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Fallout 3 is Lame

David Brasher

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@David Brasher


A lot of what you don't like about FO3 is what makes it FO3.


You don't have to like it or play it. But not liking it doesn't make it lame. It just makes it a game you don't like.


For those of us who do like it the game experience is similar to playing Oblivion (big open gameworld similar to Oblivion's) with different stuff going on in that world.


It seems there are a fair number of players who prefer one over the other, but it doesn't make either game superior to the other. I play both.


:) llama

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200 Years? The storyline and lore is all wacked. Looking at the game world, I would say that the war was like 20 or 25 years ago. Not 200. Everything is so fresh and new. Do you really expect paper and cloth to hold up for 200 years out in the weather? And what about all this food? Scavengers would pick everything clean in 20 or 25 years. There would be nothing left to scavenge. There certainly isn't going to be food in stores and cola in machines after 200 years of intense scavenging. And would the food be any good? NO! I don't care how many preservatives you put in it. I know some survivalists who horde food. Most foods in the store reach their expiration date within a year. Most foods you store go bad within 7 years. (And they don't taste good at this point. I have eaten enough old food to know.) A few things might be kept 10 or 15 years, but they are going to be so rancid and stale that you can hardly choke them down and might get sick. That makes that nice fresh rad roach meat look pretty attractive if the packaged food is 200 years old.


Massive ammunition factories. Fallout is not like any movie you have ever seen. (Think of Mad Max, The Road, The Book of Eli. Ammunition is scarce!) Civilization has fallen but there are still a lot of mines, chemical plants, and factories all focused on supplying the raiders with lots and lots of high quality ammunition that is fresh and has not expired. (Old food tastes bad or rots. Old ammunition has lots of rounds that become duds or jam the weapon. Certain things could become unstable and explode or spontaneously combust. And if your powder is not dry, it is not going to work.) So it is good to know that all those people still have good jobs in the ammunition industry and that civilization has not completely fallen.


Gore gore gore. It is kind of ugly and nasty, but that is how war is. But what annoys me is unrealistic gore. So I shoot this raider in the head and chest several times. He falls dead and his severed leg fly off. What? I didn't shoot his leg! Why is it severed? I shoot this other raider in the chest several times and his whole body explodes in a splash of blood. Give me a break! I was not using dum dum bullets. I did not use a grenade. I did not use an RPG. This was not an artillery round. Bodies don't explode like that! That is just stupid. They should save the exploding bodies for when there is grenade or a mine or someone gets hit by a long burst from a heavy machine gun or something.


Dear David,


As You may know Fallout storyline has not been developed by the makers of fallout 3. I would like to comment on some of Your observations as marked.


1. 200 years is a reasonable amount of time, no one would survive in the wasteland if they got out in 20-25 years. But I agree with Your point about the clothing, paper etc. You see when fallout 1&2 was developed by Black Isle it was not so. The people You see outside are mostly people who got out of their vaults at some point, and pretty much everywhere was a wasteland with random metallic scrap lying around. The communities were miniscule etc.


2. Exactly, in previous fallout games most bandits and raiders use spears, knives and makeshift weapons etc. but it was changed in fallout 3.


3. I agree with this too, You see in fallout 1&2 if You inflicted truly massive damage to an opponent they could die in a gory way but it was not always so, and it was a bit realistic. In fallout 3 no matter what You do everyones' head falls off.


I will be honest here, Bethesda ruined fallout by such a childish approach. I can imagine the developers saying "OMG OMG OMG OMG lets make everyones' head fall off it is so awesome and funny is'n it is'nt" Please go and play fallout 1&2, I played fallout 3 until I got out of the vault and could not stand it for more than 15 minutes, nevertheless I played 1&2 numerous times. You will see the difference. I was never fond of bethesda, and I find their storytelling, and rpg structures childish, cliche and boring, with fallout 3 they have proved it once more. I did not mind what they did with their elder scrolls but once I heard bethesda would be doing fallout 3 I immediately assumed that they would be ruining a perfectly fine merchandise and I was proven right.


Oh by the way I am not trolling or flaming (considering this is my second post people might be inclined to think so), I am here to play oblivion, just for casting some spells around and see people fly and enjoy the graphics that is all, I needed some mod advice and saw this post accidentally.

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Fallout 3 is awesome. The dark setting adds quite a lot to the game play. Oblivion has more replay value however, and a more extensive and beautiful world, but they are two different games. One thing I really didn't like in Oblivion were the repetitive Ayleid caves and dungeons and forts, they all seemed the same. In Fallout 3, there were only new things to explore, it kept the game fresh and continually fun. If Fallout 3 was the size of Oblivion, or even (dare I say it) Morrowind, it would have been a solid contestant for the best rpg/shooter game ever.


In any case, Bethesda Much Love for you :)

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Oblivion is a good game but what makes it great is the world and the mods imo, fallout 3 has far more interesting quests and characters, not to mention you actually have speech options, something that oblivion always lacked. As far as realism goes dont praise Oblivion while bitching about realism, I think theyre both games that need to be played with a little bit of imagination, seriously if you would die after 1 shot everyone would hate it.
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I loved fallout 3. If not for fallout 3 I woudn't even be an Elder Scrolls fan. When I saw oblivion was made by Bethesda I bought it. Besides, fallout 3 really makes you feel like your there. It was depressing in some manner but immersed you in the consequence of human behaviour (or human stupidity) Thats what I loved about the it. I guess its a love it or hate it game. Then again aren't all games like that? Edited by shopsD
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