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A Horse


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Sunny Smiles has been asking me for a horse from day one. If she don't get a horse soon....well, I probably don't have tell any of you.....something bad might happen.


Well tell her to get up off her butt, stop taking pot shots at geckos and downing the beer and learn 3ds Max or blender.

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Ok, so I started this topic a long time ago. But yes, unless Bethesda makes at least a few certain parts of Oblivion open source, we won't be seeing horses anytime soon. And the theory of a horse isn't so far off, it could be a scientist saved a bunch of animal DNA one being a horse.


We could get custom animations and such made, but it is highly unlikely anyone is willing to do so much work for free. So again we aren't seeing it anytime soon.

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Hey glad to see you CrossfireX

S.E.R has died since last time, However i did release a single encounter.


And on another forum I've seen a horse mod going pretty well, the creator is simply having trouble with trying to get the skeleton of the horse to accept the players when they ride, seperately the horse isn't so bad, but together it looks absolutely ridiculous.

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Ok, so I started this topic a long time ago. But yes, unless Bethesda makes at least a few certain parts of Oblivion open source, we won't be seeing horses anytime soon. And the theory of a horse isn't so far off, it could be a scientist saved a bunch of animal DNA one being a horse.


We could get custom animations and such made, but it is highly unlikely anyone is willing to do so much work for free. So again we aren't seeing it anytime soon.


And there are horses in the fallout comic Fallout: New Vegas - All Roads (from darkhorse) as well, chance and the guys ride them. It's too bad someone couldn't use the brahmin skeleton as a base and tweak that. I'd be ok with a two headed horse.

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Yeah, I noticed SER died. I plan to try again at some time, but not until I am up to par with scripting, and NPC dialogues and quests.


Now back on the topic of horses. There is someone who did make them ingame using Oblivion data. However due to EULA they cannot share it. So in this case, I would say, the only way to get it, is to do it yourself, I am asking if they might give instructions atm, so that people can do it so long as they have Oblivion.

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