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Timer Script, need help


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Hi all,


I'm trying to create a timer script that they have spent 3 days, add a topic, and go to the next quest stage, but I'm having problems ... Can someone help?


if ( GetStage aa1 == 6 ) && ( doOnceX == 0 ) 
              		Set StartDay to GameDay
				set state to 0
				set FinishDay to (StartDay +3)
				addtopic 1
                        set doOnceX to 1

if ( doOnceX == 1 )  && ( Gameday >= FinishDay ) 
				Setstage 1aa 7
				set state to 1
    				addtopic 2
				set doonceX to 2              		



Please, help me :)

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You should use GameDaysPassed rather than GameDay, as GameDay is the day of the month and will go wrong when you enter a new month.


Hi, first of all, thank you very much, I understand what you mean, but I dont know how to do it.

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Just replace wherever you have "GameDay" with "GameDaysPassed"...


I don't know if that's really how your script looks or if you just put in random names for the variables and stuff, but on the first part you have "GetStage aa1" and the second part you have "SetStage 1aa". Also, if that's the only place you have the "state" variable, is it really necessary?

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Just replace wherever you have "GameDay" with "GameDaysPassed"...


I don't know if that's really how your script looks or if you just put in random names for the variables and stuff, but on the first part you have "GetStage aa1" and the second part you have "SetStage 1aa". Also, if that's the only place you have the "state" variable, is it really necessary?



There are random names, and the "state" variable is for a topic condition. I test it and comment it. Thanks!

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It works! Thanks!


Sorry, but I was wrong, it didn´t work well....


Now, I have this:

if ( GetStage aa1 == 6 ) && ( doOnceX == 0 ) 
                       Set StartDay to GameDaysPassed
                                       set state to 0
                                       set FinishDay to (StartDay +3)
                                       addtopic 1
            set doOnceX to 1

if ( doOnceX == 1 )  && ( GameDaysPassed >= FinishDay ) 
                                       Setstage aa1 7
                                       set state to 1
                            addtopic 2
                                       set doonceX to 2                        

Edited by Wyrm1331
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Maybe you can try changing it to (StartDay + 3). I know that spacing matters in the if statements, so it probably matters for that too.


If that's not the problem, exactly what is happening when you try to use the script?

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Maybe you can try changing it to (StartDay + 3). I know that spacing matters in the if statements, so it probably matters for that too.


If that's not the problem, exactly what is happening when you try to use the script?


I'm gonna change it and test it and then i will let you know.


when i test it, after three days nothing happens, any window appears and it goes on in stage 6

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