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First Person Camera Bug after switching camera mode


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Hi guys,


I recently installed some mods for my Oblivion. I used this great tutorial from Predcaliber:



I followed every single step. I started a new game in first person and everything worked fine. After a few hours I accidently switched to the third person mode by clicking the middle mouse button.

After switching back to first person the camera looked like the camera in the enhanced camera mod for Oblivion. I could see my whole body. But I havent installed this mod.

In my opinion this perspective is quite annoying. For example the torch is extremly near your face and when blocking with a shield my whole sight is covered by the shield.(see in the picture)




Another thing is, that after talking to npc's the camera switched every time to an extremly near third person view.

Now I want the original perspective back. But I dont know how.

Strange thing is, that in older saves the perspective has been fixed. But the old saves are too long ago. Dont want to play everything again. :D


I hope you can help me :D

(sorry for my bad english)

Edited by peterzwegat94
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Based on the video, you are using Oblivion Reloaded. I just had this exact same issue, a few days ago. I was able to figure out to disable the CameraMode option in Oblivion Reloaded ini, which is in your OBSE, Plugins folder. Oblivion Reloaded also has an enhanced camera like mode. I disabled that too (for a reason I don't recall) and use the original Enhanced Camera mod. Oblivion Reloaded has a lot of great customization options. In your Shaders foloder. Each component has an ini you can edit to your preference.


Good luck

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Thx for your answer.


I opened the Oblivion Reloaded ini and it looked like this:



WindowedMode = 1
FoV = 90.0
WaterReflectionMapSize = 1024
WaterHeightMapSize = 512
WaterDisplacementMapSize = 256
WaterManagement = 1
FarPlaneDistance = 283840.0
NearDistance = 10.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType = 1
CustomEffects = 0
FrameRate = 1
RamDisk = 0
CombatMode = 1
CameraMode = 1

Average = 30
Gap = 3
Delay = 10
FadeStep = 0.5
FadeMinObjects = 5
FadeMinActors = 5
GridStep = 1
GridMin = 5

Drive = Z
LodFiles = 1
FarNifFiles = 1
LowResTextureFiles = 1

ForcePOV = 0
OffsetX = 0.0
OffsetY = 16.0
OffsetZ = 5.0

EnableWater = 1
EnableGrass = 1
EnablePrecipitations = 1
EnableHDR = 0
EnablePOM = 1
EnableSkin = 1
EnableTerrain = 1
EnableBlood = 1
EnableShadows = 1

EnableUnderwater = 1
EnableWaterLens = 0
EnableGodRays = 0
EnableDepthOfField = 0
EnableAmbientOcclusion = 0
EnableColoring = 0
EnableCinema = 0
EnableBloom = 0
EnableSnowAccumulation = 0
EnableBloodLens = 0
EnableMotionBlur = 0
EnableLowHF = 0
EnableWetWorld = 0
EnableSharpening = 0
EnableSMAA = 0

EnableShadersFolder = 0
TraceShaders = 0
TraceShadersSamplers = 0
TraceShadersValues = 0
TraceFiles = 0
TraceCulling = 0
InternalLog = 0



You said that I have to disable the CameraMode option. But how exactly does this work? The option ForcePOV was disabled before.

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You can set the 'CameraMode' setting in 'Main' section to 0 to disable changes to camera. Like that:


CameraMode = 0

I know you made this post back in 2015, but I just want to say thank you! I recently started modding oblivion and I ran into this same issue. I read all the notes the mod author had, read posts on the mod page for almost 2 hours, couldn't find a solution. Then I stumbled upon this post and it worked! Thank you so so much!

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Ah. Well. No problem. I think it should also have been mentioned in the readme file (the html one). Hmm. I need to check it... :unsure:


Edit: Yes, it is also in the readme. For version 6.1.2, the readme is in "...Docs\Oblivion Reloaded v6.1.2.html" and says this about CameraMode:

CameraMode = 1
Enables/disables the real first person view, smooth movements, several configurations.

There seems to be the Nexus page embedded at the top of the readme, so remember to scroll past it (in the actual documentation html, not inside the Nexus page frame). Hopefully that helps, if someone does not find it. The explanations for the commands are in the readme html, just remember to scroll past the Nexus page frame of sorts that is located at the top. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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