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Game crashes each time I try to save.


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your current game save is probably corrupted. go to you game saves folder, normally Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Saves, and see if theres any files with the extension .tmp



if this is the case, you can a) start a new game, or b) find an earlier save that is not corrupted and will save



once you do either of the above, download and use these following plugins/utilities:



CASM- Cipscis Auto Save Manager (any auto save manager should work)


FNVEdit Training Manual- tutorial on how to use FNVEdit


FNVEdit - New Vegas version of ElminsterAUs FO3Edit (run the master update function to help eliminate game save corruption)





hope this helps

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There's a 99% chance that if you just master updated with FO3 edit (FNV edit) that it would repair the current save game allowing you to continue,

while also avoiding this issue in the future.


Though it's unrealated, for some reason master update resolves the issue.

I wonder though if it occurs in Vanilla without any mods installed.

I doubt it does which means it's an issue linked to using .esp

Edited by GrindedStone
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in FO3, the autosave and quicksave features were quite buggy and high chance of corrupting saves when used frequently (CASM or any autosave manager avoids this issue since they use a script to force save, ignoring the default save system all together). apparently the same bugs have been brought over to FNV


but i agree, .esps also seem to corrupt game saves.

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open the console with "^" click on your character in 3rd person and type "kill". The save will reload and you will be able to save again, which was not possible before.

Here is the drawback: You must do this each time after starting NV fresh (from your desktop). Also long as the game is running you need to do it only once.

I have a theory about whats happening: Your animations are stuck. Killing your character makes the game enigne reload all animation data fresh. The savegame

data is conflict with the game engine data. Animations are not stored in savegames, true, but SOMETHING in the savegame, something very obscure to me, messes

arround with how the engine HANDLES animations.


I found out about this in a funny way: I loaded a save, but if i saved a game, my game crashed. After restart i forgot the save was "faulty" and loaded it again. I got blown up

in an explosion and the save normally autoloaded again. I walked arround a bit and saved. It worked. Then it hit me it the game should have crashed! After much trial and error

i blew myself up with a frag. The save re-autoloaded again and i saved succesfully. Blowing yourself up has the same effect as typing "kill": Animations get complete reloaded.

Lucky, huh?

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