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Best Modders


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You mean Xilverbullet? His work is interesting, though a little clunky. I can't wait until people like him start using my favorite mod author--JRoush. The guy works in xml's, so he can do things that would normally be impossible. For OBME or that plug-in where all your spells can get their own icons, he deserves high praise, and I love his alchemy overhaul, even if it could use some cosmetic sprucing. He is still actively answering forum questions, too.


How about the people who worked on Martigen's Monster Mod?

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The reason I hadn't mentioned any race mods is, personally, I don't run any new races. Some of them look as if an amazing amount of work has gone into them graphically, but tattoos / massive pointy ears / Anime Big-Eye syndrome faces put me off, and that covers about 90% of the new races I've seen. I'm also not happy about sacrificing ESP slots for something I'm not going to make use of, so unless it's done as part of something like the Race Rebalancing Project where there are other reasons to install, I *PERSONALLY* wouldn't put an additional race in.


This does NOT mean i don't want to see people praising the work of race creators if they DO use them of course. And I also have to say I was most annoyed that Nehrim had taken the MALE version of Ren's Mystic Elf head mesh to use as the basis for one of their races, it makes the female characters extremely tough to generate of you don't want to end up with the look of an elderly transvestite.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Haven't seen any mention of Qarl. He made several major contributions to Oblivion. Other good modders have built on that work, but I can't think of Oblivion and mods without thinking of Qarl too. Ren comes to mind, too. I could list at least 20 great modders without stopping to think, but those two have impacted a lot of people's games and inspired many other modders to build on what they did.


I agree with all the names which have been mentioned here so far. My Modder to Watch Award would go to VadersApp, for what appears to be the biggest technical advance in a long time. VORB-VadersApps Oblivion Real Bodies. While this is a very new mod what it does just drops my jaw. As soon as it supports the hair mods I use, I am probably going to switch to this despite heavy investment in a different body system in my game. 600 body types already? Proportion balancing and more planned? Clothing and armor that works for all of them? Every NPC with a different body? Existing clothes and armors not hard to convert? Only came out in February this year and more bodies and features still planned? OMG. A modder to watch.



I think this mod combined with the advances which have been made and are about to be made to the beast races is going to change the game massively. I just hope they will all be compatible somehow.

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I am not going to mention the "best modders", but those who really impressed or surprised me over the years and got me back into CC creating and editing, even though I have not released anything yet. Not here anyway XD.


Ren - for the first real "beauty pack" for Oblivion and a lot more custom content. Oblivion wouldn't be the same without it. I got back into texture work because of the mystic elves and all the awesome races that followed.


VanillaBeans - for Romuska Fantasy Store, a great boss raid mod with the best weapon enchantment scripts around, period. I learned so much about the construction set by simply taking that mod apart.


Gizmodian - for beautiful meshes and textures that really are different and so pretty, I don't even.


xilver - because Midas Magic is a lot of fun, even after all this time. I could not play without it.


vipcxj - for all his great scriptwork, (expecially on the air fight system. It his been in my game for only a week now but I already don't want to play without it.) If you ever think something can't be done in Oblivion, vipcxj will go and write a script to make it happen.


KURESE - for beautiful armors that actually make sense as armors and beautiful, clean meshwork.


skeletonK - for the most stylish armors around. Period.


Mktsang - more awesome armors! Not all of his work is on the Nexus, but damn. Keep up the good work!


Maton - it's a shame that he's not here anymore. His 3_bows mod was and is awesome.



There is a whole slew of asian modders who do beautiful original work but Kjikirimi has already mentioned most of them. I still want to add a few, like Q-TA, Hisssa and mingyannu.

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In no particular order and keep in mind that this list is totaly incomplete since it's quite imposible to name them all in one post:


  • LHammonds: Well, this DUDE is indeed a machine like his member title tells. He's been realy helpfull around here and is currently involved into a mod project I'm very interested in. He wrote good and helpfull articles and he knows when to be serious and when to joke. I could dedicate my entire post to him, but time is short so you'll have to find more by looking at this work.
  • WilliamSea: The author of some of the best Oblivion mods I played. I totaly like his modding style and thanks to him I have spent quite a few hours of my life with a WOW expression on my face. He can have the credit for that.
  • Trollf: Mods like Armamentarium and Farmers Strike Back are just a few that I can think of right now. His list is longer than most other modder's lists and all the files are right there in the top of my preferences. Thanks man!
  • Phitt: Very skilled and his mods are just something you must play with at least once. Diversity is also a factor, becouse he modded all sorts of things, from helmets, house mods to weather mods.
  • Korana: Her modding skills are beyond anything I have imagined. She's friendly, helpfull and beautiful. She can turn even the most simple object into something that looks incredible and her incredible detailed house mods are simply the best I've seen.
  • reaper9111: A very talented modder that has made some incredible mods. The details are a priority in his mods and you WILL BE overwhelmed by some of his work. One can spend an hour or more only looking around at what he made.
  • Emma: She's realy helpfull and talented and friedly. Her mods are very apreciated by the community and by me of course and she's always ready to help a new if needed. A good addition to this community.

There are so many more I could name, but that would take me a whole day and like I said this list is totaly incomplete.




Cheers and beers,


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Theres lotsa modders who have been inspirational for me and i can see some of them listed and some are not.


Bethesda blogs has been doing interviews with modders from our community.


Morrowind modding interviews

Oblivion modding interviews

Fallout3 modding interviews


You can post and nominate people to be interviewed.


I highly respect and have learned a great deal from more modders than i can name. but Also there are meta modders who have devoted themselves to making tools to aid us.


My best modder is amorilia who wrote pyffi and leads the niftools development for blender nif scripts and also is active in all areas of niftools projects.

Including lots of technical help provided to us modders. I am eternally grateful.

Edited by baduk
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All the people behind FCOM.

especially Oscuro and Martigen.

xilver or something? The midas magic thing.

Ren with her/his beauty pack/race.


These are/used to be my favorite mods.

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