the player if they are Khajiit) I know it's a lot to ask cuz everybody is busy with their own projects (who are still modding skyrim that is) and that not every request gets made I mean they're more like ideas which we have a plethora of. but IF someone does make the sword, I want to say I would be VERY appreciative and thanks a lot in advance!


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