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I Will Pay Money If Someone Fixes Pipboy Readius...


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...OK, well, maybe not really. Actually I would offer to pay money if I didn't think it'd get me banned.


Seriously though, here we have one of the greatest Fallout mods ever (IMO), yet it's so broken. Here's a list of issues from the Bug Thread:


1. EMPTY HAND ANIMATION, where you don't see the Readius appear until the hand stops moving.


2. THE LEFT SHIFTING ISSUE, where upon exiting the Readius with weapon(s) drawn your arms/weapon(s) come up on the left side of the screen.


3. THE AUDIBLE JINGLE ISSUE. From what I understand there's an electronic sound effect you're supposed to hear when activating the Readius. I'm unsure when exactly you're supposed to hear it and/or how often... I never have.


4. PIP-BOY LIGHT ISSUE #1: When you've entered a new area that had to load (such as the game loading a new area after passing through a doorway), the Pip-Light doesn't work initially. You first have to open then exit the Readius for the light to come on.


5. PIP-BOY LIGHT ISSUE #2: When you turn on the Pip-Light, then open/exit the Readius, the light 'appears' to have been turned off. Clicking the light to turn it back on actually turns it off. You have to click it a second time for it to come back on. The Quicker Pip-boy Light by Sarge 198 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35631 helps, but is by no means a fix to the problem.


Now I don't know the real story, maybe AlexScorpion has denied permission for anything to be done to it (which would certainly be his right) or no one's capable or willing, I dunno. I am grateful to Brianide for bring it over to NV Nexus. If I had the know how to be able to fix it and the permission to do so, I'd make it my free time's highest priority.


So am I alone here? Is anyone else eager to see it's issues resolved?

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Brianinde is the original scripter of the fallout 3 version of the readius not just the porter for new vegas so most likely if it could be fixed it would have been. As i remember some of those bugs were in the fallout 3 version as well and were never taken care of so they most likely all have to do with the way the readius is handled in replacement of the pip boy and aren't adjustable (The work around). Although I think the left handed weapons are from a twisting skeleton in the animations and are fixable by creating proper animations, not using nifskope to animate (which i think is what alex did) but i'm not sure, Id have to ask him. Edited by ecksile
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Thanks for the responses and clarification. I still cling to the hope that someone, somewhere, somehow.... maybe Brianide or Alex.... maybe someone else, will take the reigns and tackle this project.


If that person is reading this, I (and so many others I'm sure) appeal to you to fix the Readius.


Thank you.

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